
Well Known Member
I was at Oshkosh from Sunday through Wednesday evening. I thought the attendance was good.

I'm curious to hear from folks who attended Thursday through close as to how the attendance was? Were the crowds up? Were there a lot of empty show plane parking spaces where folks had pulled out? It looked to me like there were a lot of planes leaving on Wednesday morning.

I'm trying to evaluate the days I should attend next year!
It was very full Sunday though Sat, as full as I have ever seen it. Camping areas were filled up early in the week. A good crowd, energized by the Cessna Skycatcher sales, interest in the Cirrus SRS, and personal jet market entries.

Stay all week, you don't want to miss anything!
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We got there Thursday morning and left Saturday evening, and when we arrived there were as many people there as I'd ever seen (probably my 6th Oshkosh). By the time we left a lot of people had left, but still tons of people hanging out until Saturday evening and/or Sunday. There sure seemed to be records in attendance from what I saw...overall great show!!

Highlights that I saw:

1. Eclipse jet's new single engine prototype...could never get close enough to take a picture!
2. All the LSA's, especially the S-19 and RV-12...there were always tons of people looking them over.
3. All the beautiful RV's in the homebuilt camping!
4. My favorite: F-22 Raptor show Saturday afternoon!!! :eek: :eek: :D

Did they have an F-35? Has it appeared at any public airshows yet? Or jsut the new "Die Hard" movie?
Not Yet

prkaye said:
Did they have an F-35? Has it appeared at any public airshows yet? Or jsut the new "Die Hard" movie?
The one and only F-35 was snug in its hangar all week. BTW, it's a conventional, Air Force version and not the STOVL as in the movie. That comes along next year!
Some of these reports aren't squaring with what I noticed in the campground. As previous years, Thursday saw a LOT of empty spaces and I didn't see a lot of folks coming in for the weekend.

I talked to a few vendors who said it slowed considerably on Thursday and Friday.

Maybe it was just a quirk, as the EAA says it held steady through the weekend.
Bob, I think I can square out those reports. The campground and vendor areas were much less crowded as the weekend approached and especially on Sat (I left early Sat evening). However, the number of people down on the flightline Friday and Sat was the most I've ever seen.

I think a lot of the series airplane people leave before the weekend, but are replaced by people who drive up for a day or two from relatively close cities.

PS, Bob, I'm glad I got to meet you outside of the chaos of the BBQ. I gotta remember to stop by Glenn's campsite when I have time to chat next year!
I was up Friday morning and left Sunday before the airshow. Since this was my first time at Osh I couldn't gauge it from past years, but Friday and Saturday were definitely busy! Things wound down on Sunday but the pace seemed a lot more relaxed than dead. All the exhibitors were still there and the lines were short and I was actually able to see quite a bit. There were no lines for taxi and takeoff (unlike Sat which was insane). I'd certainly recommend staying for Sunday if you can. We left around 2pm and were back (after 5.5 hrs non-stop in a 172RG) in Atlanta around 8.

Did the sheet metal workshop with some friends who've never riveted before. I was torn on whether to tell them I've already put an RV empennage together (although the Vans cap may have given it away) :D
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keen9a said:
PS, Bob, I'm glad I got to meet you outside of the chaos of the BBQ. I gotta remember to stop by Glenn's campsite when I have time to chat next year!
Thanks, Ben. Glenn's campsite has become "show central" for me.

Anyway, say, I wanted to tell you that you may have noticed we didn't give away your donation for the door prize. And it was a good one as I noticed the book was selling for $22 at Avery too.

I put it in my tent when you gave it to me for safekeeping, and then it rained. It got all wet and while it was not ruined enough to toss, it couldn't be given away.

