
It'll be impossible to do this, until the day someone does, and then we'll wonder what took so long. Just like diesel locomotives, and jet airliners, and microwave ovens and VCR's: the first one will break the bank of a small country, and then our g-kids will be getting iJets for Christmas!
It's just engine technology going where noone needed it to go before, and of course there'll be a jet RV someday!
Practice your rivettin' guys, you'll want to be current when this kit hits OshKosh.
Clay "Cookie Monster" Cook
H'mmm, I would think the 'mission profile' of this new jet engine would be very similar to engines used on cruise missles today. The airframe size and engine thrust is similar, optimized for low altitude sub sonic flight and low fuel consumption. Obviously you would want to be able to use the engine for more than just one flight though :).
Kit Realities

I think the realities of doing an RV- type kit will impose some limits on the flight envelope of this future jet kit:
1. Unless you want to build a wing with slats, you're going to have to choose an airfoil that'll give you a reasonable final approach speed into your local 3000' strip, and that's going to limit the top speed. We're probably looking at WWII fighter/Cessna T-37 type performance.
2. Figure on retractable gear, with dependable free-fall extension. Though the ME-262 was originally a tail dragger, it ended up a tri-gear, so it'll only be a RV-XA version.
3. No prop up front for bird protection, so much heavier windscreen.
4. No way I'm Pro-Sealing the entire fuse, so pressurization is out! Cruise must be optimized for mid teens to low twenties.
5. Speed Brakes or Thrust attenuators for sure.
6. A DC-10 type vertical stab might give the best location versus access placement for a single high bypass jet.
7. Just wait until we see the paint schemes for these!!!!!!
Clay Cook
Former T-38, F-111
alt power

I was hoping to see more innodyn or some type of turbine growth in the RV world. Cost of avgas is :eek: But so is the cost of everything else. The outgo is growing faster than my income :confused:
What is missing is the pilots. Can you imagine how many problems this kind of thing would create? Most VFR pleasure pilots are behind the curve flying aircraft like a Cirrus, a jet would be a complete disaster from a training and proficiency standpoint. A large percentage of the Private (and even non-professional commercial) pilots out there fly Cherokee's and 172's for a reason, that is as fast as they can follow the airplane.

Just not practical.

If it existed, I'd be trying to figure out how to get one. Even if I had to build it. It would be nice to cruise around fast in the mid to high teens. There is no one else up there. Except maybe the "rocket" drivers. Be even better finally PASS one of those guys... :)
Build it and they will come. Insurance companies will dictate who actually gets to fly one. (as usual) :-(

Anyone remember the BD-5J? Understand they are just waiting for a more fuel efficient engine to resume production.