
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Well, now all I have to do is hope for the weather to cooperate!

It looks like I am going to be able to make a large portion of Oshkosh, hoping to arrive on Tuesday afternoon, before the show. Louise is going to be flying up on Sunday, and will be easy to find at the National Park Service display in the Federal Pavilion. She?s going to be staying up in Appleton, and it looks like she might be taking the aluminum mailing tube on the way up. I am hoping to get finished up with my mission commitments by Monday afternoon, and leave Houston early Tuesday morning in one of the airplanes. We?ll both be up there through the end of the show, and fly back together. I?ll be staffing the NASA exhibit at least part of each day, and doing some speaking while I am there. (I?ll be giving my ?Space Shuttle for Pilots? talk on Friday at 1300 at the Museum, and I?ll be trying out a new talk I have developed entitled ?Experimental Aviation ? Tips from Mission Control? on Friday and Saturday in the NASA Pavilion Theatre at 1030 both days.)

We?re both hoping to see lots of RV?ers during the week ? we should be at the Van?s dinner as well as Bob Collin?s "piece of grass". If we miss you there, stop by the Guv?mint buildings and say hi!

I'm hoping Moberly (MO) still has some cheap Avgas on Tuesday...:rolleyes:

Paul and Louise at Oshkosh

That's great news, Paul. I was wondering a few days ago if it was going to work out for your schedule.

For those of you who haven't met Paul, and if you're going to be at Airventure 2009, be sure to meet him. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Louise yet, but I'm looking forward to it some day.

Wish I could make Oshkosh this year, but the stars haven't aligned for me in the last few months, so I guess I'll just stay in my shop and work on my wings.

Man, Paul, it must be nice to have TWO RV's to choose from for a long cross country to Oshkosh! :p

Best wishes for a great trip to the Big O.
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Of course you never know but it's been a great September here in the upper Midwest this July. Cool weather, especially over the last week, and no rain. We're down 7 inches of rainfall this year so far. There haven't been many afternoon thunderstorms. And quite a few highs have plopped themselves over the Great Lake states so far this summer.

If this holds, it looks like the most perfect weather for Oshkosh that I've seen since I started going 10 years ago. Cool nights, pleasantly warm but not oppressive days. No rain.

Of course, campfires might not be such a good idea this year.
I'll be looking for you......

Paul, Looks like I'm going to make my First Oshkosh. I won't be flying my 6 up this year as it won't be out of Phase I, however, next year I am hoping to be all squared off. My wife has two sister in Madison, so she was easily talked into the drive, plus I get free lodging.

Hope to see you there.
Paul, glad you're getting to go. We'll find you somewhere, my daughter really would like to visit with you.

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM

Does anyone know if there is any kind of surface shuttle service from MKE to OSH or the vicinity? I hate to spend $500 to rent a car for two 60 mile or so trip legs. That's a lot per mile. I have to take the aluminum mailing tube to MKE due to no fuse or engine or wing skins in place yet.
RV7A Empennage done
Wings under way
Fuse to be ordered at OSH


Probably a long shot, but when are you coming into MKE and leaving?

I live just out side Milwaukee and will be driving up this Sunday morning and then returning the following Sunday and I'd be willing to give you a lift one way or the other if the timing worked out.
Does anyone know if there is any kind of surface shuttle service from MKE to OSH or the vicinity?

I'll be passing by MKE around 11:00 CDT on Monday and returning by MKE around 14:00 CDT Friday. I could take you one or both ways. PM me if you're interested.
Same here Sam. I should arrive in MKE around 0900 Sunday morning and driving up then. I'm then driving back to MKE after the Van's banquet Tuesday night. If either of these times work for you, you're welcome to ride along.
Thanks Jesse and Tim and Bill, but I am not getting to MKE until 3:20 Sunday afternoon, and coming back Thursday afternoon. I really wouldn't mind paying a reasonable fee for a shuttle service if one is available. If there is not one available, I think I know where the next great entrepreneurial opportunity might be.

Hope to run into some of you Tuesday evening.

