
Well Known Member
I was wondering if anyone has visited the Aveo Engineering booth at Airventure to look at their new (all-in-one) wingtip lights? They call them conforma ziptips. Skyking Bob and I paid a visit at SnF, but there wasn't a working model of the new wing tip lights - just a plastic, static replica. I would be interested to know the latest details, price, etc.

link to website below :

Evidently, they are in hanger C, Booth #3104 if you have time to check them out, let me know! :D
Aveo Engineering Ziptips

Yes, I flew my F1 Rocket up from Daytona Beach Florida for the show. Mine is the Silver (i.e. - can't afford paint and not sure what I want yet) F1 seen on the Aveo website.
I think the Ziptip lights are super cool looking and work great!! They are SUPER bright, light weight and I am very happy with them. They have a lifetime warranty.
The front lights are $1795 per pair. The aft wingtip edge lights are $695 per pair but are not available yet. (the Engineers are working on getting the heatsink area to work properly) I should have them installed for Sun-N-Fun??
If you want the lights mounted in the wingtips then they can come in a new set of wingtips and it will cost $400 more.
If you already have your wingtips installed then the plan is to provide a template for you to mark and cut out your light bucket area and graft on the Ziptip to that area. Thats what I did.
I am very happy with this setup. I think it far surpasses anything else available on the market. Hopefully, looking BRIGHT and COOL will mask my modest tail dragger skills!!
Fly safe, Tony
i'm shocked at how long it is taking them to get this product to market, you have demo units on your plane and they decided to redesign everything and change suppliers and now it is taking even longer to get these out
They were at OshKosh Airventure 2013

I saw them there, and they look like a nice way to go, but they are expensive too. If someone could perhaps deduct the Vans tips for a credit to apply towards the cost of the Conforma Zip-Tips, then perhaps they make sense. Personally, I went with the Duckworks Leading edge cut-out kit, but bought the Aveo Engineering lights. I have (2) of their Hercules 30s for landing lights (I know... I'm a little nuts!) and I also bought their tail strobe and position lights for my RV10. I intend to fly at night a lot, so this setup (747??:D) made sense for me... on that particular day... after a few drinks...:D

P.S. I really wish Aveo Engineering would become a VAF advertiser. I mentioned it at Airventure to their western area rep, so hopefully you'll get a call and some money, Doug.
They should be out soon!

I talked to the west coast sales rep about a month ago, and he said the Conforma ZipTips should be available around Sun-In-Fun 2014. For the entire package (both fiberglass tips, landing and taxi lights with pulse, front and trailing edge position lights, and front and trailing edge strobe lights) they should be $2795. The cool thing about these tips is that you no longer need to install a position/strobe in the rudder.

I installed the Aveo Hercules landing/taxi lights (30 LED model) on both of our helicopters at work. They are very high quality, SUPER bright, and our flight crews love the extra light they provide.

Aveos are a bit pricey, but in my opinion well worth the cost.
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Still working on them

I've been in contact with them on these. Not sure what form they are going to take. My understanding was that they were going to offer a module that you fit to your existing tips. Sounds like they might be offering ready to fit complete tip set ups. I should know more tomorrow.
These lights?

Received these lights from AVEO some time ago. Recently put on current RV10 project. They include, squinty lenses, nav, strobe, landing, taxi, wig-wag.

Rick, maybe you can give us some details on how you were able to get those? I'm on a waiting list (supposedly) from Aveo Florida who said an initial shipment was due in late last year and still no word. No pricing details, no delivery details, etc.

I've been dealing with them on these and swtiches and their customer service is the worst I've ever seen. Their products are amazing, and I will hang tough, but man it's frustrating!
Can I buy them now? Ok, now about now?

I'd be on that list of people that would like more info. My RV-6A is day VFR and I'd love to add lights....new wing tips with everything ready to go would be a big plus. Lenses, nav, strobe, landing, taxi, wig-wag.....yes please. :D
Wow, Rick!

