
Doug often wonders how us "nawthiners" put up with the cold and snow. Well this was (for me anyhow) a sure fire cure for cabin fever. Was housebound for the last 36 hrs, during one of the worst snow storms in 20 years, which shut down the big airport Cleveland Hopkins ( CLE ) for 14 hrs. Got out to Medina, Ohio ( 1G5 ) to find three foot drifts in front of the hangar. Got the snow cleared out with the help of a big front end loader.
With the runways cleared earlier, my RV7A, N914E climbed out in clear blue skies. Called CLE APP and asked if they could work me in for "the Option". The very accomodating controller gave me a squawk. Then a handoff to the TWR who cleared me for the option after following a Continental on four mile final. About a half mile out, I asked " If it would be okay to hit a little smoke on the low approach ?" "Roger, smoke approved" A few moments later I was cleared for a right turn out, the TWR controlled said "Thanks for the show" Another voice piped in, "That was cool" Then westward into the sun. What a rush. All in an airplane "assembled in my garage" Thanks again Van. As often said by others: "Keep poundin' them rivets !"

Bernie Ockuly, Strongsville, Ohio
RV7A N914E 427 hrs, 909 landings, 779 rolls, since 9/11/05
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This Nawthiner delt with winter by just getting back from hawaii:) Missed out on building while gone. I don't have a problem sacrificing from time to time. 79*-84*F :D
Return flight earlier this week 2.5 hours of the 5 hour 17 minute flight was under moderate turbulence. At least the flight attendants had an easy flight:rolleyes:
How us Nawthiners cope with winter

My self and a couple of others (Paul Tuttle) for one were all over Doug last year when he made one of his "snow" in Texas posts, when it was basicly heavy frost! At least this year it looked like it qualified as snow...the snowman photo did the job and prevented me from scoffing.
Here in New Brunswick, winter is still in full force, -15C this morning. Interesting experiance yesterday though. We had about 6 hours of ice pellets overnight and I went out to snow the morning and when I walked on the snow banks in my driveway I didn't even leave footprints. No go with the blower, so I tried to get the car out. Thank God for 4 wheel drive Subarus, because the car went up on top of the 18" bank behind it and sat on top! I going to have to wait until it melts. No flying for us just yet. Still coping though!

Joe Hine
Yeah, we got over a foot and a half of snow on the weekend. The drifts are all over 8'-10' in the 'burbs, and out in the country where I live, I have 4' - 5' just in the middle of my lawn. No hope digging out the -8 for a while yet :(

And we camped out last weekend at a fly-in and thought it was cold cause it went down to 50* during the night.
The Michigan contingent...

Talk about mean: My son called me yesterday from ABQ (where he lives) just to say it was 68 and sunny.

I had been at my airport earlier in the day (57D in MI) and was just able to get my soon-to-be inspected 7A out of the hangar for an engine runup (first time with the prop installed). Couldn't taxi around because I didn't want to drive through a big pool of slush on the taxiway in front of my hangar, and no one was around to help me drag it through by hand.

He is in the process of moving to PIT, so his warm sunny March days are numbered :eek:

When he called, I was taxiing out with a student (at another airport). His airplane is already in it's new home at FWQ. So I told him - you may have warm weather, but at least I'm FLYING :cool:
Now that is just mean!!!!:)

No, no mean is our forecast for North Texas for this weekend:

"Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 80s. South winds 10 to 15 mph becoming southwest and increasing to 15 to 20 mph." :D

Now keep in mind last Thursday I had 8" of snow! No wonder I caught the Flu body just can't change that fast.
I had to cut the grass 3 weeks ago (Feb 24). Not exactly what I wanted to do that day but it had to be done. The St Augustine grass isn't growing yet but the weeds and other types of grass are.

I just finished the annual condition inspection on my -8 last weekend. I keep moving it back one month each year to get away from the heat of summer. Nothing worse than pouring sweat all over when your trying to inspect and clean.