I completely stopped reading at this point...

We lost Darwin Barrie, the co-organizer, a few weeks ago.

What exactly does this mean???:confused::confused:

Especially since I talked to him Sunday...
snip...What exactly does this mean??...snip

Darwin: Taking a break from computers for awhile (forums, email lists, etc.). I get the occasional email from him, though.

BBQ: Bob, let me know how I can help. There was a little talk (I think) of combining the Van's gathering at OSH and your BBQ. I hadn't heard from you in awhile...glad to hear you chime in.

Got it. We keep in touch frequently thru email as well, but I hadn't heard that he was not going to take part in the BBQ...:(

Thanks DR.
I tripped his trigger; blame me. I suspect a bit of burnout, which is all too common with the helpful guys. Hopefully he'll be back.
Darwin: Taking a break from computers for awhile (forums, email lists, etc.).

I had been wondering about his absence also.

I knew he was working on the rotorhead thing, thought he was just tied up in that.

Thanks for the info.

I will be there. After missing last year I am looking forward to attending. The heat and humidity...oh ya focus... old friends and beer now that's better. Ya I'm still coming!
I volunteer to eat as many brats and drink as much beer as possible (again)! :p:D I'm not helping am I? :)

No Darwin... What??? That's like the 4th of July without Fireworks. Who's going to tease and ridicule me all night? :(
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Highlight of my visit last year

Bob, last years event was the highlight of my visit to Oshkosh last year. Count me in to donate to the fund and work it again. Gang, chime in and lend a hand. This is the RV event to attend at Oshkosh, Sun & Fun and any other flyin rolled together. Opinions on that may vary, but not in my book:cool:
RV cook out

I would like to volunteer for cooking and or cleanup or set up, anything to make the event a success. Let me know and I'll be there on any day and as long as needed. I didn't make the cut last year but will make it this year.
Count on my donation and some help again.
I agree with Dana about the BBQ being, for me,
the GREATEST RV function of the year.

Let us know, when and how much,

P.S. I try to send my business to the vendors
I met there or were represented at the BBQ.

Hey Bob,

Sandy and I plan to be up there early again this year and would be glad to stake the area out for you again this year, if you like. Just let us know.


Hello Bob
I go to Oshkosh every year for about three days and I am just getting into building a 7. I heard about your BBQ the first time from other RV guys and of course it was to late for me last year to go. I would love help work whatever you need. I could donate a little money if you had a address to send the money to.

I look forward to attending the OSH RV BBQ this year! (Missed it last year, dang it.)

Let me know how I can help.
Count me in.

Make ticket prices $12 ea, $20 couples. You will spend that much for dinner & drinks anyway.
Thanks, folks. We're not ready to accept reservations yet so don't worry about individual donations at this time. We are looking for any ideas people have to make it better. BTW, you can whet your Oshkosh appetite here.
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Thanks, folks. We're not ready to accept reservations yet so don't worry about individual donations at this time. We are looking for any ideas people have to make it better. BTW, you can whet your Oshkosh appetite here.

"Thanks" Bob, After looking at the OSH videos, I'm heading out to the airport to prep the plane for OSH. You just can't begin to get ready too soon. It's only 6 months away!;)
Hi Bob,
Last year was our first opportunity to attend....don't want it to be our last. Email is on its way to you with our offer.
Probably going to miss this year

I had a good time last year but looks like this year might be out (have to save up to take daughter to mouse land this year). I'm going to miss freezing my hands fishing for beers to pass out. Is there a such thing as beer tunnel syndrome?

Count me in


I suspect I will be able to make it this year. Should that happen, both Nora and I will be able to help out.

I had better make OSH as I have to work the week of SnF. :(
This New Guy is in! Any other RV OSH gouge out there?

As a new (to me) RV owner, I'd love to attend the BBQ, and am happy to donate and lend a hand...willing to cook and/or haul the trash (will do it in that order of course! :D)

In thinking/planning about OSH, I realize I'm a total rookie (sad to admit it's my first OSH in 30 yrs of flying :(). Is there any gouge out there on RV events, where to tie down with other RVs, RV flying events, or anything a new guy ought to be aware of. I've reviewed the EAA newsletter with the Airventure guide, and will pour over that it detail in the months to come, but any tips from the vets are most welcome. Thanks!

"Rocket RV-6"

Thanks much Jeff! Checked out the thread and linked websites, and did a forum search on OSH and saw some other threads as well. Appreciate the feedback, and am getting busy with the reading! See you there!

Provided I go to Oshkosh (as I hope to) and am there the day of the BBQ, I'm absolutely in, and willing to help-out in any way I can.