
Well Known Member
Laughable timing for this question, but...

For general camping in Camp Scholler, how early do you need to arrive to get a spot relatively close to an entrance? I've never camped onsite, so don't have any idea of how quickly it fills up. My dad is going to come with me next year, and for his latest retirement project, he bought an old fire & rescue truck that he is converting into a camper of sorts. So of course that will be the vehicle of choice for Oshkosh next year.

My main concern is that walking around the show grounds is hard enough on its own for an 80 year old (he's in great shape, but still), and I worry about compounding that by also having a long trek back and forth to Scholler. Would arriving on Saturday sometime be early enough to get a spot relatively close, or is that just a pipe dream for those of us who can't stake out spots weeks in advance?
We arrived at 10:00AM on Saturday with a camper, and the place was quite full already. We went south on Stits to Aspen, so we were most of the ways south.

There are buses shuttling people back and forth to the main entrance by the exhibit halls. These buses are free and run constantly. You can also catch one to the museum. You should be able to find maps showing the bus and shuttle routes.

Around Wednesday a lot of holes started to appear in the campground as people began leaving.
When I lived in SE Wisconsin, I knew people who would drive to OSH and wait in line on the first day that Camp Scholler opens, usually late June, and race to get their favorite spots locked down. Unfortunately, they have to pay for those spots, daily charge, for many weeks before Airventure.
When I lived in SE Wisconsin, I knew people who would drive to OSH and wait in line on the first day that Camp Scholler opens, usually late June, and race to get their favorite spots locked down. Unfortunately, they have to pay for those spots, daily charge, for many weeks before Airventure.

To get close and not camp in the back 40, it is a rat race. One of the EAA staff told me that the land grabbers start coming weeks earlier to grab their spot. I am the president of our chapter, so this year I bought 3 reserved spots in chapter camping. Our spots were marked so no one could squat on our spots. We were right up near the gate, the showers, the store, and the porta potties. EAA started the chapter camping about 3 or 4 years ago. george
Basically the realistic answer as to when to show up to get the closest sites is the day Scholler opens which IIRC is 30 days before the show.
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Okay, so it sounds like I'm out of luck getting close to an entrance for him, but as long as there are trams/buses to get around with, I won't worry about it.
I arrived Monday morning about 10ish. Got in right away. All I had was my car, (small), and a very small tent. There was nothing close. I did end up squeezing in to a space that I question as even really being a spot. It was right by the entrance to camp Scholler. I'm going to vent a little about something too.

Most all people camping are very friendly, thoughtful and courteous. With that said, there are some that don't mind taking more than their fair share of space. There was one that was close to me and over the course of the week, I realized what they had done. Their camper, bikes, a pull behind trailer were parked side by side EASILY taking up nearly what most would call at the least 1 1/2 camping spots. Here's the real kicker. They had taped off an area across the street from their spot, A full camp site!!!, and for the 5 days I was there used it to park their car. Nothing else! Oh well, it takes all kinds. I still had a great time.
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This year we used EAA Chapters registration program. Chapter camping sites are in the general area of the old pop factory south of Pauls woods. EAA ropes out your Chapters site and the site size is based on the number of campsites requested. We had four members participating. EAA stakes your tent/Camper registration sticker with-in your site. This numbered sticker matches the Vehicle sticker number they send to you. We had four members participating. The cost per site was $270 non-refundable. The advantage being you can arrive days early, or not, and have an excellent location without having to pay for those early arrival days.
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I arrived late Friday night

via taxi from KATW and the registration folks pointed me towards the 101 Woods. I hiked down there in the pitch dark and couldn’t see any open camping sites. Not wanting to encroach upon others, I hiked back out. Security told me to set up in a non camping area and relocate the next morning but I didn’t want to do that. I hiked back out toward the CC Gate by Lot S and found an open area between RVs on top of the hill. This location stayed high and dry during Saturday’s deluge but it was 0.4 miles to the nearest shower house and 1.5 miles to the show entrance. I averaged about 8 miles of walking per day and this year I spent the vast majority of my time in forums. I wished I would have flown in but I wanted to maximize my time at the show and I had a hard deadline to be home on Monday. Couldn’t risk getting weathered in. It was good to see so many attendees. The bus service to the campground appeared to be well run and would be a great option for someone wanting to optimize their time spent walking.
Another option: there is a private campground across from the Seaplane base that looks like a great place to stay. Also, some of the houses near the drop-off point advertised camping on their property as well. The buses to and from the Seaplane base run fairly regular. Seaplane base is an oasis of calm and quiet. Great place to relax in the shade, have lunch, and ogle cool seaplanes.
I seem to always arrive Monday midmorning and Scholler is already pretty filled up. At first it looks impossible to find a spot, but one will always find a spot. This year I wound up in the "bean fields" near the end of and east of 25th street. Pretty far from the nearest entrance to the showgrounds. I had a bike, so the distance was a non-issue. Pack a bike!
I also noticed spots opening up in nice locations midweek. I didn't feel it was worth bothering to relocate, though the thought occurred to me.