Tucker, GA
RV7A, empennage done
Wings under way (are the fuel tanks ever done?)
Fuse to be ordered at OSH
Does anyone know if there is any kind of surface shuttle service from MKE to OSH or the vicinity? I hate to spend $500 to rent a car for two 60 mile or so trip legs. That's a lot per mile. I have to take the aluminum mailing tube to MKE due to no fuse or engine or wing skins in place yet.
RV7A Empennage done
Wings under way
Fuse to be ordered at OSH

RV builder from Germany will be on his way from Chicago driving a rental when you land at MKE. He will pick me up at Harley Davidson Museum in Milwakee. I am arriving around noon and planning to spent some time browsing Hogs Heaven. If you want to join us, please PM me and will forward you his contact info.

that's me Vlad is talking about. You're welcome to join us, just give me phone number where I can reach you if you like. Or - maybe easier - just meet Vlad in time so I can pick up both of you together.

Well, now all I have to do is hope for the weather to cooperate!

It looks like I am going to be able to make a large portion of Oshkosh, hoping to arrive on Tuesday afternoon, before the show. Louise is going to be flying up on Sunday, and will be easy to find at the National Park Service display in the Federal Pavilion. She?s going to be staying up in Appleton, and it looks like she might be taking the aluminum mailing tube on the way up. I am hoping to get finished up with my mission commitments by Monday afternoon, and leave Houston early Tuesday morning in one of the airplanes. We?ll both be up there through the end of the show, and fly back together. I?ll be staffing the NASA exhibit at least part of each day, and doing some speaking while I am there. (I?ll be giving my ?Space Shuttle for Pilots? talk on Friday at 1300 at the Museum, and I?ll be trying out a new talk I have developed entitled ?Experimental Aviation ? Tips from Mission Control? on Friday and Saturday in the NASA Pavilion Theatre at 1030 both days.)

We?re both hoping to see lots of RV?ers during the week ? we should be at the Van?s dinner as well as Bob Collin?s "piece of grass". If we miss you there, stop by the Guv?mint buildings and say hi!

I'm hoping Moberly (MO) still has some cheap Avgas on Tuesday...:rolleyes:


Hey Paul, I just saw there is a problem with the ISS, you still on track to leave tomorrow?
Hey Paul, I just saw there is a problem with the ISS, you still on track to leave tomorrow?

There's ALWAYS a minor problem with the ISS....(the emphasis intended!;))

You'll always hear about problems first, but in most cases (like this one), they're usually under control before the next news cycle. Nothing that can't be handled with redundancy and a little ingenuity - as in this case. No, the mission is on schedule, and I am still hopping to get up to KOSH. Right now, I am a little worried about the weather forecast for Tuesday. Can't control the weather!

Louise got in to Appleton this afternoon - stop by and say hi to her at the NPS booth!

Does anyone know if there is any kind of surface shuttle service from MKE to OSH or the vicinity? I hate to spend $500 to rent a car for two 60 mile or so trip legs. That's a lot per mile. I have to take the aluminum mailing tube to MKE due to no fuse or engine or wing skins in place yet.
RV7A Empennage done
Wings under way
Fuse to be ordered at OSH

One year I took the bus from Mil to OSH. Departed downtown bus terminal and got off at the airport terminal, a pleasant couple of hours trip and cheap too.
Way to Go, Paul!

EAA gave you some good PR at Airventure.
I'm glad you made it safely and on the NASA tradition, of course! :cool:
P.S. The Orbiter Endeavour did arrive safely and on schedule at 9:48 AM CDT this morning.
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EAA gave you some good PR at Airventure.
I'm glad you made it safely and on the NASA tradition, of course! :cool:
P.S. The Orbiter Endeavour did arrive safely and on schedule at 9:48 AM CDT this morning.

I had a great flight up on Monday night, and as soon as I get a chance, I'll have to write a little about it. For now, suffice to say that Oshkosh has been outstanding, mostly because of all the RV'ators I've had the chance to meet. Doing some NASA PR has been wonderful, and given me the chance to "officially" talk NASA to all the folks that ask me questions. Narrating the landing for a SRO crowd was fun this morning, and the weather at KSC looked superb for a change.

I have another talk in the NASA pavilion tomorrow at 1030 for anyone still here (the RV "sea" has drained considerably already...)