How do you?????????

How do you get the video to open? I've been to this site twice and don't see what to click on.........?
Thanks, :confused:

I believe that video player is flash based, so make sure you install the latest flash plug-in.

That video is CRAZY. Major cojones.
JCN247DE said:
My point is, if you are going to post something like that to share, please make sure it is "contained" in a sterile domain without the other visual garbage and links to questionable areas for our kids!
Jeff, point well taken. It was a link sent to me by a pilot buddy, and I hadn't noticed the other stuff until you pointed it out. I spend so much time online (for work) that I tend to just miss all the noise on the page (ads and such). Had I noticed it, I certainly wouldn't have posted it in the format that I did. My apologies, I will be more careful in the future.

PS - I updated the original link to Alex's cleaner version.

That video gives me "groundrush". Those wing/bird suits are getting quite popular in the sport. Groups get together to jump and call them "flock" dives. There is a fellow who thinks he can safely land one but has yet put his theory to practice. I"ll continue to use my RV or a parachute for my landings.

Blue skies - Rob
Steve, LOL! I'm going to have to remember that one.

After watching the vid, a friend of mine said, "I did that once, when I tripped going down the stairs, but it didn't end as well." :D
Safe surfing

JCN247DE said:
... I should have checked it out first but there are a few areas on the web that I assume to be family safe. The VAF forums are one of them.
This is a difficult problem, since the advertisements are dynamic, location based, and even "behavior" based.

You might go to a site and see only innocuous ads, but come back later the same day and see something a bit more racy. If someone has used a PC to surf to more adult-oriented sites (I don't mean "porn", but things that adults typically read), then the cookies on that PC can tell advertisers it's not a kid, but an adult, so they can put out different advertisements.

The IP address of the computer also changes the ads. It's easy to tell a home user from a corporate user - and again the ads will change.

If I write words like "Home Mortgage" in this post, Google ads will see this string, and start putting up advertisements for those products. (Gee, I hope they don't pick up on the "adult" content I mentioned above!)

I don't have an answer, but it sounds like what you are doing with your son is the right thing - surf with them. I've got a couple more years until I have this issue with my girls, so hopefully someone will have come up with some better solutions by then.