
Well Known Member
The wife and I have decided to try and make it to Oshkosh this year. We'll camp 2 or three nights. I mentioned to her that maybe we could fly on to Niagara Falls after the show. She really likes that idea.

I would appreciate some pointers on RV friendly routing, places to land, stay, eat & refuel from anyone who has done a Niagara trip. Does anyone have some good side trip suggestions? I understand there is a procedure / pattern for flying over the falls and am beginning to research that.

The return trip home will take us near Dayton, Ohio. So, the same thing goes there as far as helpful pointers on visiting museums, places to land, etc. It is looking like a 2400 nm round trip fm NW Oklahoma.

Thanks in advance.
The National Museum of the USAF is the place to go in Dayton. The closest place to land is Green County Airport (I19, The folks at GW Aviation can get you info on car rental and a tiedown/hangar. There's also a replica of the Wright B Flyer at Dayton Wright Brothers airport just south a ways, but I have yet to go see it.

If you want to be thorough, plan for at least 5-6 hours in the museum. There's a lot to see.
Niagara Falls

Joe, there's a lot to do around that area in addition to seeing the just depends on what you're into. And before anybody starts in on this Texas boy for chiming in about Niagara Falls, I used to be a tour guide up there when I was just a young pup.:D But I wasn't a pilot when I worked up there, so I can't help you much with the flying procedures around the falls. AOPA or another source may be able to help you there.

Anyway, back on the ground, the Canadian side has the better view, so plan on renting a car and spending the better part of a day there if you have the time. Customs is pretty easy to get through at the Falls--as long as your "papers are in order". Most people cross at the Rainbow Bridge, which gives you a great view of the falls while you wait to cross the border. And most places on the Canadian side accept $US (US currency used to be worth about 10% to 15% more...don't know what the exchange rate is now). Oh, if you're staying overnight, the Canadian side is also the best side to see the falls all lit up.

The US side has Goat Island, which is what separates the US & Canadian Falls. You can get right really close to the brink of the American Falls and all the upstream rapids from Goat Island. It's really nice out there, as the whole island is a park. You can also catch the Maid of the Mist boat rides from the island as well as some of other "get close" attractions.

Away from Niagara Falls, there's the Robert Moses power station downstream that gives tours if you're into hydroelectric power and all that (yes, I am an engineer), or the Niagara Gorge, where there are some spectacular rapids to view. There's also Old Fort Niagara about 20 miles north if you're a history buff (War of 1812). In the other direction, Buffalo is about a half hour to the south, which is upriver from the falls. All of those things are on the American side except for the Gorge, which is accessed from the Canadian side.

But if you want to avoid Buffalo, you can stay on either side of Niagara Falls and find plenty to do. Just be forewarned that the highways aren't necessarily marked as well as you would think they would be for a tourist location. Some things that you see people doing and that you want to do are sometimes hard to get to. One of those tourist maps with all the fun stuff marked on it would be helpful. You should be able to get info from the Buffalo/Niagara Frontier Visitors Bureau: or the Canadian version: I didn't really look over their sites; if all else fails, there are plenty of motels and roadside places where you can get maps & info.

Of course, some things may obviously have changed since I was there, so I hope I'm not giving you any bum steers. In any case, I'm pretty sure there's still a boat-load of water going over the edge there. Have fun!

Thank you all! What a great bunch! This will be a fine start to the trip planning.
niagara tips

I believe the closest airport to the falls is on the US side (KIAG). When we flew up there for a weekend a couple of years ago, we landed there and rented a car. It seemed much easier than flying across the border and being further away. We spent all our time in Canada then drove back to KIAG to depart. We did not fly around the falls, though, so that may change things for you.