
Well Known Member
This is my first year being here early and enjoying the mass arrivals and trying to learn, for my time to fly in a couple years down the road.
AMAZING, how good 99.5% of pilots are, and how bad the last small portion are.
An RV on final was told to pull up and go around 3 times. Yelled at by tower and proceded to land. completely ignoring all instructions. A HUGE (largest i have seen come in) jet on IFR very close final had to pull up and do a low veer off. The rv pilot didnt have a clue. Very dangerous.

Further, all sorts of folks trying to close flight plans, call in from 20 miles out etc on wrong frequency. Some of these folks never even opened the NOTAM.

Great learning experience but BE SAFE. There are some great pilot and beautiful planes coming in. Kids say its "cool" and wife got to ride the mechanical bull at FORD booth and was filmed by Aeronews. Good times.
Every year

there are threads like this that get started, and I agree, there are enough idiots flying to OSH to give me the shivers...I have the ATC feed from OSH playing and just heard the following:
Inbound: Oshkosh, I'm inbound to Oshkosh, I'm not sure of my location, I'm over a two lane highway and there are planes all around me, I have less than thirty minutes of fuel on board and I need to land, can i just follow the planes in front of me on into the field?
ATC: What town are you near sir?
Inbound: I don't know, I'm near a two lane highway, I see the runways now, I'm going to follow the plane in front of me and land behind him if he's cleared to land, is he cleared to land? can I do that?

Simply amazing...and we wonder why we get bad press sometimes!!!

I'm listening to the same broadcast. Still wondering if the remaining Ercoupe I'm hearing occasionally will ever make it to OSH. He obviously has no idea where he is, what the NOTAM is, I doubt he has a sectional with him. Kudos to the controller for being so patient. Too bad the pilot isn't bright enough to turn around and land elsewhere until he figures it out.

I know that the first time landing at OSH can be intimidating but really !!!

Stay tuned ...

What do they do to these nuts?

Do they track down these nuts after they land? They need a team of people to track down pilots like I'm reading about here, have the FAA take their license and tell them to get a bus ticket home.

If they actually admit to not knowing about a NOTAM then they should tell them to exit the area land somewhere else and don't come back till they have read it.

These are the people that can cause a good pilot to get killed going to a show like this.

The bad thing about it is they don't even have a clue that they are a problem, they think they are just doing the same as everyone else.

This stuff is unbelievable!!!
Not unbelievable to me after having been to Sun n Fun and Oshkosh. Anyone and everyone planning to fly to these shows - even if you're flying your heavy jet - better be looking out for "little" airplanes and looking more specifically for little airplanes doing things like cutting you off. That's just the fact of the matter when you try to land thousands of planes at a single airport in a matter of a couple of days. Gotta keep your eyes open and be prepared to deviate.
I was told by a credible source that ATC has a "penalty box" and "the grand tour" for those that choose to not follow directions well. :D
There are clueless people everywhere. When I flew into Osh at about 9:00 Sunday morning, I pulled in behind an AA-5 at Ripon with a Sonex behind me. The spacing was 1/4 to 1/2 mile in both directions. Over Fisk, the controller asked if I was in a flight of 2? I replied no, looked around, and the Sonex was literally 50 yards at my 4:00 and 50' higher than me. No telling if he could see me. There is no excuse for that, as I should have been very visible to him after entering the arrival line 1/4 mile or more in front of him.

I added power and created some space from the Sonex. The controllers queried him several times on the arrival frequency but I never heard him respond.

No telling what was going on with *that* guy. When I landed on 27, he was nowhere to be found.
Im kinda lost... I thought you weren't supposed to verbally respond to atc, seems like lots of ppl are doing so? :confused:
Im kinda lost... I thought you weren't supposed to verbally respond to atc, seems like lots of ppl are doing so? :confused:

You're right, Daniel. Even after pilots have supposedly read and studied the NOTAM, it must be difficult for some to not reply to the controller as we all do in the typical ATC environment.

If you listen a lot this week, you will hear very few times when the controller requests a reply from a pilot. This morning I heard the typical "Rock your wings" from ATC, and guess what the pilot did? He transmitted, "Rocking my wings..."

ARRGGHH!!! :eek:

But as others have said, 99+% of the pilots do an admirable job.

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Im kinda lost... I thought you weren't supposed to verbally respond to atc, seems like lots of ppl are doing so? :confused:

If they ask you a direct question that requires a response, you respond. Otherwise, you wag your wings if requested, or simply comply with their instructions.
Y<SNIP> controller requests a reply from a pilot. This morning I heard the typical "Rock your wings" from ATC, and guess what the pilot did? He transmitted, "Rocking my wings..."

ARRGGHH!!! :eek:

But as others have said, 99+% of the pilots do an admirable job.


"Say Goodnight, Gracie..."
...This morning I heard the typical "Rock your wings" from ATC, and guess what the pilot did? He transmitted, "Rocking my wings..."...
A similar thing used to happen to me pretty often when I worked for Flight Service. You would have three people call simultaneously on different frequencies. You would say something like "Everybody stand by but Nxxxx," and very often you would get two people reply that they are standing by and the Nxxxx would make his call again. Stand by is a polite way to say shut up until I call you.