
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

A couple of friends and I are planning on arriving in Oshkosh on Thursday July 18th and I was wondering if the special arrival procedure ( Notam ) will be in effect on the 18th or will it be just a standard arrival talking to Approach and tower as usual??

Thank you for feedbacks

Hello Gents

A couple of friends and I are planning on arriving in Oshkosh on Thursday July 18th and I was wondering if the special arrival procedure ( Notam ) will be in effect on the 18th or will it be just a standard arrival talking to Approach and tower as usual??

Thank you for feedbacks


The Special Flight Procedures are effective 6 AM CDT July 19 to Noon CDT July 29, 2019.
Honest question, for guys that arrive July 18-19, what do you do until the show starts? I assume watch arrivals, but what else?
We get there on Friday and..... watch arrivals

Seriously, it's my favorite thing to do at OSH.

In the evening we drink beer and talk about airplanes.

It's heaven.

Honest question, for guys that arrive July 18-19, what do you do until the show starts? I assume watch arrivals, but what else?
Do the following

These are the things we do arriving on the Friday:
1. Get camping set up and stock up on food, beer, wine etc. for the weekend
2. Do the Mexican restaurant for dinner Friday evening, good food and great margaritas.
3. Visit with the volunteers (old and new) who make the entire HBC area work
4. Visit with old friends
5. Sit around and drink beer, wine, etc and talk about airplanes
6. Watch people arrive, land etc.
1. Get coffee at 6am (assuming Rich actually gets his a** out of bed) :D
2. Find someplace for breakfast (subway??)
3. Wander around checking out aircraft, watch the vendors setting up, prep food/marinade for the evenings cooking on the grills
4. Watch the landings
5. Cook good stuff on the grills
6. Sit around drinking beer, wine etc. and talk airplanes.
1. Repeat: Same as Saturday but the arrivals get more interesting
2. HBC beer bash :D:D

Works out to be a relaxing but very good time surrounded by good people with like minded interests. Can't be beat.
Hello Gents

A couple of friends and I are planning on arriving in Oshkosh on Thursday July 18th and I was wondering if the special arrival procedure ( Notam ) will be in effect on the 18th or will it be just a standard arrival talking to Approach and tower as usual??

Thank you for feedbacks


At the risk of sounding like the curmudgeon I am: READ THE D*#N NOTAM!
Update to Figs

Take **** off of having a nose gear from all the tail wind pilots. :eek::D

Still fun!

Honest question, for guys that arrive July 18-19, what do you do until the show starts? I assume watch arrivals, but what else?

One thing you?ll notice if you arrive early is the sheer amount of work being done to set things up - you don?t need any formal invitation or training to jump in and lend a hand!

Paul (two-year apprentice at arranging picnic tables in HBC....)
Oshkosh Arrival Early

EAA needs to install a jumbotron at each end of Runway 9 & 27. They could then auction off the right to control it for 30 minutes or 1 hour intervals. The operator could then grade the landings of the airplanes coming in. When your 30 minutes or 1 hour was up, another operator takes over the grading process. It would be fun for the people watching. Some of the people landing might not consider it as much fun.
Early Arrival

Ok now....

For Joker and the likes: If you had read my post correctly instead of getting your cajones in a knot you will have notice that I mentioned the D%?&m Notam which means that I read the D?&*m Notam ....all I was asking was a simple question of any potential procedures other then a standard arrival which I can get from 50nm out listing to the ATIS..

So MR. Curmudgeon...if you don't like what someone is asking or posting then just don't read the darn post.

I'm sick of the d%?&m forum police ....there are moderators for that purpose..

I'm off my soapbox now..:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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One thing you?ll notice if you arrive early is the sheer amount of work being done to set things up - you don?t need any formal invitation or training to jump in and lend a hand!

Paul (two-year apprentice at arranging picnic tables in HBC....)

Oh Good we can count on you again this year???:p
Hey, just a reminder that there is a brand new procedure in the NOTAM for diversion to Fond du Lac if OSH is closed, presumably to avoid the holding cluster that happened last year the Sunday before the show... It's a miracle nobody collided or ran out of gas.

