
Well Known Member
Oh, man, I'm still flying my desk, but we launch tomorrow. Mass cookie production is in full swing. I think I have quality control duties in a bit. I checked the hangar earlier and the airplane is still there, so I guess we're ready to go!

I heard our heros, Tom and Bonnie land earlier this afternoon. I can't wait to hear about their summer adventures, as well as everybody else's. Please poke me (or Tanya) as we are just brimming with the awesomeness of OSH to interrupt the daily grind.

I awoke, barely, at 6am to the sound of the TC tornado in the other room as usual, and declared "OSHKOSH!!" (as I went back to sleep). The reciprocal statement came right back as I'm sure some critical packing must have been in process before W-O-R-K.

From the other Apollo hubbub this week, "Good night, good luck,..." And Happy OSHKOSH!

40xs - kdbq overnight, then IFR dbq -> OSH 1345Z.
