Well that may be a great price but with the advent of the internet, I've let all my subscriptions lapse. Well, all except Family Handyman. :D
Well that may be a great price but with the advent of the internet, I've let all my subscriptions lapse. Well, all except Family Handyman. :D

I read rather fast, and do get a whole lot of info off the internet. However, I still prefer mags while reading in bed, or next to a lake with my morning coffee.

And the magazine listed, is usually one I pick up at Barns & Noble when going camping.

Too good to be true ?

I came across this advertisment for Plane and Pilot Magazine, and thought I would share it. When you use the discount coupon, it brings it to only $4.95 a year, which is 41 cents an issue. It may not be your favorite rag to read, but at that price, I'd subscribe to Ladies Home Journal.


I tried it, and when I entered the coupon code, it still charged me $9.95. I tried it 3 different times. Oh well....
Yes. I went ahead and bought it, and I then E-mailed them the link, and they credited back my account the $5.
Rip Off

I also tried to subscribe and after several attempts, using the discount code, and still seeing the $9.95 charge, instead of $4.95, I bailed out. I'm not about to place my trust in the thought that they will credit me the $5. So, I guess they don't want my business. It kind of gives you the idea that their credibility may be a little risky!!

Scam Alert !

OK, so I tried it, and here's the reply I got back from customer service when I asked for the $5.00 credit:

For Plane & Pilot Magazine:

I sincerely apologize for the confusion and inconvenience caused. Please be advised that this magazine is offered for $9.95.
The $5 discount did not apply to Plane & Pilot. And please note that www.subscription-offers.com is not an affiliate of NetMagazines. We apologize for the error, but the discount is not valid. Thank you for understanding.

Buyer beware: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Oh well, I guess I'll have a year of P&P for $9.95.
I used to really enjoy reading P&P, 'till I began to notice they've got a handfull of different issues that they keep re-using, just changing a few things. Most common are "Top 10 undervalued aircraft" "Learn to fly" or "New aircraft with a Garmin something"
Lyn Freeman, Bill Cox and Dave Gwinn's articles are the best and always worth a re-read.
My .02