
Legacy Member
Quite a few folks have suggested no arrival plan will work until conformance with the NOTAM is enforced.

Well, after many meetings and much debate, all parties are in agreement. We are please to announce the EAF's black ops division will supply certain enforcement services. Beginning Friday 22 July (edit; the 19th, yeah, yeah, the 19th!), the EAF* will deploy its new COIN fighter to patrol the area in and around Ripon, Fisk, Green Lake, and Fond du Lac.


Airspeed compliance will be judged per the private pilot PTS, i.e. speed tolerance held within +10 / -0. Pilots who slow below 90 knots will receive ONE warning. Pilots who overrun the aircraft in front of them will be herded out of line and escorted to Milwaukee.

The EAF will adopt a zero tolerance policy for line jumpers. Pilots who break into the inbound stream will be subject to immediate sanction.


The EAF will also deploy a special intelligence team at the event. RV pilots reported to have flown the approach at 2300 and 135 will be strapped to a board and placed under one of the taps at the Social. The technique, known as "beer boarding", subjects the offender to a steadily dripping stream of suds, AND an excess of taunts and insults. The treatment will continue until the subject explains why they are special.


* Elmoron Air Force
based 08A, Elmore County, Alabama

Specialized aerial security for
small wars and revolutions.

Other services:
used cars, land, homemade whiskey, manure,
nails, fly swatters, racing forms, and bongos.

Loud noise here:

https://www.danhorton.net/VAF/Oshkosh Arrival Enforcement/VID_20190705_184004470.mp4
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Gun cam

Looking forward to watching the resulting gun camera footage!
What?s a ?Fond du Lac??
I have 22 hours and 4 1/2 solos.....all the great guys on my field inform me to put a ?SP? sign in my window for special escort and priority landing.
Can?t wait!

Yikes... Who knew....

Glad I saw this post. I was considering 2300 msl at 135kts since my first and only trip in 2017 had me behind a guy doing 60kts. I had to drop down 150 t keep eyes on him as I was lugging along, nose up, aft cg with all my camping gear in the back. The beer torture does not sound so bad, but the shaming....
Can you make me some itty bitty Sidewinders so I can go after the faster violators? ;)
Your fire rate is a little slow. I suggest upgrading to a .30 cal or just mount a mini gun. Accuracy requirements go down with the mini gun fire rate.
Your fire rate is a little slow. I suggest upgrading to a .30 cal or just mount a mini gun. Accuracy requirements go down with the mini gun fire rate.

As does your firing time available due to ammo load.

"Close to 100 meters, cleared hot."
No Fear

If you want to command some respect from that bird you might consider a FLYLED 7 Stars light in an extension nose tube from the toilet brush holder. It could pass for a GAU 134 minigun, at least at first glance.

At least you might get some deer in the headlights looks.

I guess it was laughs and WTF's that Dan was looking for.
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I just want to know if I got the high score for the number of times a monkey can hit the play button in a row!
I just want to know if I got the high score for the number of times a monkey can hit the play button in a row!

I was not counting, but likely some government office computer was:D.

Just in case it need a few more hits: https://youtu.be/v4gT0oE18ls?t=30

I can visualize Dan working out the custom wing tip fibreglass to align the ammo feed chutes straight down the lightening holes in the ribs behind the main spar.
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Dan if that thing works & makes noise on the airplane then it?s 11/10. Second funniest thing would be Homeland Lack of Security sh???g bricks.

But the unholy drag...it looks so Stuka-ish.

You got way too much time, build another airplane.

You got way too much time, build another airplane.


That was my first reaction, then I realized that this kind of personal entertainment just might be the bliss that many of us are in search of. The fact that Dan has the time and mindset to "tinker" is the holy grail for most of us.

A good demonstration of tinker time is very healthy for all.

No different than spending a huge time behind a spectrum analyzer amazed at what might be able to be learned about the airplane environment with a high quality microphone and a little software engineering / mathematics.
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No different than spending a huge time behind a spectrum analyzer amazed at what might be able to be learned about the airplane environment with a high quality microphone and a little software engineering / mathematics.

Or it could be that old rednecks just like noisy stuff.
Dan, you are a true piece of work! Said with the utmost respect and admiration! Now, just rig up a feed mechanism from a sack of taters in the backseat...
Definitely not going to OSH this year. Getting dangerous around there. Some crazy pilots fly some crazy planes. :cool:
That's awesome Dan. I'll be sure to stay on course and speed this year inbound.

You need one on the other wing now...
Dogfight takes two...

When's he going to outfit the Russian? That's when things will get interesting.
So you attached a toilet brush holder under the wing of your RV-8?

It does look like one. :)

This is what you call the "B" wing. It is designed to house 20mm cannon instead of 0.303 machine guns. (kind of an inside joke)
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So who else do you know who can make a machine gun (simulator) from a toilet brush holder?

It ain't braggin' if you can do it ;)
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Pumpkin Drop??


I hope you can use that to drop Pumpkins here in November - you would be the first RV'r to participate!

Seen on the OSH flightline. Appears to be a product of the "Acme Ordinance Works".


I did take the gas gun to OSH. Apparently I was sighted enroute, as the Ripon arrival was quiet and orderly upon arrival.
Seen on the OSH flightline. Appears to be a product of the "Acme Ordinance Works".


I did take the gas gun to OSH. Apparently I was sighted enroute, as the Ripon arrival was quiet and orderly upon arrival.

Could have used your services Wednesday evening
Quite a few folks have suggested no arrival plan will work until conformance with the NOTAM is enforced.

Well, after many meetings and much debate, all parties are in agreement. We are please to announce the EAF's black ops division will supply certain enforcement services. Beginning Friday 22 July (edit; the 19th, yeah, yeah, the 19th!), the EAF* will deploy its new COIN fighter to patrol the area in and around Ripon, Fisk, Green Lake, and Fond du Lac.

Loud noise here:

https://www.danhorton.net/VAF/Oshkosh Arrival Enforcement/VID_20190705_184004470.mp4

How does that work?