
Well Known Member
To those that attended Oshkosh (I'm jealous):

1. Any update on the possibility of an RV-12 Quickbuild Kit from Van's?

2. Avweb posted an interesting video regarding a "new" Lycoming 0-233. Any word on an application to the RV-12?

Please kindly limit this thread to a factual answer to these to questions. Thanks so much.
To those that attended Oshkosh (I'm jealous):

1. Any update on the possibility of an RV-12 Quickbuild Kit from Van's?

2. Avweb posted an interesting video regarding a "new" Lycoming 0-233. Any word on an application to the RV-12?

Please kindly limit this thread to a factual answer to these to questions. Thanks so much.

If you need a quick build, Jetguy and I may be able to help you with it. Our 12 has been to Oshkosh for the past two years and anyone who has seen it can chime in on the quality of the work. We are deep in builders withdraw and need to get a fix.
To those that attended Oshkosh (I'm jealous):

1. Any update on the possibility of an RV-12 Quickbuild Kit from Van's?

2. Avweb posted an interesting video regarding a "new" Lycoming 0-233. Any word on an application to the RV-12?

Please kindly limit this thread to a factual answer to these to questions. Thanks so much.

1.At OSH 2010 they had a RV12 Fuselage there and took a survey from the crowd about weather customers were interested. Never heard from Vans on the results. Nothing about it this year.

2. IMHO if history is an indication of the future then Vans is not interested in embracing the possibly of offering a different engine on the RV12 E-LSA version. With over 550 kits issued they consider the Kit a success in its current form. They wont change a successful formula. :cool:
Thank You

Thank you for the Quickbuild RV offers. I know here are a lot of good shops out there proving these kinds of services.

Per my original post, I'm curious if anyone attending Oshkosh heard any news about the possibility of a quick build kit from Vans. I know the were doing some market research on this last year at Oshkosh.
Thank you for the Quickbuild RV offers. I know here are a lot of good shops out there proving these kinds of services.

Per my original post, I'm curious if anyone attending Oshkosh heard any news about the possibility of a quick build kit from Vans. I know the were doing some market research on this last year at Oshkosh.

Not trying to start a fight here, maybe a discussion. I know everyone has there rymes and reasons for doing things there way. But I don't understand why anyone with the skills and time to finish a quick build would wont one. There are some metal skills required, but anyone with the skills to finish the plane should be able to figure out the first 3 kits pretty quick. I understand someone not haveing the time or skills and just purchaseing a finished plane.
Every aspect of a "quick build" kit is already incorporated in the RV-12 "standard" kit. ~800 hours is dead on. The tail kit goes together in nothing flat and is FUN for a first time builder. The wings are equally easy - and talk half the time if you have one helper to rivet the skins. (Put in the clecos, load the rivets, then one guy rivets while the other pulls out clecos and inserts rivets in the holes. It goes really fast that way.) All of the intricate work is in the fuselage, but is still fun. A bit more challenging. Then (for me) less fulfilling and time-eating work on the cowling and canopy. Or, buy a used one and take a quickie weekend course so you can be the inspector - that is a major advantage of E-LSA over EAB. Or there are occasionally partially completed ones for sale. But I think the completion rate of the 12 will be very high. I am going to do a different post on the "ideal" RV-12 kit!
Quick Build? Wings-2-3 weeks, Tail and Cone-1 month, Fuselage-6 weeks, Canopy and Tank-1 month, FWF-6 weeks. Seriously, that is already pretty quick. The 12 is just that easy!
My sentiments exactly! Take a quick tour of my kitlog below and go back in time a bit. I can hardly think of anything any quicker other than buying a completed plane.

Quick Build? Wings-2-3 weeks, Tail and Cone-1 month, Fuselage-6 weeks, Canopy and Tank-1 month, FWF-6 weeks. Seriously, that is already pretty quick. The 12 is just that easy!
Building a 12 is a lot of fun not to mention a good learning experience. If you don't want to know your airplane inside and out just go buy a finished model and you can think about it every time you fly it whether or not it was built the way you would want it to be. Just a builder/flyers thoughts.
Dick Seiders 120093

Thank you everyone for your responses. I'm going to conclude from the posts that:

1. Vans didn't provide any additional information regarding the possibility of a Quickbuild kit at Oshkosh, notwithstanding the market research they were doing last year on the subject, and

2. There was no discussion regarding the new Lycoming O-233 having an application in an RV-12.

Good discussion regarding the merits (or lack thereof) of an RV-12 Quickbuild kit. It may be wise to move that conversation to a new thread, since the subject heading isn't well suited or descriptive of such a discussion.

All the best and happy building/flying.