
Well Known Member
Just a little teaser pic of what you can see at our booth at Oshkosh. This is a picture of a production model using production parts. Sorry no pics of it powered up. ;) You'll have to come by the booth for that. :p


I think my credit card just spontaneously combusted in anticipation! :D


I am looking for vacuum gyro replacements that can bolt in existing holes in the panel. Looks like size will fit the requirement. From what I remember, expected price on the web site was in the ball park with the competition.
Ahhh Jiminy Cricket ! My panel redesign is starting to be as hard as choosing a paint scheme !!!

These things are too tempting!

Is there a support group for Av Panel Addiction?

We need pricing and availability info and please post pics of the powered up unit after Osh begins.....some of us have to work to make money to buy one so we can't be at the show :(

We need pricing and availability info and please post pics of the powered up unit after Osh begins.....some of us have to work to make money to buy one so we can't be at the show :(

I'll definitely post pics after the show.

Pricing for the Gemini ADI (no ASI or altimeter) is $1000.
Can you fill us in on any details like how the interface works etc like how to set the alt and stuff like that? Backup power?

The price is right!
Can you fill us in on any details like how the interface works etc like how to set the alt and stuff like that? Backup power?

The price is right!

The ADI version is the first one off the line, so it won't have the setup of the PFD. We'll have the PFD specifics hashed out after the ADI is out and going.

For the ADI you'll only have the minimum airspeed warning. When flying at the IAS you want it set to simply touch in both top corners. The warning will then appear.

Backup power will be via an external battery. We'll also have that at the booth this year and I'll post pics after the show when I get back. Someone remind me to do that because I'm nice and forgetful. :)

Nice! I can't wait to meet/bug you a bit at OSH!

Look for the guy in the baseball cap, that'll be me. :cool:
Sorry I missed that this is just the ADI version.

How much and when is the PFD version expected?
I found a response from Lucas where I asked these same questions a while getting old and forgetful!:

(From the Trutak Forum)
Hi Brian,

1.) $1300 for the PFD.

2.) Yes and no. It will have a velocity vector display, but also show true pitch attitude. This will be a user selectable option between the two.

3.) Baro set will be done on the main screen with the touch screen controls.

4.) It is a transflective display, so direct sunlight doesn't diminish its readability.

5.) There will not be an integrated battery to save weight. We do have our ADI battery. We also sell TCW products, including their Integrated Backup Battery System.

6.) Just like the ADI, power, ground, RS232, pitot, static. That's it. Dimming will be internally controlled with a user selectable level from the main screen.
Very cool. No airspeed display? Battery backup?

What I'm getting at is whether this would make for a good back up ADI to supplement the G3X/GX combo should disaster strike.
Very cool. No airspeed display? Battery backup?

What I'm getting at is whether this would make for a good back up ADI to supplement the G3X/GX combo should disaster strike.

The PFD version will have airspeed and altitude tapes. I don't have one of those to show yet, but I'll keep everyone informed on how that progress goes. We're on target for the October/November releases.

No internal battery as we wanted to keep the unit very small. We sell an external battery made by TCW Technologies. It's a 1.5 Ah battery that is smaller than their large IBBS.

very interesting

Just looked at the links. I like. How much will one of these cost me? I am looking for these kind of items for my 8. Economy, without vacuum pumps. I prefer electric/electronics. No fancy, glass for me, no money for that, but I do like'em. Basic day/night vfr is what I'm looking for. Very light, no extra weight either. thanks

Just looked at the links. I like. How much will one of these cost me? I am looking for these kind of items for my 8. Economy, without vacuum pumps. I prefer electric/electronics. No fancy, glass for me, no money for that, but I do like'em. Basic day/night vfr is what I'm looking for. Very light, no extra weight either. thanks


You seem to be negating yourself... however if you want form/function/economy, check out the Dynon D6 or D10.

Will it be possible to use our own backup battery? Do we have to use the TCW unit? While I appreciate TCW's products, the idea here is to keep the cost down and I know I can come up with a less expensive solution.

Did you guys move away from the arc'd DG concept that is posted on the what's new page?

The PFD version will have airspeed and altitude tapes. I don't have one of those to show yet, but I'll keep everyone informed on how that progress goes. We're on target for the October/November releases.

No internal battery as we wanted to keep the unit very small. We sell an external battery made by TCW Technologies. It's a 1.5 Ah battery that is smaller than their large IBBS.

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Just looked at the links. I like. How much will one of these cost me? I am looking for these kind of items for my 8. Economy, without vacuum pumps. I prefer electric/electronics. No fancy, glass for me, no money for that, but I do like'em. Basic day/night vfr is what I'm looking for. Very light, no extra weight either. thanks


$1000 for the ADI or $1300 for the PFD.

Will it be possible to use our own backup battery? Do we have to use the TCW unit? While I appreciate TCW's products, the idea here is to keep the cost down and I know I can come up with a less expensive solution.

Did you guys move away from the arc'd DG concept that is posted on the what's new page?

I don't see a problem with using your own battery.

Yes, we decided against that idea.

Is this a drop in replacement for the ADI Pilot II?

The AP versions of the Gemini won't be available until the first half of next year. They won't quite be a drop in replacement as the third mounting hole has to move. Electrically I hope they'll be the same. The connector layout on that isn't quite finished yet.