
Well Known Member
Returned from Oshkosh after fighting head winds both ways, I thought hitting 25-30 winds going west I would get the tailwinds on my return. (NOT) we saw mostly 30 - 40 on the nose going back to Maine. It was Long flight hours, but still a great trip even with the delays due to weather.

Saw many old friends and made new ones, what a great time.
Short 5 min video of the trip out with the other 2 RV12, PilotBrent, Skunkworks, and I converged on Springfield, OH.



A few photos from the trip on the way out.

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The 3 of us arriving within 5 min in Ohio

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The 3 in La Porte, IN

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Brent tied down, but he did have a report of trying to take off with tie downs by the airport mgr.

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Marks bird buttoned down for the bad weather

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Photo by Brent with Mark #1 and me #2

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Camping in the Home Built Area

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I am sure many of these guys that where there for the 12 get together have more stores and photos to add to this thread :D

Great time and the 12 does alright on a long x-county
Good job.

Good work, we misted you, but there were so many there it was hard to see them all, the show, the venders, the food, wow it was fun to walk 50 miles in five days. Our 8 made it for the first time, so we are looking for good weather in September to come up to Maine and see you guys at home again. I think it will take that long to recover. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
Great pictures and video. I really enjoyed getting to camp next to you guys and the plane and pilot talk. Glad you made a safe trip back. Mine back to Alabama leaving at 7 Friday morning was typical VFR with a nice tail winds for the first half before I had to go below the clouds. It then started out hot and bumpy around 2500' eventually to only 1400'. Skud running but with probably 10 mile visibility below the clouds. Lots of deviations around storms, several airport stops waiting it out and some back tracking. With the good visibility below, great instrumentation with weather and plenty of airports along the way it was an adventure but safe. I never went below half fuel to have lots for deviations. The 5 hour flight ended up taking 9 hours with stops and deviations. Your planes from my perspective:

Great pictures and video. I really enjoyed getting to camp next to you guys and the plane and pilot talk. Glad you made a safe trip back. Mine back to Alabama leaving at 7 Friday morning was typical VFR with a nice tail winds for the first half before I had to go below the clouds. It then started out hot and bumpy around 2500' eventually to only 1400'. Skud running but with probably 10 mile visibility below the clouds. Lots of deviations around storms, several airport stops waiting it out and some back tracking. With the good visibility below, great instrumentation with weather and plenty of airports along the way it was an adventure but safe. I never went below half fuel to have lots for deviations. The 5 hour flight ended up taking 9 hours with stops and deviations. Your planes from my perspective:

It was great meeting you too Scott. I almost made it all the way back to NJ without sig. weather. Only had to divert once to wait for better ceilings...but it was the last 50 miles of a 700 mile day! Fantastic week nonetheless.

Maybe next year we can fill a whole row with RV-12s!
Finally completed RV12 trip videos to Oskhosh'17

Dave posted his trip video a number of days ago now, but I finally just got around to finishing my last one. Tried to keep each one under 10 min. (harder than you think) One of my GoPro's actually bit the dust coming out of Oshkosh... maybe I wore it out?

New Jersey to La Porte, IN (with visit to USAF museum in Dayton) - Part 1

La Porte to Oshkosh (with RIPON arrival) - Part 2

Shoreline video along Chicago
Scott you raised the quality of the neighborhood :D I was good meeting you.

Reminds me of an old joke about a guy who moved from one neighborhood to another and the quality of both neighborhoods were improved :rolleyes:.
Good to have you back on the home turf Scott!
Reminds me of an old joke about a guy who moved from one neighborhood to another and the quality of both neighborhoods were improved :rolleyes:.
Good to have you back on the home turf Scott!

Governor just can't catch a break! Are we talking about Chester Springs and Ellsworth?
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