
Well Known Member
Woohoo!! The time is finally upon us again.
It has been a crazy last couple of weeks and it has kinda' snuck up on us.

A week and a half ago we put a contract on a house at the airpark where our airplane lives. A couple of years ago we got the opportunity to move 22C to the airpark that was only a 9min. drive. Wow, that was a major improvement over the 35+min drive to the airplane. Now I awake to being informed that Tanya has "slipped out the back jack", to go do dawn patrol by the unmistakable sound of a -9 whistling by on climb out. The trick is to roll out of bed just in time to see her in the overhead upon return from the back porch with a cup of coffee. So 22C has been living the life for the last couple of years while we tried to secure another house. I'm done with the shoulder to shoulder neighbors. So a house opportunity popped and we made a mad dash to raid the piggy bank that we had been reserving just for such an opportunity. Then the slew of high speed inspections and paperwork can take your breath away. I'm still in shock that I'm going to have to walk away from my perfect shop space, but I keep telling myself that there will be opportunities on the other side to recreate it. Ouch, I can't believe I'm walking away from my shop space! Of course now we have to prep to list the current house. Oh boy. There is an upstairs bedroom packed with shelves of aircraft parts, completed airplane wings in another upstairs space, and 2500 pound machinery to move...

At the same time, 22C developed some very bad habits of low voltage, high voltage, stable voltage, unstable voltage, pop the field breaker... Grrrrr. With OSH just a couple of weeks away! So, back in April, while on the last couple of legs of a grand adventure to the West Indies, we landed in an unprecedented rain event on Great Exuma. Very long story short, we got water in the B&C voltage regulator, and everything else that you can imagine. Needless to say, it didn't like that and we were stuck for the night while I dried out the inside of the regulator with a hair dryer on it all night. Reinstalled the next day and it worked like a charm and got us home. Two and a half months later, the "gremlins" present. Ok, not all that surprising, so the alternator and VR went overnight to B&C. The alternator got a full overhaul (it has 1600hrs), the VR was fully tested and blessed with the pair being run on the bench for 5-6hrs. Overnighted back and no change in the failure rate. By now, we're within a week of the hopeful launch across the country with the despair of missing OSH for the first time setting in. Overnighted two NEW voltage regulators and pulled a NEW B&C alternator intended for the -8 project off of the existing parts shelf :). (We've done this kind of thing a number of times. Pulling parts of the non-flying airplane to put on the flying one.) Tanya became an expert removing and installing alternators and voltage regulators while I flew my desk trying to make a buck. Low and behold, NEW equipment works perfectly! In the process, the airframe wiring got a long and painful complete examination. I even got to tinker with a very expensive four wire DMM to fully and properly evaluate grounds. So, we've been flying the **** out of the airplane all this week trying to regain some sense of confidence. Two flights per day.

I declare 22C, once again, good to go with a recent spit-shine. Tanya just got back from topping off the tanks. Hey, lookie there, she even cleaned it's belly! Snacks have been packed. Clothes are going in the back pack. Items are being sequentially checked off of the "Master Oshkosh List". The stand mixer is out on the counter. Ooh, you know that can mean only one thing. I'll surely be doing quality control on many dozens of chocolate chip cookies before long. We drop off the dog at 9am and will launch shortly thereafter on the easy one stop (RCM) run northbound across these beautiful United States. We'll see ya' on the field tomorrow (SAT) late afternoon ready to swap stories until we fall over sometime around 11pm.

Hey Jeff, pick me out that primo spot will ya'? The one without a whole bunch of hubbub, no noisy airplanes, and right under a nice shade tree please :).
We're here

Carol and I arrived this afternoon. Really nice flight up front Atlanta in the 10. We have a nice shady spot in camp Scholler at 29th and Shake courtesy of Van Boxtel. We have a small pop up camper and I was really wondering if everything we brought in the 10 was going to fit in the camper! It's amazing how much the 10 will hold.
Look forward to meeting some new faces and old friends here, and hopefully making new friends. I will be in the KitPlanes booth Monday and Wednesday for meet the author, and am doing a seminar on Upgrading your Panel Thursday.

Right now sitting in the shading and eating cookies and m&m's. :) And I see a Papa Johns pizza truck 2 rows over. Just need beer and will be all set. :)

If I can be of any help to any of you while here, call me. 404-307-5133.



A week and a half ago we put a contract on a house at the airpark where our airplane lives.

Scoot & Cookie-------Big Congrats:D

Laura and I dearly love living in an airpark, hope you have as good of an experience as we have had.
M&M's Where did you say you were.... My favorite are the Almonds M&M's

Anita and I and two other planes will arrive around 1pm tomorrow.... Hope we get the tent up before the rain moves in.

See ya Vic,,, Look forward to meeting you and Carol.

I will be in the KitPlanes booth Monday and Wednesday for meet the author, and am doing a seminar on Upgrading your Panel Thursday.

I think I'm scheduled in the booth before you. I've made a nice name tag that says "Vic Syracuse" so I can sit there, talk funny, and drool a lot.

Great story Scott and Tanya. Arrived today and things are shaping up. Fun to watch the progress.

Look forward to seeing everyone. Come see us at Heli Ops at Pioneer airport!!!

I'll wear the shirt Carol made you with your name on it and try and look sophisticated. They'll quickly realize it's not you. :)
I'll wear the shirt Carol made you with your name on it and try and look sophisticated. They'll quickly realize it's not you. :)

Dan + "sophisticated"... Almost spewed my drink :). Sleep in his daughter's room (hopefully when she isn't there) and drink some good stuff into the evening while standing at a giant's workbench in the shop. He is working on ideas that he dare not speak of in public. A good time is guaranteed, with stimulating conversation, but rampant myths could be quickly dispelled. He too is a mere mortal :). I'm looking forward to getting back to Wetumpka for some quality "shop time".