Those look pretty good. I had already cut in the duckworks LE kits, so the Conforma's didn't make sense for me. Guess you gotta be a super repeat offender to get on "the list," at least initially. I think Aveo is getting out of the rocker switch biz, so that could explain their poor response times on those. Then again, I had excellent customer service when purchasing my lights. We'll see if it continues as I install them..;)
Looking too...

Hopefully those SnF 2014 attendees can fill us in. I need to either work on my wingtips or get the conforma's...but I still have time. Patiently waiting for more info in early April. Like I said, from what I saw of the prototype last year at SnF and what the lights were capable of, I am really enthused. Just wanting more info.
I think Aveo is getting out of the rocker switch biz, so that could explain their poor response times on those. Then again, I had excellent customer service when purchasing my lights. We'll see if it continues as I install them..;)

So, no more rocker switches? Is someone else making/selling them?
Lighted Rocker Switches

I think there's a fellow on VAF trying to make a business to supply something like what Aveo used to sell, but perhaps he's just engraving switches, I don't know... Use the VAF search feature, and I'm sure it will come back with the thread.
We are on it...

Skyking Bob is on the job at SnF 2014 - he has promised to fish out the intel and report back. He is also checking on the availability of a group discount purchase - so stay tuned. We will see what Bob comes up with and how many more are ready to "go" - I know I am. :)
Yes, Lynn is currently working with the supplier of the switches and setting up the laser engraver.

I'm hoping details become clear at SNF. I'm going to Oshkosh this year, not sure if they will be up there or not, but I'm hoping so. I didn't get to see the wingtip lights lit up last year. Supposedly the manufacturing facility in Florida is up and running this year.

Thanks for getting us info, I'll be patiently waiting!
ZipTips Premiere .pdf brochure

I just received a .pdf of the new ZipTips Premiere brochure from Aveo. Here is a link to the .pdf I put on dropbox. If you can't get to the .pdf, PM me your email address and I'll email you a copy.

Don't get excited......the 8 page .pdf doesn't tell us anymore than we know right now, and all the photos are computer generated. There is no pricing or dates listed. :(

Zip Tip Pics

Here's a few inside/outside pics of the Aveo Zip Tips I put on my last RV10, will copy these on my current 10.

These lights combine nav, strobe, landing, taxi, and wig-wag features.

I think they'll look sweet once the paint is applied around the lights :rolleyes:.

Looks great Rick!

I also want to include the "BackLite" trailing edge rear position and strobe since I don't have any lights now and that would put everything in the wingtips to make installation a breeze. Did you install the "BackLite"?

Also, strange Aveo list the product available for the -7, -8, -9, -10 and F-1 but not the -6, because from what I understand.....the RV-4, -6, -7, and -8 all share the same airfoil and chord, so the wing tips are interchangeable.
Sun n Fun Zip Tip Update

Ok folks....I was at the AVEO booth at SnF for a while speaking with the reps Karen (Aveo USA President) and Jan (VP Aveo Slovak Republic). They had not display model of ANY tip for the RV like they had last year. Furthermore they have NO IDEA when there will be one!!!:mad: They are HOPING that there MAY be something for Airventure. The fact is that they say they are still prototyping the product:confused:

I like the AVEO product and think they have quality stuff....but I AM concerned about the support to the RV product....does that speak of customer support as a whole????

On another note....I went by the Aeroleds booth and saw their model with the display for SnF(yes they have it ready to go). The landing/taxi lights are selling for $895 less 10% SnF discount. The Nav lights are purchased separately. I took a video with my Iphone and they are impressive. I am now formulating my AVEO backup plan. The installation looks VERY nice and professional.

Thats the update. I spoke with Izzybear yesterday and gave him a full brief....you can pm him or respond on the thread and he can chime in as per our discussion.

Well....back to SnF today!!!:D
Very dissapointing. What's the point in showing up to the shows if they have nothing to display? I hope they had other products there.

