
Well Known Member
I stumbled across a bottle of Black Butte XXIX 29th Birthday Reserve which I bought last year for Jerry Fischer (WE WILL BE SHARING THIS GEM, JERRY!), and it made me realize I am behind on announcing the PROUD RETURN of the 2019 HBC Beer Tasting in a short 50 days from now! I ran into Jerry at Sun N Fun and he wanted to make certain the event was still on and will be conducted in the MOST PROFESSIONAL manner as it has for the past 3 years.

Same rule as the previous years. Bring a 6-pack, drink a 6-pack.

Date: Sunday, July 21st
Location: HBC Pavilion.
Start Time: 1700. When else?
Volunteers: Need as many as I can get my hands on. The pay is terrible, your boss is intolerable. If you posses the skills of putting warm beer in cold tubs of ice and willing to set the good stuff aside for a private celebration, this job is for you :D



Who's Thirsty?
#1 In

I missed it last year due to the weather impact on arrivals Sunday...and I'm only 90 miles away. I'll make it on time this year.
Mike, You can count on me this year.
I got off the PCT last week & with snow in the Sierras at 300%+, I'll be going to Oshkosh.
I'll resume my IceMan roll and coordinate it with Jerry & the gang.
I'm looking at a Thursday/Friday arrival to avoid the debacle of last year.
Me too

I am there. Maybe I can find some pabst blue ribbon on the way from KLAX. After all you didnt say I had to drink what I brought!
This is the 1st year I'll be able to make it, looking forward to it! I'll be willing help in any way and bring lots of beverages.
That?s me in the first pic? looking forward to this year! We?ve moved since last year so I?ve got to decide on a new local brew to bring.
Will be there weather permitting and if we can get there early. We have over 50 micro breweries within 30 miles of my house and will bring something guaranteed to be new to everyone except those from West Michigan!
Fingers crossed the weather situation like last year won't be preventing my participation. The beer tasting is always a highlight after a long journey to OSH.
just for you

I hope you made it. All kidding aside, I will bring some good stuff to celebrate all the friends, helpers and motivators keeping my project going. Thank you all.
Osh or bust 2019.

I will be driving, so I can bring stuff for other people with me. I will be leaving near KLAX on Friday before. PM me if any of you have stuff you need me to bring.
Beer...better late than never

OK Mike, a six pack of Hopsecutioner goes to the person who crosses my palm with Black Butte Porter.
what does beer have to do with building and flying airplanes? Oh wait - everything! Never mind.

Some say beer is the most important tool. That and your banker. Beer and dollars, thats what makes these things fly. More of either, the better it flies.
Look at it this way. The more beer consumed the more recycled beer cans. The more recycled beer cans, the more aluminum available to Vans to make airplane parts.

So do your part to support homebuilt aviation. Drink more beer.

This message was brought to you by the IPA. (Inebriated Pilots Association)
Buffalos? Best is coming 🐃

Great event! ...was there year one, and it was Awesome 😎
We will plan our arrival for this event...not to be missed !
Buffalo brewed by BIG DITCH an IPA - HAYBURNER 🍻
Can't wait

One of the highlights of the trip for me!! Looking forward to seeing everyone.
OSHKOSH EAA AIR VENTURE 2019 - A.A. and Al-Anon Meetings. (Daily)

Sun July 21st through Sun July 28th - 7:00 AM Coffee and Fellowship 8:00 AM

Sat July 27th 7am Fellowship followed by 8am Speaker

Meeting Location: The EAA Nature Center, Oshkosh, WI under the Big White Tent #1 (located at Nature Center)

Just in case some of you sots start feeling regretful...;)
I went out last night with some buddies to sample local breweries and get my liver in shape for this.

I don't want my check liver light to come on prematurely during AirVenture.
Coming from NC with Beer!

A couple of us coming in Sunday from NC with no PAX, so seems we can haul some local brews..looking forward to the tasting!!
I went out last night with some buddies to sample local breweries and get my liver in shape for this.

I don't want my check liver light to come on prematurely during AirVenture.

A couple of us coming in Sunday from NC with no PAX, so seems we can haul some local brews..looking forward to the tasting!!

So we moved to new city a few months ago and are actively engaged in research ourselves. :D The only issue we're running into is most of local microbreweries don't bottle or can -- they only do growler fills. Not keen on bringing growlers as the HBC beer tasting isn't the only event we bring beer to. But we do have options as there is a local brewery that cans -- I could also bottle some myself off of growlers or even have them fill a couple of 2-gallon mini-kegs that I have. Decisions, decisions.....;)
Cigar City (Tampa)

Cigar City has some good ones down in Tampa, and they have cans..have you tried them?
Cigar City has some good ones down in Tampa, and they have cans..have you tried them?

Not yet. But we will and that will give us more variety to bring. Between them, Coppertail, and perhaps anyone else we discover that will give us lots of options to flesh out at least 2 and maybe 3 cases. :) Our problem is you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a craft brewery in the metro Tampa area -- so much beer and so little time!! :eek: Definitely a first-world problem.:rolleyes:
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What and where is the HBC Pavilion?