Sorry Dan, you have your own bag of reserved cookies straight out of the oven, but sadly there is only one left.
Carol and I arrived this afternoon. Really nice flight up front Atlanta in the 10. We have a nice shady spot in camp Scholler at 29th and Shake courtesy of Van Boxtel. We have a small pop up camper and I was really wondering if everything we brought in the 10 was going to fit in the camper! It's amazing how much the 10 will hold.
Look forward to meeting some new faces and old friends here, and hopefully making new friends. I will be in the KitPlanes booth Monday and Wednesday for meet the author, and am doing a seminar on Upgrading your Panel Thursday.

Right now sitting in the shading and eating cookies and m&m's. :) And I see a Papa Johns pizza truck 2 rows over. Just need beer and will be all set. :)

If I can be of any help to any of you while here, call me. 404-307-5133.



I made it today as well. Around 5 pm. But this time, in the RV8! Parked in the first row for the first time ever! Stayed low and took the "base of the foothills" route. Had to go around some REALLY ugly stuff near Rockford and Chicago but made it okay.

Felt REALLY strange when told to monitor tower and NOTHING was being said! :) Winds were 270 gusting to something that made most other pilots feel it was best to take RWY 27. I was set (mentally) for 36 so I took it and got right in with NO OTHER PLANE anywhere nearby. Wow! :)

It was so hot an humid (even for a guy from Florida and Carolina) that I had to immediately go and get a "cold one", actually two (an orange juice and a Mountain Dew :) ) before I could take care of the plane. :)

The grass is green and feels good. The weather, though a bit "warm" is actually nice.

Come on down! (or up), or better yet, over!

Airplane has a fresh condition inspection, oil change, new plugs all around and is washed, fueled up and packed for a crack of dawn departure in the morning! This will be trip 4 out of 4 consecutive years for me and the plane :D
Cross checking all the weather sites is looking good!

Something new this year is that I am staying in HBC...
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Felt REALLY strange when told to monitor tower and NOTHING was being said! :) Winds were 270 gusting to something that made most other pilots feel it was best to take RWY 27. I was set (mentally) for 36 so I took it and got right in with NO OTHER PLANE anywhere nearby. Wow! :)

What time was that CB? I hit Ripon just a few mintues after 1600 local and had been listening for 60 miles as Approach was asking everyone where they were from, and advising that they could have either runway, but the wind was 270 @ 10G15. I Had been flying for eight hours, and decided that there was just no point in trying to show off in front of a crowd, so took the 27 option and made a nice curving toughdown on the orange dot and had to add power to get to the turnoff on the closed diagonal runway. Sometimes, it works out.

See you around the show!
What time was that CB? I hit Ripon just a few mintues after 1600 local and had been listening for 60 miles as Approach was asking everyone where they were from, and advising that they could have either runway, but the wind was 270 @ 10G15. I Had been flying for eight hours, and decided that there was just no point in trying to show off in front of a crowd, so took the 27 option and made a nice curving toughdown on the orange dot and had to add power to get to the turnoff on the closed diagonal runway. Sometimes, it works out.

See you around the show!

It was somewhere around that time.
I recall hearing someone being asked where they were from. There were two high wings ahead of me but I only saw one. They went to 27. I remember hearing the winds but didn't think it was that high at the time and since the two high wings that were going really slow were going to 27, and NOBODY was headed to 36, I decided to take it.

Was able to land near "the numbers" so nobody so my "great" :) landing.

Sorry Dan, you have your own bag of reserved cookies straight out of the oven, but sadly there is only one left.

That's OK, I know you have special access. Divert Vic's cookies to me and I'll trade you some Laphroaig.

Outright bribery, nothing sophisticated ;)
I arrived yesterday and promptly got heat exhaustion while helping one of the performers set up. I crashed in my tent and tried to recover a little before walking around the campground. I stopped and met Carol and Vic. This morning, I'm just trying to keep my tent from blowing away in the storm. I shouldn't have worn my "I Survived Sun N Fun 2011" shirt today!

Hey Vic I still have several of your folding chairs from a couple of years ago. Brought them along if you need or want them

What a storm

What a very interesting morning. We woke to the sound of thunder, how far off I sat and wondered, to quote a song. It certainly wasn't in the forecast when we went to bed. A very scary storm to say the least. There times I thought the camper was going to blow over from the winds. About 2 hours of heavy rain and winds. Hopefully everyone is ok!

What a very interesting morning. We woke to the sound of thunder, how far off I sat and wondered, to quote a song. It certainly wasn't in the forecast when we went to bed. A very scary storm to say the least. There times I thought the camper was going to blow over from the winds. About 2 hours of heavy rain and winds. Hopefully everyone is ok!


Hey - you have a CAMPER!! We were in TENTS over in HBC!!! ;)
Reading this thread made me think of the 9 porta-potty blow down in HBC. I'm not going to make it this year but I will never forget hiding behind that wooden building watching a light plane blow over on it's neighbor and praying my tie downs would hold. They did, but just barely. Now that was a storm.
Some of the porta-pots blew over but they were quickly cleaned up. A few planes damaged. I talked to one individual who arrived a few minutes late last night and was told to leave his plane on the taxiway. He rushed back with a friend this morning and held onto it for dear life as it tried to fly away. He was fortunate not to to suffer any damage. The plane just across from him is pretty banged up.