
Forum Peruser
I've had the EAA video feed in the lower right corner of my PC most of the morning and have noticed that the RV-12 and the RV-7 have been flying a lot. From the audio it sounds like they have been giving demo rides. Also the Ford Tri-Motor has been in frame frequently. I haven't noticed any other RV's although I haven't watched it constantly.

Right now they are making intersection takeoffs from 18R and I just saw the Tri-Motor taxi into position and start its takeoff roll.
Yep, each day, they offer demo ride in 2 models. I was there on monday morning and the -7 and -9A were giving rides. The -10 and -12 were parked at the tent. I had a ride in the -9a.
White Knight and the Airbus A380

Well, Doug is on his way home. And I have the EAA video in the lower right corner of my PC. White Knight II just landed and they just towed the Airbus A380 out on to the runway. Looks like it will soon be taking off. As I write this, they are PUSHING the Airbus backwards on 36L. If you tie in soon, you might be able to see the Airbus take off. Wonder how many RV's could be built from the aluminum in that big honkin' plane???:eek:
P.S. It just now took off (2:47 PM CDT). You can tell by where the people in frame are looking the location of the airplane as it flies around Wittman Field!
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One of the NASA Dryden Test Pilots and I stood outside the pavilion and watched the Airbus depart and show off - with our jaws on the ground. Crewed by Terry Lutz, that thing was doing things I would have expected from an ultra light being demoed over a runway - it was maneuvering almost within the confines of the airport at unbelievably slow speeds, climbing steeply, diving back down for energy. I was more impressed with the way it performed than with the Extras that followed - we know that they were DESIGNED for those stunts!

Amazing airplane...