I drive to OSH and Glamp. What is the HBC Pavilion (I really have been coming to OSH since 1979) and where is it?

We have plans that wind down around 7 pm Sunday evening but would love to stop by afterwards. Im guessing the party will just be starting! Correct me if I am wrong, I believe I can get in the gate and over to the homebuilt are on Sunday without a pass of ticket of some sort?

Dave Cicciari
I drive to OSH and Glamp. What is the HBC Pavilion (I really have been coming to OSH since 1979) and where is it?

We have plans that wind down around 7 pm Sunday evening but would love to stop by afterwards. Im guessing the party will just be starting! Correct me if I am wrong, I believe I can get in the gate and over to the homebuilt are on Sunday without a pass of ticket of some sort?

Dave Cicciari

It's the pavilion with the picnic tables, charging stations, and grills they built in Homebuilt Camping a few years ago. It's centered more or less north to south on the far western boundry of HBC between the volunteer hut where you buy ice and the shower trailers-- you can't miss it.
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A Pass might be needed for Sunday


for the last two (or is it four?) years the Monday (or weekly) wristband was needed to enter the grounds on Sunday.

If you want to properly attend (bringing beer that is) you might need someone who's camping in HBC to pick you up at the gate. Three years ago I tried it and tried to explain to the guy at the gate what was going on and that I couldn't possibly turn up there empty handed - he said I could bring the goods in if I was camping next to my plane in HBC but no joy for a Camp Scholler inhabitant like me.
That time I posted to this thread for help and Mike C. (catmandu) was kind enough to pick me up.
Local IPA From Maryland Has A Scheduled Flight To OSH

"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza."
-Dave Barry

"People who drink light 'beer' don't like the taste of beer; they just like to pee a lot."
-Capital Brewery, Middleton, WI

"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?" -Stephen Wright

"A woman drove me to drink, and I didn?t even have the decency to thank her.?
-W.C. Fields
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Mike, any thoughts to postponing the tasting to say Tuesday afternoon due to the conditions here at OSH?
Mike, any thoughts to postponing the tasting to say Tuesday afternoon due to the conditions here at OSH?

I was wondering this myself...checked this thread to see if the deal was still on or not what with lots of folks still off site and unable (at this point) to get in...

Not my call to make but worth consideration?
Let's not make any hasty decisions just yet! Captain John and I are about 90nm south of Osh right now at 3CK (Crystal Lake, IL) trying to make it to Osh today, but also enjoying our dry hotel room! I have other comitted plans for Tuesday, but hey, I'm sure Jerry wouldn't mind a group of beer drinkers the have an informal gathering on Tuesday.
Let's not make any hasty decisions just yet! Captain John and I are about 90nm south of Osh right now at 3CK (Crystal Lake, IL) trying to make it to Osh today, but also enjoying our dry hotel room! I have other comitted plans for Tuesday, but hey, I'm sure Jerry wouldn't mind a group of beer drinkers the have an informal gathering on Tuesday.

Well we?re here and have beer! So we?re prepared for today or any other day and or time?doesn?t have to be Tuesday that was just a suggestion since the RV social is tomorrow. Standing by for directions......
Be discrete

We're camping in Scholler and i just rode bike over to be sure i could get in later for tasting - no problem at gate by the HB pavillion, EXCEPT guard winced at mention of beer and said he didnt want to know anything about it. So will be very discrete when i go back with the goods
My pireps about about beer

Went to the gate by control tower. No problem getting in with weekly wristband. But sign says no coolers or alcohol. Another gate attendant said there are 5000 rules for entering, she follows 4999 of them. Gate by hbc pavilion has no sign prohibiting alcohol. So i am chilling my beers now at camp sholler and will bike in later to hbc gate. Sorry i couldn't find pabst blue ribbon on sale so had to bring the good stuff from california.
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Beer !! ?? !!

Wait! Can?t we drink beer today AND Tuesday?

As for the gate guard. They don?t allow day visitors bringing in alcohol.
?I am camping at my aircraft and restocking my food and drink? Works fine.

It doesn't look like there is much chance of enough people to make it into Osh today in the next 2.5 hours to pull off the beer tasting. Let's postpone to either Tuesday or Wednesday?

In other news, the Captain and I have been fully taking advantage of being stranded in towns with great beer scenes!
It doesn't look like there is much chance of enough people to make it into Osh today in the next 2.5 hours to pull off the beer tasting. Let's postpone to either Tuesday or Wednesday?

In other news, the Captain and I have been fully taking advantage of being stranded in towns with great beer scenes!

Are we on, or postponing? Anxiously awaiting the news.

It doesn't look like there is much chance of enough people to make it into Osh today in the next 2.5 hours to pull off the beer tasting. Let's postpone to either Tuesday or Wednesday?

In other news, the Captain and I have been fully taking advantage of being stranded in towns with great beer scenes!

I?m in, assuming we can all get to OSH by then. :eek:
Mike, since you are in N IL, you may be able to find some Zombie Dust from 3 Floyd?s Brewing in nearby IN, good stuff. As a matter of fact I am drinking one right now in my Oshkosh 2018 mug. :D