
Well Known Member
After kicking it around a bit, we've decided to cap registration for the RV BBQ at Oshkosh at 350. This includes spouses, kids, guests etc. No doubt this will fluctuate some by circumstances, but we really need to have a handle on the supplies, campsites, and help we'll need to accomodate the BBQ this year.

Second, there's a pretty fair chance that we have underwriting by some RV friends for the BBQ. If this comes to pass, any money sent with pre-registration will be returned.

As I understand it, some folks have donated door prizes (only those people who pre-register will be eligible for door prizes since the tickets will be mailed). If you would like to donate a door prize, please contact Darwin Barrie. (RV7GUY on VAF)
The first batch of "credentials" (tickets and badges) went in the mail this weekend, and another group went to the Post Office this morning.

As near as I can figure, only 6 reservations that have been submitted have not gone out yet, and mostly I'm waiting for word back on names on badges, or names of guests etc.

We have 141 reserved so far, not including those who have said they'd be coming but haven't submitted a menu list yet, guests of donors etc.

That's 141 more than we had reserved at this time a year ago, so it looks like it'll be well attended.

I can stress strongly enough how important is it to let me know you're coming...and what you'd like to eat, so that we can order and plan accordingly. We think we've eliminated the long lines and with things being mailed out this year, you should be able to just walk in and start eating, drinking, and having fun.

Thanks to donors, we have reserved a large 40' x 40' tent (well, I guess there's only one size for a 40' x 40' tent) from the EAA vendor (big bucks, $1150 for one night, but worth it because it eliminates the possibility of getting "weathered out")

Reserve now!
Yet another BBQ update

As of this morning -- I haven't checked the mail -- we have 215 people who have registered for the RV BBQ at Oshkosh. This is almost the same number we had registered last year by July, and almost 400 showed up.

We're kind of hoping that doesn't happen again and we are imploring people to register in advance so we don't spend 4 hours running to the store to get more food (we can't very well say "sorry, the food's all gone," because the people who might lose out are those who paid in advance.

So we're once again encouraging all to register early. On June 1, the price goes up; not because we're greedy -- you think $7.50 actually covers the cost? -- but because we're trying to provide an incentive for you to do now what you might be inclined to do later.

As indicated, if we do get underwriters -- we've heard there may be some but we haven't seen the green yet -- then money will be returned.

Of course if we don't get underwriters, this will definitely be the last BBQ as we're well into the hole. (that tent is cool and allows us to proceed regardless of the weather but we had to use the EAA vendor and that's about $1,000 a night for that puppy. I should have gone into the tent rental business. Anyway, that's already been paid via my trusty old credit card. No checks are being cashed until the week before Oshkosh.

Also the camping fees at AirVenture have gone up another $1 a night this year and this year we'll need 6 campsites to accomodate the crowd. That's $19 a night times 6 ($114) times the number of nights we have to pay (6) for a total of $684 just for the patch of ground we're using. And we haven't even bought all the food and beer yet. So our expenses have almost tripled this year while -- factoring in the cost of postage -- the price of a ticket has dropped almost 50 cents from a year ago, when we lost about $200 on the deal -- a worthwhile investment, imho.

I'm pretty confident we'll be OK. The biggest headache I'm concerned about is a bunch of people showing up at the last minute who didn't tell us they were coming.

So if you're going to Oshkosh, you might as well register now because why wouldn't you want to spend a pleasant Midwest evening at a barbecue with several hundred like-minded individuals, with no speeches to listen to, no hard tables to sit on, where you can eat and drink as much as you can stand... all for just $7.50?

Make it easy on us. Do it now. I prefer snailmail as PayPal takes about 60 cents off the top and every dollar counts toward better beer.

And if you're in the EAA, spread this around your chapter (it's newsletter time and I'll bet your newsletter editor would welcome a few lines).

Oh, by the way, we could use an official "photographer." I'm thinking it would be great to take a large group photo and then send it to everyone after the event as a souvenir.

And, finally, we'd like to encourage RVers to camp near us and be our neighbors. We figure that way, we won't upset the neighbors with our bash. The map is on the Web site of exactly where we'll be.

And is there anyone going to OSH earlier than July 20 (Friday) who'd like to stake out our area?
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BBQ photo?


EAA just announced this week that the Goodyear blimp will be back for the first time in about 20 yrs.

Maybe EAA would like an "official" photo of maybe the largest RV BBQ at OSH?

Might need to get that high to take 400 folks pic anyway :eek:

Worth a call?

