
Well Known Member
Hi All,

I've read the NOTAM....A few times.

Is the go around procedure to all runways to try to inject yourself back into the pattern? The runway depictions all show 'DO NOT FLY' on the inactive side.

I know the NOTAM says 'Notify ATC immediately for resequencing' but what is typical?

I assume the controllers will tell me what to do, but at a busy time, that may not be timely.

What does the more experienced out there say?
What I've seen/heard is they try to sequence you right back into a downwind for the runway you were trying to land on. For instance, if you went around on 36, they would have you turn right (East) before reaching the tower, then turn downwind and look for a gap in the inbound traffic.

Similarly for <say> 09, they would have you go around, make left traffic, and re-sequence into the line of aircraft on final.

What you need to remember is to turn away from the show on your go-around. For obvious reasons, they do not want you turning towards the crowd.
Landing 27 last year they had me go around when 5 sec from touch down telling me to turn left and head to right hand down wind for 36. Luckily, as I was trying to adjust radio for 36 tower freq. (and pretty confused on what I was supposed to do; did they know I was coming?) he called me back to make LH 270 degree turn back onto final for 27. of coarse I was full power, flaps retracted, and climbing so needed to get back in landing configuration and slowed down. Pretty proud I was maybe 50 long hitting the dot. No idea what I was in store for on 36 if he would not have called me back to 27.
Fly your plane and don't do anything stupid, in that order. You'll be fine. A few points to keep in mind:

- Go arounds are pretty infrequent
- You actually have a lot more time than you think on the go around and downwind (those runways are long)
- The controllers are pros. The won't forget you.

I watched (and listened to) a guy land about 50 airplanes in 15 minutes last year when an accident on 9 just before closing shifted all the traffic to 18 and left them scrambling. He didn't leave any of them up there. A few got sent around twice, but everyone kept their head, did what he said, flew their plane, and didn't do anything stupid.

Finally, if worst comes to worst and they do miss you (or you miss the call), just fly a normal pattern and slot in. They will pick you up and vector traffic around you. This is where don't do anything stupid comes in. Be predictable. I know this works as I've gone in NORDO a half dozen times and it's exactly what they do.

In 15 consecutive years I've had one go around. I had been cleared to land (twice) and another voice came on telling me to go around. They just had me rejoin the downwind and got me in with no problem. I will do what they ask as long as it doesn't put me and mine in danger.

Here is the audio. I was 'Cherokee'.!AkLeJQGEV1aMuhW9p8lQiaMJso4M