Robert Anglin

Well Known Member
I see they have some new rules about visiting the infield before the show this year. We have always driven up or flown in to HBP in the past. I would like to try out the Home built camping this year. In order to get a good spot we think it would be a good idea to try and get there early, after seeing the numbers in HBC from last year. Question, how early can we get there and set up to camp? I have come in Thursday and Friday of the week before, but that was when we had a room to stay in.
Thanks for any input. Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888

For the paste several years I've been able to get a fairly good spot on Friday or early Saturday at HBC. I would say that it starts to fill up by late Saturday and some years in the past, even by Sunday. Honestly, one of the main factors as to how fast it fills up has always been the weather pattern in the surrounding states.
We met some folks that got there Wednesday before the show last year. Just Parked themselves and set up camp then visited local attractions every day till the show started.

Just don't expect all the nice things like food, water, bathrooms, showers, hospitality crew, welcome wagon, ect!
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I'm just not going to worry about exactly when we get there. I know Jeff will find a place to stick my airplane and tent. If you try to too carefully engineer your Oshkosh experience, you'll surely be disappointed at some point.
I've heard that they will always make room for homebuilts but how is the parking in HBC on Tuesday/Wednesday usually?
Scott, that's probably the best advice ever. It always works out somehow. It seems like each time I go, there's a minor irritant like being too close to banging porta johns, or a wet spot that doesn't get good drainage, etc. But the good always far outweighs the bad. I have a chance to meet lots of fun new neighbors and I get to wake up to the sweet morning sounds of yodeling and Mustangs taking off. This will be my 33rd year and it gets better every time...well, almost. Nothing can top when the Concorde visited.
I've arrived around noon on Saturday the past 3 years & have been parked in rows 2 & 3 closest to the HBC pavilion.
Nothing can top when the Concorde visited.

You are so right. It made the earth shake with every departure.

There is one thing that will top it, when it happens....SpaceX or Blue Origin landing a booster at show center. I want to live long enough to see a spaceship drop out of the sky and land vertically, like the science fiction pulp I read as a kid.

REA, I saw the new access rules for the main display area. I don't think it will make any difference for the folks in HBC.

About time to wake the Beer Fairy.
Thanks All.

Yep sounds about right. I was there Friday last year and that was a very good day for HBP, next to that Dragon thingy. You have a good idea, Beer Fairy and are the 8 drivers going to meat at the Theater again this year? It will be here sooner than later. Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888
...a spaceship drop out of the sky and land vertically, like the science fiction pulp I read as a kid.

And how. Felt that way the first time I saw a video of a SpaceX booster return.

But Sheldon Cooper figured it all out; he was just ahead of his time. :D
Yep! Concord

When Capt John Cook flew the Concord at Oshkosh! Those were the two BEST Oshkosh events Ever!!!
Anywhere at Oshkosh is Great. Scott is correct, just let Jeff park you, and enjoy, don?t over plan, let it happen.
Question, how early can we get there and set up to camp? I have come in Thursday and Friday of the week before, but that was when we had a room to stay in.
Thanks for any input. Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888
You can come on Thursday or Friday if you like, that won't be any problem. Usually by Friday we have things completely set up and are ready to handle arrivals, but we also take in the early bird arrivals on Wednesday and Thursday as they come. Just tell ground control that you want to taxi to the west end of taxiway papa-1. We try to monitor the tower radio to know when the early birds are showing up but don't be surprised if there are no volunteers around when you get there- we are probably elsewhere on the field. Just be patient and we'll get to you eventually.
There is one thing that will top it, when it happens....SpaceX or Blue Origin landing a booster at show center. I want to live long enough to see a spaceship drop out of the sky and land vertically, like the science fiction pulp I read as a kid.

Just like God and Robert Heinlein intended :D

Dan, you sure know how to tease someone with a thought like that...
You can come on Thursday or Friday if you like, that won't be any problem. Usually by Friday we have things completely set up and are ready to handle arrivals, but we also take in the early bird arrivals on Wednesday and Thursday as they come. Just tell ground control that you want to taxi to the west end of taxiway papa-1. We try to monitor the tower radio to know when the early birds are showing up but don't be surprised if there are no volunteers around when you get there- we are probably elsewhere on the field. Just be patient and we'll get to you eventually.

