Guy Prevost

Well Known Member
The 2016 event was a different Oshkosh for us. After attending regularly from 2007-2012, we missed three years due to a drastic change in our reproduction rate. That rate has once again reached zero (I hope) and this year we attended with the fruits of Merideth’s labor. Ayrton just turned 3, and Amelia was born on opening day of Oshkosh last year. On previous trips we’ve been extremely airplane focused, both in showing our pride and joy RV-8a and in seeing every other interesting plane and event on the field. This year I kept the RV-10 that was built by another mostly under wraps. It’s quite functional, but not the prettiest RV on the field by any stretch. As for activities, it was all about catching up with old friends and making sure the little ones were having fun. If they’re not happy, no one in a 50’ radius is…

We launched from KAEG in Albuquerque at 0700 on Saturday and climbed to smooth air at 9500’. Merideth did all of the flying on Saturday. The kids mostly slept, but we did allow Ayrton some movie time. I can send the Bluetooth stream from his iPad to the passenger headsets so he can have Audio and we don’t have to hear it. I encouraged Planes, but he’s been in a Shrek mood lately.


One of the best things about RV-10 travel is that in smooth air we will allow the kids up front one at a time for short periods. This also allows enroute diaper changes. Here’s dad getting some Amelia time.


We stopped for fuel and lunch at Stearman Field (1K1) just NE of Wichita after 3 hours. This is an ideal stop for us. Fuel was cheap by Albuquerque standards although slightly high for the area. More important was a great restaurant and a PLAYGROUND!



There were storms over our planned overnight stop of Madison which is just 20 RV minutes from KOSH. The TAF showed better weather for our planned arrival time of 1600 and we identified several outs along the way. As forecast, the storms cleared MSN about 15 minutes prior to our arrival. We flew over a hump of cumulous between two little puffies and then it was clear below.


Bummer. I was hoping to get some actual IMC and an approach into MSN. Merideth received a landing clearance over 10 miles out and touched down smooth as glass. We’re always a little challenged by low elevation airports. Ground speed on final is ~20knots slower than normal for us which really messes with the senses. Merideth flew the approach AOA like a pro. The airport got really busy right after we arrived, but we were still filled up with cheap gas and were pushed into our reserved $37 hangar before the next storm rolled in. Madison is interesting in that it’s a full service Class C FBO with very low prices. I’m not complaining.

After a free night in a nicely air-conditioned hotel we arrived back at MSN at about 0800 Sunday morning. The lobby was full of Mooney pilots prepping for their mass arrival. Ceilings were MVFR at Madison and Oshkosh, and the Mooney guys told us OSH was closed. I could receive the ATIS with my phone however and there was no indication of a closure. With no terrain in the way and being only 20 minutes away from Osh Merideth graciously let me have the PIC responsibilities and we launched. Ceilings varied between 2000 and 1300 feet and we arrived over Ripon about ½ mile behind a Cessna that flew the NOTAM exactly as published. On ADSB we did watch someone descend right behind us from 3300’ in IMC (and obviously without an IFR clearance). Thankfully he was no factor for us, although I think it made it interesting for Nemo in his RV-8 behind us. As planned we beat the rush even if all the timing was shifted later this year. I was assigned 18R and the pink dot. Keeping the base leg inside the tower makes for a fun and very low base to final turn. Fun! After the normal taxi behind the scooters we arrived in HBC, row 311. Despite all of the pre-trip hype Ayrton missed the whole arrival. Amelia seemed to approve.


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Through Wednesday noon it was a whirlwind of activity. Kidventure was a first for us and was really well done. It will get even better as the kids get older. We got to put lots of faces to names at the RV-10 dinner Sunday and our kids got to play with some others. Ayrton spent at least an hour playing catch with someone’s pre-teen (ish) daughter and son. Not many kids that age are as nice to a three year old. If they were your kids contact me and I’ll send you some photos / video. Here are some highlights of the week:









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The Bell 47 ride was a HUGE hit!



It was clear that weather would be rolling in Wednesday. We got up early and broke camp as quickly as possible with two young children. I took the giant stroller over to the FEDEX tent while Merideth pulled the tiedowns and preflighted the plane. Looking at storm tracks, I made a decision to abort our departure if we weren’t airborne and moving away from the weather in 20 minutes. We lifted off just before noon Wednesday.


It didn’t take long for the crew to get some much needed rest. I stayed alert by looking for traffic and playing with new avionics. I’m probably going to get punched in the arm for posting this photo, but I can’t resist…


We dodged a couple of discreet storms and flew to Lincoln, NE in good weather. We enjoyed another air conditioned hotel on points and flew the remaining 600nm home in one leg the next day.
It was great to catch up with old friends and get to make some new ones. We intend to see you all next year!
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Love that last picture the most!

Thanks for the write-up, Guy. You can tell you had a great time.
A giant stroller for sure! I've sold compact cars smaller that that thing ;)

Seriously, I was behind you in a tram line, and now I recognize who you were. We really need to start wearing bigger name tags!
Guy is so cool, he wears TWO pair of sun glasses! It was good to see you guys. Sorry we didn't get more time to talk.
Priceless photo

Excellent write-up Guy - looks like the family had a great time! That last picture is the icing on the cake - hope your arm isn't sore for long because that is priceless! :D

Fun write up.
It was fun to meet you both this year.

If your ever in our area, please make sure to let us know. I have that same picture with everyone sleeping from last year.
Good job

Great job brother.
Stearman Field looks awesome, heard it was a cool place but really need to stop there sometime.
Sleepy time

That's a cool picture. They're all cool pictures and I'm glad to see your family is doing well and back on with OSH type adventures. Dirt bikes next eh!