
Well Known Member
I live in Oregon and hanger on Van's homefield of Aurora. When it rains, which is most of the time, I get a pilgrimage of worms inside my hanger from under the sliding door on my nice light gray painted floor. Now this isn't just a few worms, but hundreds and hundreds of them. Once inside the hanger, they dry out and die, leaving the floor literally covered with dead worms. I have grown tired of sweeping up dead worms!

Does anyone know of a solution to this interesting problem?
I have heard that sprinkling "Comet" cleanser around the front of the door track will prevent them from crawling in....It is supposed to keep mice out as well....I have never tried it myself, but if it ends up working. Let us know.

Have you considered making a deal with the "early bird." :D


John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
When I saw the subject of the post I thought maybe you were talking about the local airport gang. I was going to tell you to stop passing out beers. ;):D
Have you considered making a deal with the "early bird." :D


John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

That was just wrong........ ;)

I would just go to the local garden center and find out what chemical would kill them within a 20' radius of the hanger. I'm a "chemicals for better living" kinda guy.
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One of the better know RV/Rocket pilots in my neck of the woods (he set a bunch of time-to-climb records) had a horrible problem with mud daubers. He tried everything but couldn't get rid of them. He'd kill dozens and it wouldn't make a dent.

He finally started following them to see where they were getting the mud. It was down by a man-made pond. He sat out there with a 22 rifle and shot them as they came out of the water with the mud. I don't know if it solved his problem but I think he was pretty entertained for a while.

In summary, maybe you can find out where they are coming from and kill the source...

hangar worms

Down in the southeast we would pick up all the worms, and after flying, go fishing. I'm sure there must be recipes for deep fried or broiled bait if the fish aren't biting. Here in Florida we fish with shrimp, and if the fish don't co-operate, guess whats for dinner? :D ;)
Too funny!

Have you considered making a deal with the "early bird." :D


John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

Oh John, that one cracked me up!!

I think if you treat the worms like "slugs" and add a thin line of coarse salt
across your door opening (it doesn't take much salt) If that doesn't work,
get out the "22".

In the summer I too have a problem with earthworms and their pilgrimage in to my swimming pool when it rains.
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Repelling Worms

I'd try nitrogen-based fertilizer on the grass around the hanger. Worms are very sensitive to changes in the nitrogen content in the soil. Too much and they leave the area.

Safer than pesticides and would probably work out better than salt around your RV/concrete hanger floor/apron depending on your hanger setup.

Downside: more mowing :eek:

Good hunting,
Be thankful for the worms. You have a continuous supply of fishing bait to use when the wx is too crappy to go flying. Market them to the locals and put the money towards aviation go juice. Sell the dried ones in small baggies with instructions on how to re-hydrate them.