So while it may be delayed, did they at least say the plan is to still produce them? I think there's a market out there and folks are willing to wait a little while if they can, but don't want to plan for something that may not come!
More info....from Bob

Yes, I spoke to SkyKing Bob yesterday and he gave me the run down after he spoke with Karen/Aveo. One item Bob didn't mention in his post above (probably because his head is still swimming with SnF overload) is that the reason they don't have a current prototype is that they were not happy with the way it came out...evidently, there are a few issues that need to be worked out in the production process - and that is the reason for the delay in having production ready zip tips.

I guess that comment can be taken as a positive - or a negative. Either they don't want to "beta test on the public" and will not release a product before they are 100% confident in it...or the flip side is that they are not dedicating enough resources to the getting the product into production??

Luckily, since I am just starting my fuse, I have the ability to wait for a while and see how this shakes out...I too was hoping to see some good progress on the zip tips and I was planning to go to OSH regardless... hmmmm....Like SkyKing Bob - I also see the aeroleds as a competitor and competition is a good thing.

Majuro15 - from what I understand - AVEO does have other lights/products on display at the SnF booth!
Aveo engineering lights

I wanted to offer a little more info about why I think Aveo Engineering has been slow about product availability...... And why I know it is going to get MUCH better! The Company is based in the Czech Republic mostly because (I think??) that the owner of the company married a beautiful Czech girl years ago and she wanted to be there. I also think that the owner loves airplanes but our Experimental niche is a relatively small part of their business. They make lots of stuff for UAVs, military stuff, spy planes, certified aircraft (mostly in Europe), and there are tons of other super high dollar (Government) projects that they are involved in. Having said that, they are in the process of building a hangar, office and starting soon (hopefully) a manufacturing facility at the Flagler Airport (XFL) in Florida.
I know it has been frustrating to find out what is going on with their products for our airplanes. I know that they are working diligently to bring some of their incredibly cool products to the market. Hopefully the building department in Florida will be (somewhat motivated!!?) to help Aveo get their building up and running as soon as possible. We should know more by Sun-n-Fun. Regards, Tony
Giving up on Aveo....

I spoke with Aveo at OSH and they did have 'another' prototype of the wingtip lights, but the design has changed some and it doesn't look like they are any closer to releasing the wingtip lights than a year ago. Also, they mentioned they lost their contract with Cirrus, which is what the light were designed for, so I would guess that losing the Cirrus market would dampen productivity a great deal. Just my opinion. Personally, I've reached my limit on waiting for these lights.....so I'm going a different route. I wish the best for Aveo and their new changes as I like their products.....but between their switches being MIA and over 2 years waiting on their wingtip lights....I want to spend my money on a company that produces products that make it to market and stay around long enough to order again. :cool:
I'm hoping things move along. I'm early in my wings and have time, but this is my tentative direction for my lights.
I'm hoping things move along. I'm early in my wings and have time, but this is my tentative direction for my lights.

Right now I'm leaning towards the new AeroLED stuff. The Aveo lights looks extremely slick, but between me vacillating about the cost and the infinitely repeating delays, I'm leaning away from them. Mainly I'd like to avoid cutting my leading edges though. Hopefully we'll soon have some good pireps on the AeroLED wingtip landing lights.
Does anyone know if the BackLite option was ever really offered? I've seen it in early brochures, but none installed, and there's no more info about them on their website.
Yes, the back lite is going to be standard, actually, according to my last conversation with Aveo in November. Progress, albeit slow, is being made, as the molds are in the US and they are fulfilling orders from the past several years. They've also made some hires for folks to layup the fiberglass at their shop in FL.

