
Well Known Member
It looks like I tried almost all modes of transportation to Oshkosh within several years. In pre-RV years I was riding on a Greyhound Bus, Amtrak and flew inside an aluminum tube. This year I decided to drive my little pocket car and take a ferry. The good thing about driving that far this year was that my friends from faraway land decided to follow me in a rental. First I was surprised and in a state of denial but after thinking it over, agreed. They brought their fancy foreign speaking glonasses, spent a week in NYC flipping their biological clocks 12 hours behind and reported ready on Saturday 24th of July 2010.

We left New York early morning the Rat city symbol was smiling. In rear mirror I saw several people with big cameras were chasing somebody one almost fell... Probably paparazzi chasing a celeb. Plenty of both in our concrete jungle.


Holland Tunnel was on regular crowdy business early weekend with one line closed. People never sleep in NY on weekends. I was sitting low in my yellow MINI and the Russians were couple cars behind in a high black suvi they never lost sight of me.


The plan for first day was to get to Michigan area preferrably to Ludington where the ferry boards for WI. We were not in rush, drove enjoying Pennsylvania mountains and Ohio prairies. Stopping in two or three hours to get kids out and coffee in. It happened that traffic was good and in waves averaging 82 mph we reached Ludington by twilight. To get some luxury accomodations for my friends was a bit of challenge but I persuaded them to take "an antique motel" the only difference from super 8 was triple price and older furniture :). They were tired and agreed.

I woke up early morning, lined everybody before Ludington Courthouse and briefed them. They complained about food but it was forgotten fast because ferry was departing in 30 minutes. C'mon you slow Russkis we are late for ferry.


Boarding the ferry was another story. Imagine sniffing dogs and foreigners without English. They wanted drive the car inside the ship themselves till I interfered. That is one crew this guys were patient unlike others...


It was a great 4 hour journey aboard SS Badger.


You can not see coast line both ways for two hours.


This fellows are probably looking for a submarine.


I was thinking safety. What if the ship hits an iceberg, a mine or get attacked by a sub? It has only six rescue boats. Will I be able to fit my Mini car in one of them? Probably not.


Long journey short we noticed the land. What strange colors are those beaches? Oh wait it's not the beaches it's different color of water.

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My buddies suggested that this is raw ale because of proximity of a BudLight Monument :D There were some big fishes in the ale belly up probably drunk.



Others said it was pure beer of a Wisconsin kind. Of course I didn't mentioned The Great Flood. They won't believe me because it's a scorching drought in their home country.



Sunday drive via beautiful Wisconsin countryside was a pleasure. The glonasses were totally confused and we used old fashioned charts from last century. My buddies followed me to Fond du Lac where I put them in the best hotel I could find in that city. Never saw them again :D (talked on the phone many times trying to sort out their crazy purchases :confused:)

to be continued...
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Oshkosh met me with lines of cars, mobile homes and motorcycles stretched for a mile.



Runway was less busier than previous years and later I understood why.


Parked in a private residence area (Thank you 22C owners!)


Just to give you an idea of the location the blimp was tethered right by the residence.


My good old buddy John and I have a tradition to meet at Oshkosh on the first day. John is building RV-9A and lives in Wisconsin. We are approximately at the same stage of building and will fly our RVs to Oshkosh in 2012.


We combed the Sea of RV for some ideas. Payed special attention to cowling pins finishing ends. Now I have a good collection of pictures showing those pins in dozen flavors. Then we left for seaplane base tour.

By the entrance we saw that beast. Soviet era motorcycle. Holly Connolly how he got it here :eek:


Almost Scott Schmidt style but with steam gage(s). :D

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Touring the seabase was awesome. We took a boat ride. The volunteer captain directed his ship to the atoll where all the cubs were anchored. What a postcard view!


He entertained us non stop cool guy. Volunteers here for 25 years.






He explained to us that this is a private laguna and EAA rents it for a week. All those tiedowns soon will be removed and stored. Only things left will be concrete blocks on the bottom connected by a submerged cable.


By the way do you know how to recognize a Maule seaplane? I told him just punch N-number into a FAA database wrong answer he said. It's written on the wing tips:D


It was good day at Oshkosh.
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:)Brief tour of Vendors Plaza on day one netted fellow RVator behind the counters. Don Pansier of DeltaPopAviation with his antennae.


The stand looks familiar. Where did you get it Don? :D


At the University I bumped into High Commander and he recognized me right away. He was loaded with gear like a North Pole Traveller. We exchanged couple words I was called, spent a minute at the counter and there was no High Commander any more... May be I was dreaming :)

I have more for tomorrow....
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The grounds were slowly filling with RVs. I tracked couple of them by APRS and was surprised to see the tracks end at Fond du Lac. They told me later that Wittman was closed because of wet parking areas.

