
Well Known Member
This year will be my first Oshkosh trip. I plan to take my son, but don't think I can keep him there more than 2-3 days. I wanted to attend the RV social on Monday and planned to come Sunday and leave Wednesday AM. Today I was thinking about the big Saturday airshows and wondered, would I be better going on Thursday AM and leaving on Sunday AM.

Hoping someone can give me some guidance or suggestions.

Earlier is better, IMO. By the end of the week, the showplane parking areas and HBC start to thin out. Of course, the Snowbirds will only be there for July 29-31 and they put on a good show, so that is something to consider.

One event that is great to watch is the night airshow. They do it Wednesday and Saturday. It is well worth attending.

Remember, no matter when you come, you'll have a good time.

BTW, how old is your son? I have a 5 YO, and don't know that I'll bring him until he's 8 or older.
You are so close to Osh, it would be a good suggestion to fly-in Saturday, home Wednesday, come back Saturday morning for a day trip or leave Sunday morning.

The one time I stayed until Sunday morning, when I got up, I could count on one hand all the planes in HBC. That and a lot of vendors pack it in Sunday.

BTW, if you have never seen a night airshow, it is the best of any airshow.
Earlier is better, IMO. By the end of the week, the showplane parking areas and HBC start to thin out. Of course, the Snowbirds will only be there for July 29-31 and they put on a good show, so that is something to consider.

One event that is great to watch is the night airshow. They do it Wednesday and Saturday. It is well worth attending.

Remember, no matter when you come, you'll have a good time.

BTW, how old is your son? I have a 5 YO, and don't know that I'll bring him until he's 8 or older.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My son is 17. I am sure he'll have a good time, but fear he'll lose interest after 2-3 days. Plan was to stay flexible and stay as long as he is not bored.

Last year was my first year to attend the Van's banquet Tuesday night. Worth the money. Good entertainment.
You are so close to Osh, it would be a good suggestion to fly-in Saturday, home Wednesday, come back Saturday morning for a day trip or leave Sunday morning.

The one time I stayed until Sunday morning, when I got up, I could count on one hand all the planes in HBC. That and a lot of vendors pack it in Sunday.

BTW, if you have never seen a night airshow, it is the best of any airshow.

That is a good idea. Up and back with one son early and take the other one, who wasn't available during the week on Saturday.

I was 17 when I went to Rockford (long before they moved it to Oshkosh) the first time. Met a girl there and it was hard to get me to leave.

Just saying....

Keep him away from the Heaven's Landing booth. Just sayin'.
Darn, cannot make the image work.

Here is the link, scroll down for the angels.
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They have Airshows at Oshkosh? I hardly notice.....too busy networking with the thousands of builders and the many friends I have made over the years....

Seriously, going early will network you with the homebuilders - who will definitely start getting thin starting Thursday - and if you just have to see the big airshows, and you can come back, that sounds like a good option. You can see the big jet teams and other airshow acts at lots of different places - but getting the homebuilt community together in force like at Oshkosh is a lot harder to do.
Yeah, you are close enough. If need be come home then go back again.

I would hit it early, in position Monday morning, or earlier.
How old is your son?

Mine is seven and this will be his 8th OSH. (He was seven months old for his first one.)

KidVenture is just outstanding for the younger ones! Say up to about 14 or 15.

They have Airshows at Oshkosh? I hardly notice.....too busy networking with the thousands of builders and the many friends I have made over the years....

Seriously, going early will network you with the homebuilders - who will definitely start getting thin starting Thursday - and if you just have to see the big airshows, and you can come back, that sounds like a good option. You can see the big jet teams and other airshow acts at lots of different places - but getting the homebuilt community together in force like at Oshkosh is a lot harder to do.
Are we on for dinner one night @ Fox River Brewing? Ring me up as to when U arrive if you need a ride around the place. I leave day after tomorrow @ 1AM;) & Larry you will have a great time no matter how you split it up.
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Keep him away from the Heaven's Landing booth. Just sayin'.
Darn, cannot make the image work.

Here is the link, scroll down for the angels.

You'll have to fill me in on this one. Don't know what Heaven's landing is, but I am guessing possibly women in bikini's if I am supposed to avoid teenager contact.

THanks for the ideas here. I am now planning to arrive Sunday and leave Tuesday or Wednesday. The deal with my son is Wed will be based upon his interest in staying. Hopefully he will find a girl to chase and will be begging me to stay through Thursday:D

I will come back with the younger one on Saturday, so he doesn't get jealous. So far, they seem to enjoy short hops in the plane.

Are we on for dinner one night @ Fox River Brewing? Ring me up as to when U arrive if you need a ride around the place. I leave day after tomorrow @ 1AM;)

I hope to get in early Saturday morning - flying in from a nearby flight test of Friday. Will check in upon arrival Sir!!:D
You'll have to fill me in on this one. Don't know what Heaven's landing is, but I am guessing possibly women in bikini's if I am supposed to avoid teenager contact.


A booth selling lots at an aviation community, Heaven's landing. They usually have two or three cute young ladies dressed as Angels.

Link disappeared. Google heavens landing.
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Kid Venture

This will be my first visit to Airventure also:).

The wife and I will be there Sunday until Wednesday evening. I'm debating bringing my 10 year old daughter along, so could someone give me an idea of what Kid Venture is?

I have a little experience here. From 30 years ago, I brought my son. In the last 5 years I have brought over 50 kids, all high school age. We do surveys the day we pull out, Thursday morning. About 80% have said this was about the right amount of time, 20% said they wanted more. Never had a kid say it was too long. Younger, I can't really say, but with Kid Venture, I can't see how that would be too long. I do think staying for the night air show would be a good idea. It will be something you can't see anywhere else.
I would say that you do have to go at the kids own pace, which means you can't shop like normal. I recommend taking them to the WWII encampment, something easy to miss. It is west of the warbirds. Older kids can be on their own much of the time also. Just make sure they are well oriented to the site. Cell phones are wonderful. I have never had to look for a kid. I have for an adult...
I will have 20 kids there this year, 15 of which have never been there before. The real fun is watching them for the first few hours. Amazement is always fun to watch.
You are in for a treat, have fun!
