
Well Known Member
Not sure where to post this, but I thought it's SORT OF about safety...

I know a lot of RV drivers are business owners as well. I have life insurance through AOPA's program, but I'm just now (4 years in business) getting around to purchasing disability insurance for myself.

I got a few web sites that offer personal disability insurance, but I wanted to see if anybody out there has a good contact for this kind of thing. I'm 29 and single, so I'm not talking about huge money, but I do need something in place, and I want it to cover aviation related activities.

If you don't feel comfortable posting names and phone numbers here, you can send me a private message with contact details.

I bought my disability policy when I was 29 also; aviation was not a factor. However, rock climbing, motorcycles, etc was. Check with your agent.
I have an agent here in Indy but I don't know whether that would help you out in TX or not. I can get you his info if you want to talk with him.

agent vs company

I'm guessing that the actual company holding the policy is more important than the agent you go through. What company is holding your policy? I think the one quote I got was for Berkshire.