
Well Known Member
Our trip to Oshkosh and the Cosmosphere space museum.


I would be interested in hearing if anyone else had trouble with the 180 turn to final at Osh's runway 27?

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Nice write up Joe. Sounds like a great trip. Hopefully I will be able to get my plane done so I can have fun adventures! I miss the Cameron Park - Grass Valley area.
Nice write-up Joe - sounds like a great trip, and I know the basic route well....

Regarding the turn to 27 - I have done that many times, with the regular tower and with the Airventure controllers. I have also seen near-stall accidents on the base to final turn when watching from the ground - there is a real tendency to let the heat of the moment make folks tighten things up to stay as close in as they can (and the controllers keep saying to stay in tight), but you can always extend just a nudge to give yourself more spacing. It hits their traffic flow by about five extra seconds, but if it gives you that little bit of extra speed margin, it doesn’t matter in the big scheme of arrivals. Stay safe.

I have been sent quite a ways over the lake for spacing on many occasions, and also have turned tight short of the actual threshold - I like going a little longer.
Thanks for the great write up!

As I face the daunting task of starting a build project I found your write up to be highly inspirational. Your trip is exactly the kind of thing I am dreaming of doing with my plane in the seemingly distant future.
landing on 27

Our trip to Oshkosh and the Cosmosphere space museum.

I would be interested in hearing if anyone else had trouble with the 180 turn to final at Osh's runway 27?

Hi Joe,

We came in on Monday Morning with winds 360 at 12 gusting to 26. On final roundout of 180 degree turn to final for 27 and cleared for green dot, tower told us urgently to change to orange dot. Figured must be another plane close by with potential interference so just have a few seconds to line up, flare and touch down on orange dot. Winds were really squirrely and strong crosswind and we had some wind shear rounding out on final. Actually not sure how I made it work and land safely. Definite pucker factor for me.
Our trip to Oshkosh and the Cosmosphere space museum.

I would be interested in hearing if anyone else had trouble with the 180 turn to final at Osh's runway 27?

It is important in the heat of the moment to remain the PIC and not do anything that exceeds your skill or comfort-level. I watched a Lancair Legacy over-shoot the turn to 27 a few years ago, over-bank to correct, then stall-spin in from about 100 feet. It pancaked upside down in the dirt at the approach end of the runway, killing both occupants. It would have been much better, obviously, to abort the landing and live to try again. Not something I will ever forget or ever want to see again.
I was told to land on the orange dot. No problem. I was close in on downwind as instructed. Then the tower controller told me to turn base when I was abeam that orange dot. That certainly wouldn?t have worked. So I extended downwind a few seconds before I started my base turn. Still very tight. I never did stabilize before I was over that orange dot. But knowing there were folks watching I was darned sure not going to bounce my 9. And lo and behold I didn?t. I rolled out with an RV grin for sure.