Jerry Thorne's Enterprise was here with the Deep Space Telescope.



Award winning Alan's RV was here too. I saw a beautiful navigatrix on the right side. She looked very Russian...


22C was one of the first to land after airport opened.


Miss Lilly was offering herself for sale. This can happen only in Oshkosh. Good thing is the owner probably didn't now that.



Kevin's Royal RV was here barefoot. Shoes are pricey in Canada and Kevin takes them off when he flies abroad.


Some sketches from the grounds. Ford rules but I drive a Mini.



This crew is from a movie I remember I saw years ago.


Interesting winglets




This stingy thing turned 75 today!


Some futuristics from Chinese comrades


Pilots, pilots, pilots... Some of them do not pay attention first at all. Especially those from WWI. But as soon as a beautiful lady joins them they change in a snap.



Mighty Air Force reps



This guy only looks like a spy but Jim and Jeff will tell you that he is not :D




Ted and Alfio will confirm that too :D

Jerry cool guy he is in my pilot book too...


My favorite t-shirt company how would they know I arrive in a yellow Mini? This year they had a TV which shows cartoons and may be installed on a panel. It looks like a little device we had in last century in our kitchens to watch soap operas. Bunch of buttons and knobs I may want one later. Did I mention the company also sells avionics on the side? :D


I messed the exposition on my auto selection and Jaybird's picture is dark. He volunteers with Avery.


Somebody asked me to check if they have unique propellers for his experimental and I found him this one. He may never have prop strike with this. It is almost 18" wide


I was looking for Caveman's RV but found the Mills. They occupied Joe's space :D It was smart parking by the farthest corner.


Great looking Ellipse prop




oh that's why


Another award winner. Great job! Does it look like a UPS truck inside?



A gathering before the Banquet. "New and old" RVators welcomed.


I met Bob Kelly. Yes the same legendary Robert Kelly who wrote the book "Broken Wings" about the rise and fall of greater air armada. Bob did a lot of research and included pictures in his book. I found it very interesting.


I decided to go to University Campus after the show to have some food and meet couple friends. I fired my Mini and drove to town. Nobody told me that traffic is going only one direction in evenings. I took a detour, then another one and missed the right exit. Twice :D Here is the APRS track of the hold :D


Big Beautiful Babushka



Aircraft from Pandora


Pandoran Pilot exits here





On my way back home I drove through Chicago. Man the Big City looks like home far from home. Smoke, noise, clogged traffic. Back to reality my friend. It's time to recover from fresh air poisoning :D



No RV Hotels were along the road and I diverted to Cleveland to visit my St. Lucian friends.


Stayed overnight in the hospitable house. Received official invitation to visit St. Lucia on my way to Brazil. They asked me to transport some trees to their brother in NY so I did. These trees are now planted by a house in East New York. Home grown tomatoes I ate :)


This compilation of slides was my best effort to reflect that memorable trip I took to Oshkosh 2010. In subtitles I tried to insert some humor please forgive if some captions looks clumsy. If it sounds a bit off please let me know I would correct or remove them. Oh did I mention that the write up was done by one whose native language is neither Germanic nor Romanic . :)
I was looking for Caveman's RV but found the Mills. They occupied Joe's space :D It was smart parking by the farthest corner.

I'm still out there!
I missed Oshkosh due to work commitments and to take a motorcycle trip to Durango, Co. We rode the million $ highway and put 1640 miles on the Harley D. Heresy I know, but I'm paying back my bride and doing things she wants to do this year. "Cavey" is still flying great! He took me to a breakfast fly-in the day we returned from Colorado. Things have been crazy at work and I've postponed or rescheduled several flying excursions this year due to family and work commitments. I plan to make the LOE fly-in and am contemplating trying the Black Hills fly-in. It wasn't easy to miss Oshkosh, believe me. In spite of all this, I still managed to put 111 hours on the airplane over the last year. Nice write up Vlad. Keep pounding away. You will love your airplane!
Nice Write Up Vlad

Sorry I missed you this year, was busy directing traffic in the mud! Next year. Glenn
Howdy from Texas


Again this year I enjoyed your write up. It was great to see you and I guess I am buying lunch in 2012. But you have to fly your RV-9A to Oshkosh to collect.

Nice of you to come to chat with me at the HBC in my White and Yellow RV9A.

Good write up with nice pictures. I enjoy reading it.

See you in 2012..I think your RV9a will be done waay earlier sooo... Good luck with your building and pound those rivets one at a time.:)