I posted over on RBer's also, but how many people here would be willing to NOT get their money back if we do get underwriters to ensure we can keep doing this? Put the money in an account, and save it for expenses next time or something...
I will refuse to take my money back. It is little enough to help defray the costs from previous years and keep this thing going.
Got an e-mail from Stein today (he's been doing all the work on the finances front) and we've got some pretty good news. We're in good shape. Stein, as I've said before, is just a flat-out unbelievable guy, imho. As are the other RVers who own a few firms who've been helping. More at Osh. But rest easy. There'll be a 2008 too.

Now patronize those RVers!!!
Update: We're just about at 300 registrants (not including guests of sponsors) so it looks like we'll be able to cut off registration by the end of the month. I've been able to turn around the credentials mailing to about 2 days (sometimes less) from the time I receive the registrations.

That will give me a few weeks to work on the logistics, including coming up with a good setup that will make the food and drink lines work quickly. If there are any "experts" out there who can diagram such things, let me know. We've got plenty of folks who've volunteered to work the "chow line," now I just have to design one that works. And I hope to have volunteer assignments nailed down by two weeks ahead of time.

We have been unable to get the "event grill" that we had hoped to; they're not in stock anywhere, so we're going back to the tried-and-true method -- my wife's BBQ grill and one other. If you live nearby or are hauling stuff to Oshkosh and have room, we'd sure appreciate the use of your propane grill. (We'll reimburse you for the propane).

We've now got -- I think -- 5 coolers sitting here in St. Paul. If there are any Minnesotans who have room to spare who can lug them down (and back), that'll free up some room in ye olde Subaru (although I may just have a trailer hitch put on this year and give in to the obvious). I figure we're in need of another 5 to make things work well. So if you can provide a cooler for the evening (delivering it by Wednesday morning), let me know.

Within the next week, I'll have a thing on the Web site on how to find us, depending on where you're staying. Remember: Do NOT drive over to the campsite itself. And remember to bring your own chairs.

I'd like to thank those RVer-owned companies who have stepped forward with generous donations to assure the continuation of this event. See the Web site for more.

I think that's all I've got.
Received a very nice donation from Mattituck Teledyne today. And Mahlon and the gang are coming -- which is even better!

Man, am I ever glad I'm buying stuff from all of these RVers and people who want to be hanging around RVers.

I can't believe how psyched I am for Oshkosh! C'mon, weatherman!!!
This evening we reached 352 registrations for the RV BBQ at Oshkosh, topping the limit we set of 350 people. With expected neighbors and miscounts, this should give us about 400 attendees.

There's no way we could handle any more than that, especially with 150+ "didn't tell you we were comings" that we had last year, so the BBQ is now a 'sellout.' To go larger would, I think, ruin the grassroots nature of the event that has made it such a favorite for many people in very short order.

If you didn't get your registration in, I'm sorry but we look forward to seeing you next year.

Now, onto the planning. and a few chants for good weather wouldn't hurt.
This week my wife is out of town, so I thought, "Great, I can do two things: a) get the canopy frame finished and b) smoke that Cuban cigar a co-worker gave me a few weeks ago.

Neither happened. I ended up drilling the left side splice plate and that's it (which was better than nothing).

Most of the rest of the non-working hours was taken up getting the final credentials out the door (the last minute "rush" really crunched me). They're all out except for about 4 or 5 (including folks coming from Switzerland and the Netherlands and Australia. I'll deliver them at Oshkosh).

All the credentials, btw, include the really nice Vertical Power mailer they just came out with.

Oh, yeah, that's the other thing I worked on this week (last night 'til 2 a.m.), and article this week on their signature product. It (the article, not the component, that's August) will be out on Saturday.

Again, please let me know when you've received your packet so I can check it off on the spreadsheet.

thanks to Doug Reeves for mentioning the BBQ updates on the VAF front page. It really helped.

If anyone is going to Boone, Iowa on Saturday, please drop me a line. I'm flying down with Warren Starkebaum (I've never been to an RV fly-in before!), and I'd love the chance for a pre-BBQ "hello")
ALL of the credentials that were to be mailed HAVE been mailed. We've still got several dozen folks who haven't confirmed their receipt. If you have received yours (and you haven't already notified me), please do so as soon as possible.

Whoops. Sorry, Walter. Didn't see this when I did a "new post" check the other day. Ignore the email that you got this morning, then.

In other BBQ news... I hope to post a diagram of volunteer functions (how the chow line will flow etc) by sometime this afternoon (assuming I can goof off at work...and it's a pretty slow time there so I think I can).

