
Well Known Member
After seeing my other investments decline by 30% over the last year, I'm glad I've protected some of my money by investing in an RV! :)

The way I see it, if I didn't have the money in the RV it would have been in the stock market, so in a sense my real cost is about 30% less then the actual cash outlay. And believe it or not, my fiscally conservative wife agreed.
After seeing my other investments decline by 30% over the last year, I'm glad I've protected some of my money by investing in an RV! :)

The way I see it, if I didn't have the money in the RV it would have been in the stock market, so in a sense my real cost is about 30% less then the actual cash outlay. And believe it or not, my fiscally conservative wife agreed.
Yes, but you know what the logical extension of this argument is, don't you? You should sell your RV right now and invest the proceeds in the market while it's at a low point. In a few years (+/-) you could buy a REALLY nice award-winning RV or buy yours back and have quite a bit left over to start on a second RV! :D
think glass is half full! (like selling a completed RV in a few years, to someone who did get rich on the stocks, for way more than it's worth, and then using THOSE procedes to build an even NICER one!!) :p

just kidding.:D