Are you interested in HBC Beer Tastings?

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Well Known Member
In nearly every cross country trip my RV makes, a beer exchange occurs more often than not. It's been a lot of fun for everyone involved - Great beer exchanged and a new friendship made! Why not bring this to Oshkosh???

With most nights of Oshkosh busy with events, I thought I'd try to put together a beer tasting on Sunday Night, July 24th at the west end of HBC (where the showers, tent and bathrooms are). The rules are simple - bring a 6 pack to represent where you come from (CA - I better see some Pliny the Elder!), and everyone shares. I'll bring a bunch of Solo cups so everyone can sample the imported goods.

I included a poll with this to see who's interested, but from the few people I've run this by, there will already be a handful of us there anyways in a beer swap gaggle.

There are no good beers from my hometown. So in all regard, I lean back on my fail safe go to favorite hop of all....Sierra Nevada. I will surely bring a box with me!
Hey Guys, I live in in Grand Rapids, MI., Beer City USA!! We have over 50 craft brewers to pick from and more every month. I haven't even visited a majority of them. The wife and I are planning to come over on Sunday morning weather permitting and if so, will bring a 6 pack of assorted brews from the closest one to me. Can't tell you what it will be because they change all the time, but should be interesting to say the least. Hopefully see you there.
Count me in! I will try to bring some Heady Toppers!

See you there!

;) CJ

John - I'd happily pay you for a case of Heady Topper. I flew up to VT to go mountain biking at Kingdom Trails. That's where I was first introduced to Heady Topper. I have been unable to get a hold of any since. I've contemplated a number of times flying up to BTV to try to grab some.

Charlie, i will bring all that I can get. As you know, you are only allowed 2 four packs per person/per purchase.

:eek: CJ
can someone please bring...

some Black Butte from Oregon? I will have some Leinenkugels & maybe some imported German Dark
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Charlie, i will bring all that I can get. As you know, you are only allowed 2 four packs per person/per purchase.
:eek: CJ

2 four packs per person? You obviously don't know the right people :D:D

Since my great grandfather Fischer...

Emmigrated from Munich in 1883 as a brewmeister (you can look it up in the 1900 census) I feel qualified :p to be the "Official Taster" for this prestigous event.:rolleyes:
As a first timer to Oshkosh

I'm a little concerned with weight and balance, but I will see if I can bring some Deschutes Brewery stuff from Oregon.

Jerry was that Black Butte Porter, or Obsidian Stout or a seasonal offering like the Abyss?
Emmigrated from Munich in 1883 as a brewmeister (you can look it up in the 1900 census) I feel qualified :p to be the "Official Taster" for this prestigous event.:rolleyes:

Does this mean you can only properly judge beer that is brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot (German Purity Law of 1516)????? :D
I'll be there with something from northern CA. What time are you trying to get started?

Will wander over from HBP...

With a couple of sixers of some Texas brews...

Likely Rahr (Ft Worth) and some ABW Fire Eagle or Black Thunder (Austin Beerworks)....Ice available to chill things down?

If I get lost and can't find y'all, I'll be the guy with the happy (hoppy?) look on his face surrounded by empties under the Maroon/White RV-7...

Great Idea! Any requests from CO

I'll be flying in from CO, I'll bring a few of my favorites. Any requests?
6 Pack

Hi Mike, I'm in but will have to bring a local six pack.
Can't afford the extra weight in the RV-3.
I may not have time for a Vermont run before OSH, but I'll definitely arrive with a good Boston microbrew!
Beer Temp

Does anyone who is driving to Oshkosh have the ability to bring a large tub for us to put beer in? I'm thinking all of these imports from around the US need to be chilled off 2 hours or so before the event begins. I'm thinking that a combination of ice and water will make the most thermal efficient fluid to cool off the beverages.

Does HBC sell ice on Sunday?

I'm excited the event has grown to nearly 30 people! At a 6-pack per person, that's 180 beverages we need to get chilled! I'd appreciate anyone assistance who has some great ideas how to accomplish this.
Happy to help get this set up Mikey...I can't attend (I'll be fishing Lake Michigan Sunday night with a customer! :cool: ), but if I can help out moving things or people around, let me know.

I don't have a tub, but can move one if one is available locally.
Jerry Fischer to the rescue! HBC will have ice, and he will dig up some large blue plastic tubs.

There is a fairly well stocked Grocery/liquor store in a shopping plaza about 1/4m. north of Wittman. A pedestrian Gate should allow you you to obtain spirits from there for those watching their W & B. The name is Pick & Save.
Glad I could be of service:p
RE: HBC Beer Tasting

I am in assuming I make it to OSH on Sunday as planned.
I will bring something special from Wisconsin. :D
I have a bottle of Balcones single malt packed for the trip if anyone would like to sample some mighty fine Texas whiskey. :D

Does anyone who is driving to Oshkosh have the ability to bring a large tub for us to put beer in? I'm thinking all of these imports from around the US need to be chilled off 2 hours or so before the event begins. I'm thinking that a combination of ice and water will make the most thermal efficient fluid to cool off the beverages.

Does HBC sell ice on Sunday?

I'm excited the event has grown to nearly 30 people! At a 6-pack per person, that's 180 beverages we need to get chilled! I'd appreciate anyone assistance who has some great ideas how to accomplish this.

if you want to email me what your looking for, be glad to round something up. Plan to be driving my RV (kind with more than 3 wheels and weight and balance is way off to leave the ground).

ty1295@ gmail
Amanda: Sounds divine...haven't tried Balcones yet...I'll have some MacAllan and/or Balvenie with me; you're welcome to share!
John: i'll be bringing a 6-pack!

Gosh if this is starting to evolve into whiskey I might just have to make the trip. Bowman Brothers Virginia Whiskey. But I'll also bring some VA beer. All this weather dependent however.
If y'all are going to be that way about it, I may have to bring Lagavulin as a backup.
Gosh if this is starting to evolve into whiskey I might just have to make the trip. Bowman Brothers Virginia Whiskey. But I'll also bring some VA beer. All this weather dependent however.


We certainly won't turn you away at the door if you bring some craft distilled spirits! In fact, I might bring some as backup as well. Can never have enough redundancy!

I'm looking forward to finally having an opportunity to kick back a few with you!

Mike B
I hope a six pack of "Lone Star" will get me in! We don't have many micro breweries here in Garden City!
I'm in. This is my first Oshkosh, so could appreciate some pointers on how to find the party.

We will probably take some Dutch beer with us. That said, as we are located near the Belgian border, it would be more obvious to take a sixpack of the better tasting Belgian beer with us.

I'm in if we make it there on Sunday. I'll be bring some beer from Richmond, Va. We have a ton of breweries here