
Chief Obfuscation Officer
A few years back, I got my tailwheel checkout from Amelia Reid's in San Jose, CA. I know several of you know the place. On the wall, she had the a document posted which I think many of you will find entertaining. It makes great material for chapter newsletters, so feel free to use it. If you want it in MS Word format, just PM me.

Rules governing the use of Aeronautical Apparatus

First Known Airplane Flight Manual
Instructions issued with 1911 Glen Curtis ?Pusher?

1) The aeronaut should set himself in the apparatus, and secure himself firmly to the chair by means of the strap provided. On the attendant crying ?contact? the aeronaut should close the switch which supplies electrical current to the motor, thus enabling the attendant to set the same in motion.

2) Opening the control valve of the motor, the aeronaut should at the same time grasp the vertical stick of the control pole which is to be found directly before the chair. The power from the motor will cause the device to roll gently forward and the aeronaut should govern its direction of motion by use of the rudder bars.

3) When the mechanism is facing into the wind, the aeronaut should open the control valve of the motor to its fullest extent, at the same time pulling the control pole gently towards (the aeronaut?s) middle anatomy.

4) When sufficient speed has been attained the device will leave the ground and assume the position of aeronautical ascent.

5) Should the aeronaut decide to return to terra firma, he should close the valve of the motor. This will cause the apparatus to assume what is known as the ?gliding position?, except in the case of those flying machines which are inherently instable. These latter will assume the position known as ?involuntary spin? and will return to earth without further action on the part of the aeronaut.

6) On approach closely the chosen field or terrain, the aeronaut should move the control pole gently toward himself, thus causing the mechanism to alight more or less gently on terra firma.
RV7Factory said:
These latter will assume the position known as ?involuntary spin? and will return to earth without further action on the part of the aeronaut.

What a frank way to explain a stall-spin on final... "yeah, you're gonna die... on to the next step..." :cool: