
Active Member
I understand that I am one of about 39 people who ordered a 14 empennage at Oshkosh 2019. I am a horribly impatient person. Amazon same day delivery works great for me...
I know many of us have signed paper work and processed payments. My question to the collective is, has anyone scheduled delivery? I need to stop checking my email every hour and I am trying not to bug the mothership... PM or reply posts welcome 😁.
You?re the customer, call and see if you been assigned a serial number yet and what is the schedule.

I ordered on the first day of Oshkosh and the tailcone kit arrived 2 days ago.
So I'm now the proud owner of kit 140657.
The first 9 rivets have now been set!

I'm only 4 kits numbers behind you so hopefully I will hear something soon. Congrats on your already set rivets!
While you wait . . . .

You could continue your self training by drilling out all the rivets in the training kit and rebuilding it. It is a good skill to have. I thinned down the tip of an HF automatic center punch and made a couple of bars with a hole in the middle for backing up when punching.

It is a serious skill to have and doing it now will not allow it to become critical path on the project plan. :D
One of the the 39

Other end of the spectrum here. We are most likely at the very end of the Osh orders as the commitment for a 14A kit was completed on Saturday afternoon. Looking forward to receiving the kit, but not in a rush just this moment as my work area needs a purge and clean up before the kit arrives, so I need the slight delay. ...off to go clean and purge I go!
I ordered on the first day of Oshkosh and the tailcone kit arrived 2 days ago.
So I'm now the proud owner of kit 140657.
The first 9 rivets have now been set!

Glad to hear that yours has arrived. I also ordered Monday morning, and have been assigned 140658. I have not yet been notified of shipment. I'll post here when I hear something.
I ordered Wednesday

And I'm 140665. I was told my wire transfer went through last Monday, and my order is now in Crating. They did inform me that there were a lot of orders from the show and they were working through them as quickly as they could.
Wow - the RV-14/14A community is growing fast. When I started my build 3 years ago there were only a handful flying. One phenomenon that -14 builders are seeing now is backlogs for engines, avionics (pre-built panels anyway), interiors etc. I'm guessing the backlog of QB wings and fuses will get bigger too.

If I were starting today I'd plan on ordering everything way farther in advance than has been the norm. I got lucky on everything - my engine was ready before I was and panel was right on time.
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Good idea

You could continue your self training by drilling out all the rivets in the training kit and rebuilding it. It is a good skill to have. I thinned down the tip of an HF automatic center punch and made a couple of bars with a hole in the middle for backing up when punching.

It is a serious skill to have and doing it now will not allow it to become critical path on the project plan. :D

Truth is I have the airfoil practice kit to finish too, I have been installing new shelving in the shop so I can store tail cone skins...
I am builder 140666 (I know) and I ordered Thursday and delayed shipment until October. Therefore, I should not be in anyone's way.
-Chris Lucas
I?m in the same boat as Chris, postponed delv until mid sept due to plans to be out out town. I?m 140660, so you guys after me chomping at the bit to start should be one kit earlier.
Got mine !

I wasn’t at Oshkosh but I ordered on the last day of the show and it was delivered Friday !:)

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Wow - the RV-14/14A community is growing fast. When I started my build 3 years ago there were only a handful flying. One phenomenon that -14 builders are seeing now is backlogs for engines, avionics (pre-built panels anyway), interiors etc. I'm guessing the backlog of QB wings and fuses will get bigger too.

If I were starting today I'd plan on ordering everything way farther in advance than has been the norm. I got lucky on everything - my engine was ready before I was and panel was right on time.

A note on that point: We do forecast QB kit needs in order to produce ahead of orders, and generally work to ensure our production will meet future demand. With the fairly complex lead time calculations required for both parts and QB production work - plus natural variations in demand - it's possible for things to backlog when the forecast doesn't meet the actual demand (it happens, but we're always learning and getting better at this forecasting stuff). Rest assured that we're working hard to accurately forecast QB kit availability and get things in place when they're needed. We continually change our lead times published on the web site to reflect the latest anticipated/calculated reality.

We're excited for all the new members of the RV-14 family - It's going to be fun!!


I wasn?t at Oshkosh but I ordered on the last day of the show and it was delivered Friday !:)


I'd like to say I am happy for you...
My kit is sitting in Salt Lake City for some reason. I thought I was going to inventory this weekend but now I have another weekend to work on the Honey-Do list...
In Transit

I'd like to say I am happy for you...
My kit is sitting in Salt Lake City for some reason. I thought I was going to inventory this weekend but now I have another weekend to work on the Honey-Do list...
Think our kit shipped the same day as yours. Will most likely be at the Fort Worth terminal Monday, but not delivered until the following Thursday.
Gettin-m out the door

Was at Van?s last week for a spin in the -14. During the factory tour, they were talking about the Osh orders and crating up all your orders to get out the door. Said that the -14 WILL be their best seller.
What is up with the Duct Tape?!?!

I am super excited to be unpacking my tail kit!! Anyone have tips for how to keep from shredding the vinyl when removing the VERY thorough duct tape job that the packers did? I stopped unpacking after I struggled with the first strip. I got out the soldering iron and cut out the vinyl around a few strips but it seems like there must be a better way. Any help would be appreciated. In the mean time I am going to start counting hardware...

Thanks VAF!! I can barely contain my excitement!!

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I am super excited to be unpacking my tail kit!! Anyone have tips for how to keep from shredding the vinyl when removing the VERY thorough duct tape job that the packers did? I stopped unpacking after I struggled with the first strip. I got out he soldering iron and cut out the vinyl around a few strips but it seems like there must be a better way. Any help would be appreciated. In the mean time I am going to start counting hardware...

Thanks VAF!! I can barely contain my excitement!!


I just cut the tape and left it in place. If you pull it off the parts it will take the vinyl with it.
dont sweat it

If you just rip it as fast as you can, you'll find it doesn't take much of the blue stuff with it. You'll be doing that by the time the fuse kit comes :)

Tip - get a small scale from amazon. They have a mode where you weigh some number of pieces (10 or 20 maybe), then you pile on a bunch and it counts them. It saves tons of really boring time counting inventory on stuff like washers, nut plates, screws, etc.
Across the border

140665 has arrived and is in the garage. Self-clearing customs was a breeze (except for the 13% tax :eek:), and the CBSA agent at the counter was chatting me up about his cousin who built a float plane from a kit maker in BC. Sounds like a Murphy.

I?ve only got the top of the crate off to get the packing list. Off to bed, but I know what my weekend has in store. :)
This is fun...

Seeing the excitement, remembering that day! Was it really only three years ago?! SO much learning ahead for you guys; like drinking from a firehose every day. One of my best undertakings, and now it flies like a dream!