So I've given it a new home on my garage bookshelf. I owe you a brat and a beer next time I see you.
Town didn't seem as crowded Sunday night through Tuesday. The old Tumbleweed (now a mexican eatery) near UW was not crowded at all (the food may have had something to do with it!), Kodiak Jacks was only a 30 minute wait on Monday night but Kelly's was the same as ever. Left for home on the tube Wednesday evening. OSH didn't seem as crowded as last year to me. But for this Calif boy used to almost no humidity is sure seemed hotter! Nothing like 99 though.
Saturday AM to Sunday AM

My father and I arrived in my freshly painted and polished 8 on Saturday about 9am and stayed at the university for the night...looked around Sunday and departed at 12:30 before the show. It was very busy I thought on Saturday but Sunday did seem slow and many RV's were gone Sunday early.
I can never make it early so I seemed to miss all the Rvers and the BBQ...maybe next yr.
Dad and I have been focused on my 8 for the last 3 weeks so no tailwheel work...but he did get to see a few at Osh....
The university was quiet and the steak special at Molly McGuires was one get the second for 5 was cold too!
Look forward to meeting many of you next yr with a finally completely finished RV
I was there from Sunday 7/22 at noon thru Sunday 7/29 morning & stayed in the dorms. Spam can parking looked full as I arrived; never confirmed it. Lots of people in the exhibit halls early in the week & lots of aircraft parked. Crowds thinned out in the exhibit halls late in the week compared to early in the week. Many planes seemed to leave late Wednesday or early Thursday. Wednesday morning the RV parking area was basically full, Thursday afternoon it seemed like 1/3 of the planes had left. Noon Saturday, the antique/classic parking area was only 2/3 full maybe less.

In the dorms we had a slow buildup of people during the week to peak on Friday night. Saturday a lot of people left and Saturday night the place had a lot of empty rooms. Pretty dead Sunday morning and I probably saw only about 5 other guys on our floor; I left at 7.
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My first osh

My comments are as follows. WOW... Got there wed morning and the weather crapped out for the next two days, humid and rain...but we had a blast. I could not believe the size and quality of the show. Just amazing.
Friday was the slowest crowd wise and thurs,friday saturday the plane camping areas had really cleared out (walked the vans camp area and couldnt believe how many bugged out). The crowds were replaced by locals, daytripers. As someone said the flightline was packed with walkers but plane camping and the local camper areas where clearing out noticeably. The way they manage the show is just outstanding. From the wristbands so you arent held up, to the number of entrances to the litter pick up....very slick.
My wife and I both commented that with that many people, i didnt see any security or litter, no bag, what a great testament to the quality of people that enjoy this hobby. Now as the weekend approached and the pilot/builder crowd got replaced with the average seemed to deteriorate. Sorry, it did. Shirtless guys walking to the front of the airshow and sitting infront of the ropes until they were asked to step back and then had to get mouthy, more litter laying around after the show etc.
My thoughts for next year are to go early, enjoy the arrival and spend time with more pilot/builders and enjoy the "fresh excitment" Can you imagine how mushy aerosport, dynon, vans etc salesfolks must be after talking all day everyday for a week to yet another builder....good folks but that must be brutal.
Looking forward to next year. The drive is brutal from the great white north , better get rivetting! All the best. To all the builders I talked with...THANKS, it was a pleasure. You folks are a huge help and a treat to chat with.
glfrdug said:
My father and I arrived in my freshly painted and polished 8 on Saturday

I have to say that your airplane looked spectacular! One of my favorite -8 paint jobs from OSH. Sorry if you had to wipe any drool off of it before you left on Sunday ... we spent a good amount of time looking it over Sat PM and Sunday AM.

Thanks very much for the kind was sure nice to have it there finished. I'm going to enjoy the balance of 2007...the osh trip was my first flight of the yr after my 3 required full stops.
Chino Tom said:
The old Tumbleweed (now a mexican eatery) near UW was not crowded at all (the food may have had something to do with it!),...
Food near UWOsh...

Yeah, "El Azteca" wasn't exactly on par with SoCal Mexican food. :rolleyes:

But I gotta say, if you're staying in the dorms at UWOsh, "Bangkok Thai Cuisine" really kicks butt! I wasn't expecting much, you know, Thai food in Wisconsin and all. But I was pleasantly surprised. We ate there 2x last week and I'll go back in a heartbeat. It's at 80 Wisconsin St, a block or two down from Kelly's on the left. Good eats.
Bob - Did you mean the Aircraft Structural Technican book


Did you mean the Aircraft Structural Technican book? If that is the one - that was me that donated the book to the cause. My daughter was wondering why it didn't get drawn for.