
Well Known Member
Can you get a builder repairman certificate issued at the FAA station during Oshkosh Air Venture. It would definitely beat driving two hours to Atlanta.
Probably. I've dealt with the FAA medical folks on site and they got things fixed right away. Make sure you bring *all* your documentation, maybe a little bit more.

Good luck!

Agree with the above post. Bring EVERYTHING! I obtained my builder/repairman certificate at the Birmingham, AL FSDO. I even took all of my flying paperwork/medical/PPL/aircraft registration.... Anything regarding that airplane and the build went inside with me. They did look at my builders log and my photo album pretty extensivily asking me a few question about how I did this or that. They were satisfied and gave me what I needed.
You may want to do some due diligence and call the FSDO responsible for OSH to see who may be on site during the week. That way you may be able to speak with somebody beforehand to set appropriate expectations on what they will need and if they will have the time.