My favorite all-time thing to do is sit by the runway on Sunday with the handheld radio and watch arrivals. The only decision to make is, which runway??

You all have fun... I wish I was flying the VFR arrival again this year, but I'll be in the back of the company airplane with my face glued to the window. :D See you there!
Ok now....

For Joker and the likes: If you had read my post correctly instead of getting your cajones in a knot you will have notice that I mentioned the D%?&m Notam which means that I read the D?&*m Notam ....all I was asking was a simple question of any potential procedures other then a standard arrival which I can get from 50nm out listing to the ATIS..

So MR. Curmudgeon...if you don't like what someone is asking or posting then just don't read the darn post.

I'm sick of the d%?&m forum police ....there are moderators for that purpose..

I'm off my soapbox now..:rolleyes::rolleyes:


On the face page of the NOTAM a black box has this note in large letters.

"Special Flight Procedures effective 6 AM CDT July 19 to Noon CDT July 29, 2019"

I would interpret this as meaning the NOTAM is not in effect outside of that time block.
Early Arrival


Please read this again''any potential procedures other then a standard'':rolleyes:

I've read the Notam multiple times already ....It was just an honest question just in case there was something I may have missed..

Some here might need to schill out a little.

Marshall, thank you for the civilised answer, greatly appreciated.

Jerry, time permitting or weather to get there in the first place, I will lay a hand, thanks for all the work you guys do on our behalf.


Someone mentioned breakfast. My favorite breakfast spot is La Sure?s Cafe and Bakery, 1570 Ripon Lane. Yes it?s a long trek from HBC but at 6:00 am it?s worth the walk. Apparently a lot of other folks think so, too, because if you get there after 7:00, you?ll have to wait in line.

If you have never done the RIPON arrival you should still read and digest the NOTAM (25 pages have updates since 2018).

Just in case you get delayed into Friday or later.
As others have noted there are no special procedures in effect on Thursday, just normal tower operations. However... things can get pretty busy on that day with arrivals, and the tower controllers (these are not the Oshkosh all-stars, just the normal contract tower folks) can get overwhelmed. They are just not used to that volume of traffic.

I fly into OSH on a semi-regular basis throughout the year. It really isn't busy enough to warrant having a tower for the other 51 weeks. Were it not for EAA I suspect the tower would have been closed years ago.
NOTAM, what's a NOTAM? Don't you just pick what runway is closest to your preferred campsite, check Foreflight's airport-pattern advisor, and go charging in?

All kidding aside: if you want some idea of KOSH traffic prior to the big rush, LiveATC.net has a live feed from KOSH. There's also some archived audio from last year's craziness.

I've been listening during the day this week, please don't tell my boss, as a fun way to help build on the anticipation of OSH19. :D
NOTAM, what's a NOTAM? Don't you just pick what runway is closest to your preferred campsite, check Foreflight's airport-pattern advisor, and go charging in?

All kidding aside: if you want some idea of KOSH traffic prior to the big rush, LiveATC.net has a live feed from KOSH. There's also some archived audio from last year's craziness.

I've been listening during the day this week, please don't tell my boss, as a fun way to help build on the anticipation of OSH19. :D

Well that's basically what this guy tried to do. Everyone please don't be this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no5YX71PT6o&t=50s
This has to be staged, a training session maybe?

I can't vouch for it's authenticity, but I believe it to be the real deal. The reason is while I haven't heard anything so bad, I have personally heard some pilot (and I use that term loosely) exchanges between the controllers at Fisk and with both OSH towers that were almost as bad, just shorter in duration. So yeah I believe it.
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It's real...

This has to be staged, a training session maybe?

The lady that comes on at the 2:55 mark is from my home airport. She was one of the "chosen ones" for controllers at OSH for about eight years. 2017 was her last year there. She retired.

Thanks Jeff

Should be there around noon weather permitting...

i'm not worry about the traffic for myself but more for my 2 flying partners who are not as used to high traffic loads as I am..

Either way it goes, we will have a properly briefed alternate course of action if the situation warrants it.

