
Well Known Member
DVR'd a show called "Red Tail Reborn" that was on PBS a couple of nights ago, and just had a chance tonight to sit down and watch it. It's about the Tuskegee Airmen, a story that's long been close to my heart, and a P-51C that had been restored in their honor.

15 or 20 minutes in, one Doug Rozedaal appeared on screen, with footage of his beautiful F1 Rocket interspersed through his interview. I thought I recognized the name, and ran a quick search here on the VAF forums. Sure enough it's our own "B25flyer" (which makes sense after you see "Red Tail Reborn").

Anyhow, as I said before, the story of the Tuskegee Airmen has always been special to me, and this show did a good job of presenting some of the Tuskegee background before delving into the aircraft restoration. I've looked high and low on Amazon.com, and can find very little written about the Tuskegee Airmen. There are a couple of books by a couple of the 332nd FG veterans, but little in the way of what I would expect for a subject of such historical importance as this. I can't believe nobody has made a film about the subject or written a good Stephen Ambrose-style book about it.

As an aside, you can imagine how difficult it was for me to find a way, in words a seven year old would understand, to explain to my son what the show was about, and why the Tuskegee Airmen had to train and serve separate from white pilots. I settled on telling him that at that time, many people in our country had very wrong ideas about other people just because their skin was a different color. He looked at me with a puzzled face and said "That just doesn't make any sense. Why would they think that?" Out of the mouths of babes.

I was excited to learn through the show that the restored P-51C was intended to be used as the flying centerpiece of a traveling education exhibit that would teach airshow goers about the Tuskegee Airmen. Don't want to give too much away in case some of you get a chance to see the show, but the aircraft was pretty much destroyed in a 2004 crash that fatally injured pilot Don Hinz.

The Minnesota wing of the Commemorative Air Force has taken up the herculean task of once again rebuilding the airplane. You can track their progress here: www.redtail.org, and donate to the cause if you desire. They'll soon be getting a donation from me.

And when I do get my RV built someday, it WILL have a red tail.
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I had the pleasure of meeting Don on a few occasions as he had a hangar at my airport. He was a great guy and loved aviation. Sadly tragedy struck the Hines family again when his son was lost flying in Iraq. The project is moving along, but as many things they need money to rebuild the project. If anyone is looking for a great organization to donate a few bucks to please visit http://redtail.org
Wanted to revive this thread...I got my Red Tail Project hat, and misc. items in the mail yesterday for sending in my donation to the project. This is a GREAT way to get some history back in the air, and support a great cause.

Send in some money, get a cool hat, and get this historical project in the air!!


BTW...I'm not affiliated in any way, I just think it's a great cause...:)
A great endeavor ...

Wanted to revive this thread...I got my Red Tail Project hat, and misc. items in the mail yesterday for sending in my donation to the project. This is a GREAT way to get some history back in the air, and support a great cause.

Send in some money, get a cool hat, and get this historical project in the air!!


BTW...I'm not affiliated in any way, I just think it's a great cause...:)

And fellow RV'er, Doug Rosendaal is a key guy associated with this initiative.
Good people.

Got the hat too ... Need to get another in time for Osh!!

There was one and another is coming ...

[QUOTE I can't believe nobody has made a film about the subject

Not a bad movie:


HBO Films (I think) did one and has played it several times. Good movie. Did a lot to get the "story told".

Coming in the not too distant future is one by no less than George Lucas of Star Wars etc. fame.

See here ... http://www.themovieinsider.com/m2426/red-tails/

I'm sure it was a fine movie. It was a good project that Don had. I tried to set up an interview with the folks who took on the project for a story with my day job. I thought I'd get more cooperation than I did from the folks, given that Don Hinz was a local guy. But they only wanted to do it by phone and I think the PR person who I had to deal with was really put in the middle. In the end, the project folks weren't particularly accomodating, even though I said I'd go anywhere at any time, and made clear that I was (and am) a pilot in Don's city.

I'm used to being blown off by people where requests for stories are concerned, but this surprised me because the atittude wasn't at all what Don Hinz was about. I thought the connection with Don would've meant something to the people who so nobly took on the project, given that his family was still here and getting some publicity for something he loved so much would be a good thing. Phone tape and no images? Ummm, no.

And that was too bad because Don -- whose son was later killed in Iraq and lived here in my town as his dad did -- was all about spreading the gospel of the Red Tail. It's a pity that that spirit seemed to die when he did.

We have a GREAT story to tell in all facets of aviation. We should be more willing to do what it takes to tell it.

I won't be asking these folks again.
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