One person I AM looking for is a runner to -- maybe -- run over to the West End store for additional bags of ice as needed. This is a perfect job for a young person (like 10-14). It involves just checking coolers to see if we need more ice and then running over to the store for a bag or two.

I think I'll dig out the old red wagon from the attic and bring it. Should be handy for the task.

I'm giving the kids $10 for the evening for helping out.
Volunteer opportunities

Apologies because this is going to be posted on various message boards to make sure we hit everyone, but I've put together a 'flow chart' of the chow line at the Oshkosh RV BBQ. It has the volunteer "assignments" for those I'm aware of that have volunteered.

You can find it here:


Please check it out and tell me if it makes sense.

We'll probably start cooking around 5 so that there's food ready when people arrive at 6 (and beyond). In the past, we've cooked for several hours. So it would be great if you'd let me know how long you wish your "shift" to last.

I would discourage folks from volunteering for more than an hour because it's easy not to see everyone when you're cooking and running around. So let me know which shift (6-7. 7-8, 8-9) works best for you.

I've also listed some volunteer "opportunities" we're still trying to fill.

SALADS: We need folks who can bring a salad. You know, a bunch of lettuce in a big bowl and jar of dressing. We have a few who have volunteered but it would be bad form for us to have only a few dozen servings. So if you've got a big Tupperware bowl, wouldn't mind filling it and taking it home with you -- empty and greasy -- when done, drop me an email.
As you pack for OSH, PLEASE remember to bring your ID badge and BBQ tix (in fact, pack 'em now!). Darwin Barrie has done a great job of lining up some door prizes and your ticket is also your door prize entry.

We will have a ticket table for those folks who are picking theirs up but if we get bogged down issuing replacement tix etc., we're going to end up with a line and that's one of the things we're trying to avoid.

Also, here's another call for folks who are camping to camp around 12th Street between Lindbergh and elm so that our neighbors are RVers and are less likely to be "concerned" by 400 people descending on the campsites.

If you're showing up earlier than Friday, kindly do not set up 80 feet each way of

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]N 43 58.489

W 088 34.718
That reminds me. The Camp Scholler guidelines say campsites should be 20 x 30. Is that 20 wide or 30 wide?
We've got the final food-purchasing list almost done. On the subject of beer, if you indicated you wouild be consuming some, please take a moment and email me with details on what kind so I can figure out -- roughly -- what kind to have on hand.
Whooooo hooooooooo!

the 10-day forecast now includes BBQ day. 85 and partly cloudy.

(it was dead on accurate last year!)


If you're coming and still aren't sure how to find us, please check the "directions" page


BTW, we WILL have some fabulous door prizes thanks to Darwin Barrie.
Must be present to win (since your BBQ ticket has your name on it, it's also your door-prize ticket.
and finally, coolers. We need coolers.
We're full up on volunteers. I'm not opposed to making more room (it'll cost you $10) but I've spent way too much time in the last few days printing out more tickets and badges for folks who are asking at the last minute to come (I have a hard time saying "no," I guess folks have figured that out).

Still, I gotta ask? Where the heck have you been for the last 4 months?

What could I have done better (and will do next year) to get the word out better?
Bob Collins said:
....What could I have done better (and will do next year) to get the word out better?

You did a great job Bob. I was ready to send for tix last month and I'm not even attending. ;)
Bob Collins said:
We're full up on volunteers. I'm not opposed to making more room (it'll cost you $10) but I've spent way too much time in the last few days printing out more tickets and badges for folks who are asking at the last minute to come (I have a hard time saying "no," I guess folks have figured that out).

Still, I gotta ask? Where the heck have you been for the last 4 months?

What could I have done better (and will do next year) to get the word out better?

You got the word out OK but I wasn't sure? The wife had to cancell because of a big bussiness meeting and I wasn't sure if the BBQ was going to conflict with the lifetime members dinner July 24th Gathering of Eagles dinner july 26th , President's BBQ July 27th.. I guess I just spaced it. :eek: 10 bucks no problem but are you Sure I can't volunter? I was a proffesional fireman in College and I was the cook for my house and I don't have anyone with me so I could do whatever so someone else could eat with their family Do I paypal you the money?
The volunteers, just about all of them, are just plain folks who also bought tickets. We're still playing this a little by ear so we've "guessed" on how many volunteers can be assigned ahead of time. If anyone should see a need for someone to pitch in during the BBQ -- and unquestionably you will no matter how many hundreds of hours we've put into planning -- don't ask, just pitch in. You'll get a free RV BBQ T-shirt as long as they last. By the way, I'm already planning the '08 BBQ, one thing I'd like to find is a volunteer to organized the volunteers - find them, assign them etc.

