
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Sorry for the off-topic post, but I am trying to find out of anyone knows anything about a fatal Murphy Moose crash at a private/airpark strip somewhere in Arkansas this afternoon. I just received a note from one of my oldest friends, and He said that his father-in -law went in today landing at his private strip "returning from Florida" (I'm guessing S-n-F).

Homebuilding is a small world, and maybe someone knows the circumstances. If there's something to know, I'd like to be informed.

I'm not interested in starting a debate on the topic - if you know something, could you please PM me? Thanks!

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Very sad

I had a nice chat with this couple at Oshkosh last year. Very nice folks!
They loved the Moose and what it allowed them to do.


We camped just a few planes from them at S&F this year. I always stop and oogle at the plane and the amount of "stuff" they are able carry in that beautiful bird. Very sad, my codolences to the family.
I spent several hours with them under their wing watching the show Friday Afternoon. You would not believe all the stuff they had hauled in that plane including a honda trail 70. One of my favorite get around scooters. It was the only Moose at the show and it was a work of art.

Folks like this are why I go. Sit around in the chairs, swapping lies, enjoying company. I had just stopped by there to look at the Moose as I have a friend building a turbine version of one. Ask a few questions, and next thing you know, they give me a chair and we gab about this and that for hours under the shade of that big wing.

Thoughts to their families.
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Kahuna said:
I spent several hours with them under their wing watching the show Friday Afternoon. You would not believe all the stuff they had hauled in that plane including a honda trail 70. One of my favorite get around scooters. It was the only Moose at the show and it was a work of art.

Folks like this are why I go. Sit around in the chairs, swapping lies, enjoying company. I had just stopped by there to look at the Moose as I have a friend building a turbine version of one. Ask a few questions, and next thing you know, they give me a chair and we gab about this and that for hours under the shade of that big wing.

Thoughts to their families.

Kahuna, I had exactly the same experience at OSH a couple of years ago with this guy.

I was hot, tired and thirsty. He gave me a chair, a drink, and shade for the airshow.

I'm ashamed that I can't remember his name, but I certainly remember his warm, open personality.

He was one of the good ones.
Man, that's terrible. Me, Jay Pratt, and Jay's girlfriend Carrol visited with them Thursday night and again on Friday. We were camping behind them not 20yds away. Saw them Saturday morning right before I launched to head home. Very friendly and very generous.
I live about 30 miles from Valley airstrip. The wind was howling yesterday afternoon. The local news said they attempted to land but went around, stalled and crashed. That may not be exactly what happened since I heard it on the news. It was not a good day for flying around here. Gusts to 30 KTS.

Very Sad,