
Well Known Member
Is there going to be a RV BBQ this year at Airventure? If so I would be willing to help and need to purchase my tickets.
I think Bob is taking a break from putting on the BBQ this year. It will be
missed for sure. Last year's BBQ was a blast.
Didnt know there was such a thing... sounds fun though. I'll be attempting Oshkosh for the first time this year... aside from the intimidation of too much traffic in one place at one time, I'm looking forward to it! I should be arriving Thursday the 31st and leaving that Saturday or Sunday. Looking forward to seeing all the RV's!
Just wondering if it would be possible for "us" to all set aside a time and place for an even more informal get-together. Possibly everyone bringing their own food, drinks, etc. Bob did a wonderful job, and I don't think anyone could jump in and fill his shoes on this, but an evening of fun should still be possible. There should be areas where we would be able to gather. Any thoughts?

Bob Kelly