Steve Ashby

Well Known Member
Doug, Old Pal,
I know we are supposed to keep this forum nice and upbeat, but I was shocked and amazed to see a photo of your "so called" dog on the site. He looks more like a great dane appetizer. He could be a shrimp cocktail if he were red and had a flatter tail. And that photo; a white dog on the white snow. It looks like an accountant took that shot. Frankly, I expected more out of our fearless leader. With a craft like Flash, I expected you to have a german sheppard or a black lab. With a dog that small, you might as well get a cat. Repent! and get a real dog.
Steve, that made me laugh for five full minutes.

Don't count old Moondog out....he'll tear your head off just as soon as look at you :).

Or not...

Mostly he just sleeps...and no particular order...
Dog in question....

As requested.

Do not make eye contact.

We take "dogs" like that fishing.
They wiggle and thrash and make lots of splashy noises.

...pretty good bait. :eek:

Anybody need a cat?

or two?
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I'm still looking for a dog in the pic!

Wait a minute! That is snow in Dallas? I live in Nebraska, we don't have no snow! It's was 70 here Sat, 40 here today.
I'm still looking for a dog in the pic!

Wait a minute! That is snow in Dallas? I live in Nebraska, we don't have no snow! It's was 70 here Sat, 40 here today.
I'll fess up. I brought it back from Oregon with me this weekend. Got dumped on Friday night through Saturday on Mt. Hood, figured we could use some in Texas.

As requested.

Do not make eye contact.


Cute dog Doug!

These are mine - big one is Ish (10.5 lb), small one is Bella (3 lb). I don't dress them - that's all on my wife. Don't let Steve bully you - real men dig small dogs. :D

And that photo; a white dog on the white snow. It looks like an accountant took that shot.

Hey, I represent that a matter of fact, just wait until the weekend of April 15th., make eye contact with me and I'm liable to be the one to take your head off........:eek:

Hey, I represent that a matter of fact, just wait until the weekend of April 15th., make eye contact with me and I'm liable to be the one to take your head off........:eek:

.......because Steve is an attorney...a pretty good one, I'm told. Besides, he's my buddy.

Dom' let him walk loose near a chinese restaurant he is just about eggroll size.
At least my pooch (Siberian Snow-Snorffling Squirrel Hound) is useful for certain airplane-building tasks, like this!


Don't let them get you down. At least you don't have to remove the seat to take Moondog on a flight, like we do with Torque. You also don't have to worry about your W&B like we do.

Torque, all 55 lbs of him.
(Before I hear any thing about hearing protection for him, MuttMuffs don't work on his head so he has cotton balls stuck in his ears.)
More snow is expected in DFW tonight. Doug, I expect to see photos of moonunit dog (sorry, old 80s joke, google it) happily playing in the snow. Submissions with the dog looking confused and wistfully wanting to go inside are fine too.


Looks like the vise worked. Where is that poor cat's nose? I want to go to the store and get one of those animal noses with the rubber band to attach it. What kind should I get for the feline duster?
Has anyone here taken their cat flying? We have three and they don't even like driving. I don't know if I could get a dog that's smaller than our biggest cat (18.5#). All muscle.....well mostly. He does nap after he recons his territory. It would be nice to have a four legged flying buddy.

Looks like the vise worked. Where is that poor cat's nose? I want to go to the store and get one of those animal noses with the rubber band to attach it. What kind should I get for the feline duster?
Has anyone here taken their cat flying? We have three and they don't even like driving. I don't know if I could get a dog that's smaller than our biggest cat (18.5#). All muscle.....well mostly. He does nap after he recons his territory. It would be nice to have a four legged flying buddy.
All three of my male cats are 18lbs +. My largest is 22lbs and has paws like snow shoes. Strangers to the house always ask, "what is he?" Cats and flying would probably be a VERY BAD idea. Mine are so intune with atmospheric changes that I can tell a bad storm is coming an hour before the National Weather Service sends out the warnings. So they would probably go NUTS in an airplane.
Mike H 9A/8A
Cat skydiving

As a kid, I helped a Luscombe driver take the airport cat skydiving. We made a 3' square parachute from a sheet, tied cords to the corners, and attached them to an army belt under the cats 'geeks.'

The cat sat in the right seat on top of the chute during takeoff and climb to 500'. I was out between runways with the task of catching the cat for the next jump.

As the Luscombe came overhead, it began erratic flight as the door finally opened and the cat came out. The chute opened and the cat hung in the belt and risers. He was not happy! As he got closer, I decided this cat was not one I should catch! He was more like a chainsaw a-buzzing! He landed safely, scrambled out of the make-shift harness, and ran off into the swamp never to be seen at the airport again.

When the Luscombe landed, the upholstery was torn and the pilot's right arm looked like hamburger. He said the cat was perfectly calm until he tried to open the right door and toss out the cat. Then the chainsaw act began! The cat or the pilot had to go out at that point.

As Marcel Ledbetter said, "shoot up here amongst us. One of us has got to have some relief!'

Now, at KFFC, the airport cat runs the place! He comes and goes into the FBO and sleeps beside the warm weather computer.

I am a cat lover and have had many. But, I've sworn off flying with them or abusing them!