
Well Known Member
Just saw on CNN that the shuttle is being shuttled (pun intended) back to FL from CA this morning, so I went to www.flightaware.com and found it. Its listed as NASA 905. Their first leg is Edwards to Amarillo. They are flying really low, only 15,000, I'm assuming for weight issues. They are currently northeast of Phoenix, 327kts at 15K'. If you track their flight, you should be able to get some inflight photos, with a zoom lense of course. I'm posting this at 9:21am Central.
Addtional info: The 747/Shuttle is following a NASA C-9, ID'd as NASA 932 that appears to be about 40-50 miles ahead. It took off from Edwards three minutes ahead of the 747 also destined for Amarillo. Must be a support bird. They've been flying even lower, 11,000, but currently climbing through 13,000.
Ferry Flight Trivia....

Cool Tobin!

FYI, we fly the "stack" so low because we have to keep the Orbiter within certain temperature limits - it is still full of water loops and some fuels, and without significant external power, the heaters don't operate, so we have to keep the fluids from freezing.Because we have to fly it so low, the fuel flows are high, so legs are short....

The C-9 is our latest "vomit comet" zero-G airplane....we literally ran out of KC-135 airframes that had sufficient structural life left to use them for zero-G parabolas (which require lots of 2-G pulls...), so swapped to a C-9. In this case, it is a Weather Recon ship - it runs out in front of the SCA to scout for good weather - no rain allowed!

They better stay away from Houston today - started raining about dawn and doesn't look like it's gonna let up any time soon. Hey TODR, where are those ark plans you guys in Dallas were looking at?!


Thanks for the "inside" info. BTW, the shuttle just past directly over Amarillo a few minutes ago. Still at 15K', 344kts.
Looks like they're on the ground, must be short range at 15K .... maybe they'll fly over Big D, that low we'll be able to see them!
Now I'm completely confused. Flightaware is showing a departure time from Amarillo for both the NASA C-9 and 747 at 1245 CDT with a destination of Offutt AFB, Nebraska??? I realize there is a big wx system out there but looking at SAT/Radar, seems better to go SE through DFW towards Alexandria LA, then along coast line. I was hoping for a late afternoon flight today in my -7 to hopefully catch a glimpse.
Ironflight said:
Cool Tobin!

FYI, we fly the "stack" so low because we have to keep the Orbiter within certain temperature limits - it is still full of water loops and some fuels, and without significant external power, the heaters don't operate, so we have to keep the fluids from freezing.Because we have to fly it so low, the fuel flows are high, so legs are short....

The C-9 is our latest "vomit comet" zero-G airplane....we literally ran out of KC-135 airframes that had sufficient structural life left to use them for zero-G parabolas (which require lots of 2-G pulls...), so swapped to a C-9. In this case, it is a Weather Recon ship - it runs out in front of the SCA to scout for good weather - no rain allowed!

They better stay away from Houston today - started raining about dawn and doesn't look like it's gonna let up any time soon. Hey TODR, where are those ark plans you guys in Dallas were looking at?!


Hey Paul,

Whats a C-9????

frankh said:
Hey Paul,

Whats a C-9????


Navy name for a DC-9....er, MD-80....er....MD-88....er, Boeing what?! :confused:

And looking at the radar right now, I understand the left turn....it's not allowed to fly through ANY rain showers - even light stuff - cause it will damage tiles. No way across the southeast today!

We might be haviong a break right now...think I'll run to the airport and see if I can sneak in a little flying....
On their way

They're back back in the air, heading for Nebraska. This photo shows both the C-9, and the 747 heading north out of Amarillo.
