David mullet

I'm New Here
First time I flew into Oshkosh.Everything went smoother than I thought.My Viking powered RV 12 preformed great. The return flight was on the east side of Chicago about 2 miles over Lake Michigan to kekm in Indiana.Return flight was vary less stressful with the weather good,the Rv12 airframe and the smooth running engine.Total flight time home was 2hrs and 6 mins.Looking forward to a longer flight this year. Have gained confidence in this setup, as smooth and strong as I wanted Dave
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Good to hear. There are several alternative engines available for the RV-12 that appear to be used in successful installations. Viking, ULpower, Jabiru, etc....

How many hours total do you have on your Viking and what are your thoughts in general of the engine?
Ghost rider 32

I have about 75 hrs. On the Viking engine.i understand there are about 200 out there and about 75 flying.One Viking e fine has 700 hrs.the enging is 178 lbs dry.110 hp. Liquid cooled.i have flown 2 rv12 with the rotax engine and this has more power.please email for more info.I do not represent the Viking engine manufacturer and have no skin in that. [email protected]