All in all, I think the mailing of tickets will be a HUGE help in reducing virtually all of the line we had last year. (Unless folks forget to bring them). We'll have a beer/soft drink "tent" so it'll be easier to find the brews, and the "chow line" has been organized better (and made into two instead of one), so that should help too.

As far as the price, I think, $10 for all you can eat and drink is a pretty good deal (it was actually $7.50 during registration, and folks could make reservations, not have their checks cashed AND get their money back if it turned out they couldn't come.) and while we got some sponsorships this year that have allowed us to get a tent and more campsites (we'll spend $1,000 this year, just on the campsite rental...and another $1200 for the tent), order extra food "just in case" AND probably drop the price next year, this is a break-even operation.

The goal here isn't to make money; but it isn't to lose it either. The financial information for the event (so far) is being posted on the Web site at http://home.comcast.net/~bcollinsrv7a/eaa/financials.html

Everyone who has a ticket is also automatically entered for the door prizes.

I think all in all, everyone will have a good time. If not, all anyone has to do is see me at the BBQ and I'll refund your ticket price on the spot, no questions asked ... and no grudges held, and no one will be more disappointed than me.:p

I'm thinking of a luau theme next year. Do y'all have Hawaiian shirts?
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I can't fly my 6 in this year as planned, I am still attending but pulling the camper up instead. I had a ruptured appendix four weeks ago and the surgeon said no flying for 6 weeks. What a bummer. she was all polished up and ready to go. I'll be at the BBQ with my boys, looking forward to it. see you all there.
I sense the start of a 'rebel OSH BBQ' being formed ;) .

Looking forward to the BBQ, Bob! Thanks again for all the hard work you put into organizing this.

I've kicked around the idea over the years of an RV "hospitality area"... with a do-it-yourself grill and a well stocked cooler. Rather than a one-night, big crowd thing. Would be a good place for folks to leave messages and meet up etc.

Maybe when I retire and I can afford to leave in, like, February to get a spot in the trees. :D
Final tally

I've stolen some of Doug's pictures and put them on the BBQ site with captions (for those folks I know) and will add more over the next week as people make their pictures available (I didn't take but 3 and they stunk).

Folks have asked me about the finances. The good news is that with sponsorship money, we, as near as I can tell, have ended up about $2,000 to the good -- give or take. That's significant since we were down about $2,000 when considering only the tickets.

Originally, I had intended to refund everyone's money but the logistics of doing that ended up being prohibitive, and yet, this isn't a money-making operation. It's designed to break even.

When I was at dinner the other night with the fine folks from Trio Avionics, Jerry Hansen gave me a card from Tony Kirk that described his effort to finish an RV project that was started by a fellow EAA chapter member, who was killed in January.

You may have read about it on Doug's site this morning, and I talked to Tony this evening and intend to write more about this weekend.

This effort seems very consistent with the mission of the BBQ, and so I told Tony tonight the RV "family" will be donating $1,000 to the cause, thanks to the folks who attended and supported the BBQ.

The rest of the surplus will go toward reducing the cost of a ticket next year by $1, replacing a canopy that was heavily damaged in the pre-BBQ storm (it wasn't tied down enough) and seeding the pre-BBQ expenses.

A record of the finances of the BBQ are available here. It's not final yet as I have another $400 or so in expenses floating around that I haven't had a chance to document yet, but it's pretty close, as far as I know.

Thank you for taking the time to attend, your generosity, and your warmth. I hope we'll see you again next year.

If you attended the 07 RV builders BBQ at Oshkosh, listen up.

If you paid for children to attend, please let me know (off list). As I look back over things, it really was stupid to charge for children and I'll be sending out reimbursements to those who did.

And next year, kids (we're talking basically under 14) will eat free.

Bob, the last RVator mentioned a possible joint effort BBQ with Vans. Any further developments?
I haven't heard anything. A couple of the other organizers say the Van's folks have mentioned the idea to them in passing. To be honest with you, when nobody from Van's showed up on Wednesday night (again), I just sorta shrugged my shoulders and said, "well, they know where to find us."

Personally, I think the vibe at the two events is very much different. Not better. Not worse. Different.
Right, and that's why we chose Wednesdays. Rivetbangers.com usually has their event on Tuesday, and I knew Van's had staked out Thursday.

That's what I love about Osh, if you play it right, you never have to make your own food. :D