A little bit of my Oshkosh Airventure 2018 With emphasis on RV-12 Aircraft.


Thanks for the opportunity to view the OWW project from the outside perspective.

Minor point, but that was not the Eagles Nest parking area that you passed through......it was the teen built parking area. There are usually airplanes there built under many different groups and organizations.
The very first one encountered (polished with yellow trim) is the very first teen built RV-12 finished in 2011 under TeenFlight in Portland Oregon.
Thanks for the correction

Thanks Scott for the correction, I had a feeling that that was the case, but finished the production after the fact. It was a honor building the one week wonder with you and your team, it has given me a new perspective on building my RV-12iS.


A photo of me during my 2nd day of volunteering on Thursday in case you don't remember me, you only had a couple of hundred volunteers so how could you.
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I got a PM from a member asking if I had permission to fly a drone during the shooting of this video? I want to make this 100% clear. This is what I call, Simulated drone flight. NO DRONE WAS USED IN ANY OF MY SHOTS. I used a go pro mounted on a gimbal attached to a 5 foot pole that I had over my head hand held or attached to my backpack. I know the Drone rules very well and would never use my drone anywhere near the Wittman Regional Airport. All of the high shots where done using this setup including the shot where I rode from the Fly market bike parking area to Camp Scholler.