
Well Known Member
For thoughs that have been there and done it....a few questions.

My buddy and I plan on spending the week. Would like to camp by the plane in the "RV section". Please advise...I see info of a camp ground for RV's (recreational vehicles etc.)...I don't believe this is what I want.
What Dan said

Yea know the NOTAM and you will have no problems. It is easer than it sounds in the NOTAM and if you know it cold you will wonder what everyone is so stressed about ;)

Other than that the best advice I got was from Gary Sobek. Spend the night about an hour away. Get up and in the air and arrive around the time the field opens. Works GREAT. When I do it that way no problems. When I do not problems. Like last year we arrived Sunday afternoon, bad idea real bad idea.
Yea know the NOTAM and you will have no problems. It is easer than it sounds in the NOTAM and if you know it cold you will wonder what everyone is so stressed about ;)

Other than that the best advice I got was from Gary Sobek. Spend the night about an hour away. Get up and in the air and arrive around the time the field opens. Works GREAT. When I do it that way no problems. When I do not problems. Like last year we arrived Sunday afternoon, bad idea real bad idea.

In my vast "been there twice" experience, I usually come in Saturday at a time de-conflicted with the group arrival gaggles (Cessnas/Bonanzas/etc) and it goes pretty smoothly then too. Still, I show up with a bag of fuel and ready to hold if needed.

To the comment about last year; I was very glad to be on the ground Sunday afternoon. A lot of ugly, IMO, unsafe flying on display and some very frustrated ATC types and other pilots trying to deal with it.

Like the man the NOTAM and then sleep with it under your pillow for osmosis to work its magic as well....all will be good.
If I can successfully fly into and camp at Oshkosh, then anyone can.

I rode along with a friend in 2015 and did it myself, solo, in 2016. I was lucky enough to arrive right before things got crazy on Sunday. Weather was not great and there were a couple of people flying like they'd only done it in Microsoft Flight Simulator before, but knowing what to expect helped a LOT. There are plenty of Youtube videos out there that can help if you haven't ridden along before. The NOTAM is imposing in sheer volume, but the arrival procedure is really not that complicated. Have the VFR arrival parts memorized, and have the pages you really need on a kneeboard.

I stopped for fuel about an hour out. It does help to be fresh and not in a hurry when you land... there will be an extended taxi to your parking spot.
If you are there for the full week, get a proper tent with a good rainfly, you WILL have a viscous storm to weather at some point. Blind luck kept me dry last year in my Wal-Mart special with a one square foot rainfly, I have a Marmot this year. :eek:
Check YouTube. More and more videos of folks flying into KOSH. Read the NOTAM and the videos make a lot of sense.
First time flying in and camping last year in our 7. Best thing we did was come in Saturday! The most entertainment we had all week was taking a handheld radio down to 18 and watching the arrivals on Sunday! It was unbelievable MAYHEM!..... The mistake we made was packing too much stuff! There is a Target not far away where you can buy essentials like beer and lawn chairs. Print the Notam out and read it several times. Get on Google earth and get familiar with Ripon and the approach routes. Watch YouTube videos. You will be fine!

As many have already said above get a copy of the Notam and read it over from time to time. I agree, once you have it in your head it's note that big a deal. One other thing here, if you are going to print out the Notam off the EAA web site look for the videos on the same site of all the VFR routs into the three runways. if you watch them and have read the Notam, you should have a much clearer picture of what you will be seeing inbound to KOSH.
Hope this helps. Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
First time flying in and camping last year in our 7. Best thing we did was come in Saturday! The most entertainment we had all week was taking a handheld radio down to 18 and watching the arrivals on Sunday! It was unbelievable MAYHEM!..... The mistake we made was packing too much stuff! There is a Target not far away where you can buy essentials like beer and lawn chairs. Print the Notam out and read it several times. Get on Google earth and get familiar with Ripon and the approach routes. Watch YouTube videos. You will be fine!

Thanks for the tip concerning Target....much rather spend a few bucks than carrying extra weight from West Coast�� Also regarding Saturday arrival!!!.....will be on ground Sunday.
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OSH Accommodations

Any good leads on accommodations for OSH or surrounding areas? No hotels within 25 miles. Been looking into the site and found some rooms for rent. Never done anything like that before, but rooms can be found a reasonable rates within 3-5 miles of OSH. Would love to hear suggestions, recommendations or your plans. Tent camping not an option.

See you in OSH2017!!!
Osh Kosh camping

We sent our tents and camping supplies viaUPS. The address is on the Airventure website, it is a temporary address for the week. Sent everything in a lockable plastic container, HBC has a welcome wagon(modified minivan) that roams the area, took us to the pickup area and brought us back to HBC. We were set up two hours after tieing the plane down. Worked out great, sent our camping stuff back to Ohio from the UPS site at Airventure.
And don't be surprised if you aren't parked next to another RV in HBC. Unlike HBP where they seem to group planes together by make, HBC is not so homogenous. There's no RV section per, but don't despair--you'll certainly be surrounded by RVs as we are the majority by far (don't forget about the RV social on Monday afternoon! ). :D We've flown in the past 2 years and didn't have an RV next to us either year. Personally I like the variety and getting to see something other than an RV up close.
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In addition to the HBC and VFR or IFR signs, you'll need one for your preference withing HBC. In prior years you specify:


Might be the same this year. We choose 3!
Any good leads on accommodations for OSH or surrounding areas? No hotels within 25 miles. Been looking into the site and found some rooms for rent. Never done anything like that before, but rooms can be found a reasonable rates within 3-5 miles of OSH. Would love to hear suggestions, recommendations or your plans. Tent camping not an option.

See you in OSH2017!!!

There's always staying in the dorms over at the University:

Air conditioned rooms are limited (bring a fan) but if camping ain't an option...this will work.