
Well Known Member
I got a nice love note from Addison today about how they need to raise hangar rates, mostly to cover all the improvements they've done lately. Average increase will be $50/mo, some more, some less.

I've always said that I'd stay at ADS because I'd rather spend time flying rather than driving. However, when I will be paying $370+ for a t-hangar with a leaky roof, a gravel floor and that also floods when it rains, flimsy airport fences, expensive avgas ($0.40/gal "flowage fee" profit for the city - says it right on the invoice) and ramp waits that sometimes exceed 15 mins (sheesh, feels like DFW, jetA fumes and all), all this to an airport that makes a net profit for the city ... it's enough to make me want to move. :mad:

What are others paying in the area? The problem is one of supply and demand, but what's the market price? Last I checked, RBD was $100/mo cheaper for hangars and the avgas was nearly $2/gal cheaper, with less traffic and a crosswind runway to boot (nice for the Drunken Dino).

From ADS with Love

Other Doug:

I feel your pain. My rent is going to $425/month (West side T-Hangars). We should talk. Hope to see you at LOE.

hanger rent

I guess i m not to bad off. At 6K3 my home base I pay $40,00 per month. I pay it annually, $480.00 per year. Now 6K3 is closed for updating new longer runways and parking ramp so I had to move to ONL and I pay $62.50 there. These are T hangers with concrete floors. At 6K3 I might be the only person there for several days at a time. It's like my own personal airport.:) ONL has more traffic, on a good day maybe a half dozen planes come and go. This does not count the Ag planes at ONL. There is an Ag plane there that sprays several thousand acres of Potatoes so they are quite busy.

RV9-A 0-320 D1A Hartzell C/S now hangered in ONL 32 miles away:mad:
Maybe ADS is trying to run you off because of your little airplane? Now if you had "G" plane...
They (ADS) is knocking down 42 T-hangars to build "Hangar Condos". They already have re-worked the project to make T-hangars instead of square ones and knocked the price down from $300K to $129K. I say the bank pulls the financing and the hangars stay up.

You know, if they sold the 42 old T-hangars for $20K a piece, they would have enough money to fix the drainage and add electricity.

What improvements? They fixed some potholes and mowed the grass once this summer.
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KGPM Grand Prairie

$170 month hangar rent, fully enclosed, concrete floor. Currently the cheapest fuel in the area at the self serve pump - $3.15/gal. Life is good in the south!

What do you need that hangar for anyway? Doesn't that thing fold up into a duffle bag or something?:D:p

Other Doug:

I feel your pain. My rent is going to $425/month (West side T-Hangars). We should talk. Hope to see you at LOE.

I think we should submit comments to the City, since the Airport is recommending the increases and it's not a done deal. If this will be discussed at a hearing, it is to our advantage to make the city look foolish for proposing an increase, which we can do.

Won't be at LOE - no airplane and no ride. Regardless, my sinuses are acting up and I don't want to find out the hard way that they're blocked. :eek:

Let's talk when you (and everyone else) are back.

Maybe ADS is trying to run you off because of your little airplane? Now if you had "G" plane...
Yeah, that's definitely what ADS wants .... more Jet-A, less 100LL, and I don't mean DA42s....


What do you need that hangar for anyway? Doesn't that thing fold up into a duffle bag or something?:D:p
Comes with its own backpack. You just let the air out and it deflates. :D


Is in fact there a hearing to be had? The city is bound to be tired of lawsuits from airport people....

The fact is that the contract with Staubach incentivizes them to go to whatever the market will bear, no matter how long you have been there, just like any shopping center. Never mind that the airport is a public accomodation that never cost the city a dime.
Addison Airport Public Meeting ---VERY IMPORTANT!!!


Five Year Trends and Issues for KADS

This is our opportunity to show up and FINALLY get in front of what the Airport Management intends to do with KADS. Right now, the Town Council hears only what the Management presents regarding using General Aviation Hangar Rental Price increases to fund improvements to attract Corporate Aviation. (And other such issues.)

Everybody (Myself Included) who flys out of KADS must take this opportunity to "Show-Up or Shut-Up" Really, I will be there and hope some other interested Airport Tennants and/or Addison Residents will be there

October 16, 2007. 6:30 PM
Addison Conference Centre
15650 Addison Road

Link to Addison Agenda: for Special Meeting and Work Session.pdf

If anybody wants to know more, call me @ 214-692-1995. I know of this meeting only because of a supportive Addison Town Council Member.

Ken Bruggers
I count my blessings...

Our board is almost completely pilots, therefore rent is $45/mo. The hangars were updated and re-roofed in the past year (they raised the rent from $42/mo.) If you want doors and ceiling on your hangar, put up your own (about $3500) and they are yours for 10 years. If you want something fancy (heated, paint booth, etc) build your own and sell it to the AP. They lease it back to you. It saves almost half in building costs by not having to go with competitive bids, etc.

Yes, we are VERY lucky. The airport owns enough land to help defray most of its expenses, but supply and demand doesn't come into play. Neither does graft and corruption. Work to get good people (read--pilots) on the board. Look for ways around competitive bidding. I witnessed a "competitive biding" process last week on a small cleanup job, not at our airport. One guy said he would do it for $1100. Anything over $1000 required a second bid--it came in at $2300. The first guy pulled his bid because he "hadn't understood the requirements of the job" and rebid for $2100. What a great way to save money...

Bob Kelly