Aveo has never even started construction at Flagler Airport . They do have a a 900 square foot store front in a strip center.
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That's interesting... all those big press releases about the big facility with all the 100's of jobs they were going to create in Florida, and all Aveo has there is a 900 square foot retail space?
Zip Tips

Finally after beating Aveo up for 3 years I finally received a set of the modules for the Zip tips or Conforma tips. The lights are extremely high quality but the lens material was way to thin and I cracked on installation. Awaiting a thicker set of lenses. The are supposed to be selling a plug and play tip package. I didn't want the complete tips because mine were already fitted and I felt the install would be quicker than setting up all new tips. Not so sure now:)

Sadly, Aveo has probably one of the best products out, but their marketing and interest in the Experimental world has failed manifested itself much. Fortunately there are Aeroleds are there with a great product as well.

I'm hoping they come around because I truly love their products. The Aveos I had on my first 7 were nice.
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Finally after beating Aveo up for 3 years I finally received a set of the modules for the Zip tips or Conforma tips. The lights are extremely high quality but the lens material was way to thin and I cracked on installation. Awaiting a thicker set of lenses. The are supposed to be selling a plug and play tip package. I didn't want the complete tips because mine were already fitted and I felt the install would be quicker than setting up all new tips. Not so sure now:)

Sadly, Aveo has probably one of the best products out, but their marketing and interest in the Experimental world has failed manifested itself much. Fortunately there are Aeroleds are there with a great product as well.

I'm hoping they come around because I truly love their products. The Aveos I had on my first 7 were nice.

If what you received included the Backlite, can you share a picture of what it looks like?

What is a 'back lite' option? Is that basically a retrofit upgrade to an existing Wing tip? That's what I was understanding but not sure.

My current plan is to put Ziptips on my RV-10. Per a retailer I talked to they're about $2,400 for the set and are full wingtip replacements. Seems a bit steep but it's only about a $500 premium over my original choice and I won't have to cut into the leading edge of the wings.
What is a 'back lite' option? Is that basically a retrofit upgrade to an existing Wing tip? That's what I was understanding but not sure.

Back lite is the rear-facing lights on the wingtips, to give you 360-degree coverage and thus not require any other lights on the airplane:


My current plan is to put Ziptips on my RV-10. Per a retailer I talked to they're about $2,400 for the set and are full wingtip replacements. Seems a bit steep but it's only about a $500 premium over my original choice and I won't have to cut into the leading edge of the wings.

What retailer are you talking to? I got a quote for $3999.
What is a 'back lite' option? Is that basically a retrofit upgrade to an existing Wing tip? That's what I was understanding but not sure.

My current plan is to put Ziptips on my RV-10. Per a retailer I talked to they're about $2,400 for the set and are full wingtip replacements. Seems a bit steep but it's only about a $500 premium over my original choice and I won't have to cut into the leading edge of the wings.

What retailer did you contact?

Aveo has announced they will not build the 200,000 square foot facility nor employ the 300 people that were planned to be hired . 3 years since the big ground breaking ceremonies with the media , the Goveneor and local big wigs .
Read the news on Flagler Live .

It's my local airport that gets bambusselled by big talkers on a regular basis , pretty sad.
I think this new announcement ensures that I will NEVER use an Aveo product. They have no commitment to their products, their promises or their clientele. The reality is, however, that many buyers will still line up to buy their products and then be first in line to complain about lack of support. If you are smart, you will see the clear handwriting on the wall and avoid this company. They clearly have no intention of standing behind any of their plans or products. How many more "Zip Tips" or "Rock Racks" will it take before buyers open their eyes.

Kind of reminds me of the sheep who kept lining up to buy Jan E's engines a few years ago. Do you realize that he is STILL shamming people? New product - surely it's better this time around.... *sigh*
What retailer are you talking to? I got a quote for $3999.

It was the one on their webpage in Tulsa. They quoted $2500 but weren't 100% sure if that was the right product or not.

If you are smart, you will see the clear handwriting on the wall and avoid this company. They clearly have no intention of standing behind any of their plans or products.

I came to this exact conclusion.. As neat as I think those look I don't want to try to get support down the line only to have to buy some new tips from Vans and redo something. Seems they're chasing the OEM market so not sure why they even bothered with this.