He's spending a lot less than we are!!!

I wouldn't mind paying the use tax on that one.

Balloons - $75
Chair - $15
Old Garage Sale Surplus Parachute - $100
The helium is exempt, because it's something "not tangible that you can touch, pickup, or measure."

Total price:

Use tax @ 8.25% = $15.65.

He was around $1/mile. I'm sure we can beat that on a 190 mile cross country. :D
He was in the local news before he made the flight.

Although the area that he drifted through is very remote, I wonder why the FAA isn't all over him. After all he went IMC with out a IFR flight plan. :D

A few days before the flight he was announcing to the local news that he would be going and that is was for publicity for his service station.

I haven't given this much thought but I am guessing that his balloon qualifies as an ultralight and that he would have been in uncontrolled airspace? Could it be that he didn't need a license?

The guy who did it in 1982 was doing it in Class B over LA...