vic syracuse

Well Known Member
We are leaving for OSH today. I need to be there for some meetings this weekend and I am licensing a new RV-7 in Madison, WI on the way. It sure looks to be an extremely busy week with lots of exciting things, including the RV-12 One Week Wonder. I hope to see many of you there! When I am not in meetings I will be hanging out at the Van's booth so stop by and say hello!
I am also presenting 2 forums on prebuys, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Some of you may be interested, even from a building standpoint, as I will have lots of pictures of problem areas on RV's.

Safe travels to all of you headed that way. Weatherwise, it looks to be one of the best weeks at OSH that I have seen in a long time, with some wonderful temps and no rain forecast for next week. Just tomorrow and Saturday look a little dicey with rain and low ceilings.

Flying to OSH

We have been having a great trip in our 10, first time big trip corner to corner, San Diego to Main, landed in Plymouth yesterday and up to Main tomorrow , on Saturday we will start heading to OSH in hopes of getting in Sunday am, so looking fwd to it and shaking your hand again Vic.
We made it safe and sound from Northern Virginia to our planned overnight stop in Southern Indiana. We were IFR but as expected, had to still bob and weave a bit. Indy Center didn?t do us any favors but the Airport staff at Freeman (KSER) more than made up it ? they were fantastic! Even gave me a hangar to overnight in out of the blue!
I am also presenting 2 forums on prebuys, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Some of you may be interested, even from a building standpoint, as I will have lots of pictures of problem areas on RV's.

I'm not getting in until Friday, any chance you can record your forum I'd be interested in seeing it.
Made it to Osh! We came in IFR which made it it pretty painless. We had a sporty crosswind landing? not my finest but I didn?t break anything on the plane!