That is what we did at HBP on Friday last year. This sound like the ticket to me. Have not camped before, but with the new shed over there last year it looks like a nice area to be in for this trip. Hope to see you there, Tanks.
Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888
DO's and DON'Ts

Hi guys,

still in the decision phase which plane to build it really looks like I'll get the chance to come over and visit Oshkosh this year. I've never been there before and maybe I've not the right idea how huge this event is :confused:

I'm planning for only 2 nights, most of the local overnight locations offer 3 nights and more. So I booked a hotel within a one hour drive from the field and plan to go there the 2 days early in the morning by car. What do you think, is it a good idea to come over by car or will I spend hours in traffic jams?

Is there any advice from your experience for a novice like me?
Maybe some DOs and DONT's?
One thing I know is that I have to be at the VANS box right at the beginning to eventually have the chance to get a demo flight.

Thank you very much for your ideas and your help, I'm looking forward to all the nice RVs.

Hi guys,

still in the decision phase which plane to build it really looks like I'll get the chance to come over and visit Oshkosh this year. I've never been there before and maybe I've not the right idea how huge this event is :confused:

I'm planning for only 2 nights, most of the local overnight locations offer 3 nights and more. So I booked a hotel within a one hour drive from the field and plan to go there the 2 days early in the morning by car. What do you think, is it a good idea to come over by car or will I spend hours in traffic jams?

Is there any advice from your experience for a novice like me?
Maybe some DOs and DONT's?
One thing I know is that I have to be at the VANS box right at the beginning to eventually have the chance to get a demo flight.

Thank you very much for your ideas and your help, I'm looking forward to all the nice RVs.


Traffic is non-existent if you go early enough. The gates open at 6:00am and I'm usually there when they open. This is by far my favorite time of the day there, before the hoards show up. Van's will open their booth around 8:00, if I remember correctly. A line forms to sign up for demo rides then. If you leave the grounds before about 5:00pm, traffic is once again not bad. I stay in Appleton, which is about a 15-minute drive.

You are so right. It made the earth shake with every departure.

There is one thing that will top it, when it happens....SpaceX or Blue Origin landing a booster at show center. I want to live long enough to see a spaceship drop out of the sky and land vertically, like the science fiction pulp I read as a kid.

REA, I saw the new access rules for the main display area. I don't think it will make any difference for the folks in HBC.

About time to wake the Beer Fairy.

I really wish I could have experienced Concorde... but at least I was there when Doc arrived last year... that was pretty big.
As for the Beer Fairy, you're right. We had some fun when she did that cameo in my music video "Beer O'Clock in Manitowoc"... it will be good to see her again! So much to look forward to... and it's not far off!
2 days isn't anywhere near enough time for Oshkosh. You might see 1/10 of it in 2 days - if you work at it.

Ed Holyoke

Hi guys,

still in the decision phase which plane to build it really looks like I'll get the chance to come over and visit Oshkosh this year. I've never been there before and maybe I've not the right idea how huge this event is :confused:

I'm planning for only 2 nights, most of the local overnight locations offer 3 nights and more. So I booked a hotel within a one hour drive from the field and plan to go there the 2 days early in the morning by car. What do you think, is it a good idea to come over by car or will I spend hours in traffic jams?

Is there any advice from your experience for a novice like me?
Maybe some DOs and DONT's?
One thing I know is that I have to be at the VANS box right at the beginning to eventually have the chance to get a demo flight.

Thank you very much for your ideas and your help, I'm looking forward to all the nice RVs.

I can attest to this. I spent one day there last year and felt like I got robbed! :D This year I am trying to talk the wife into the whole week. But, 2 days is better than none!
There is one thing that will top it, when it happens....SpaceX or Blue Origin landing a booster at show center. I want to live long enough to see a spaceship drop out of the sky and land vertically, like the science fiction pulp I read as a kid.

I don't want to be anywhere that close to a fueled booster with an active and autonomous Flight Termination System enabled. There's a lot of energy stored in that fuel! :eek:
Nothing can top when the Concorde visited.

You are so right. It made the earth shake with every departure.

About time to wake the Beer Fairy.

When Capt John Cook flew the Concorde at Oshkosh! Those were the two BEST Oshkosh events Ever!!!
Anywhere at Oshkosh is Great.

I loved seeing the Concorde land near my RV back in 1998.

Thanks for your tips, unfortunately I don't have more time, so I have to plan a little ahead to efficiently organize my visit.:)
"so I have to plan a little ahead to efficiently organize my visit"

Good Luck. I've been trying to do that for years! :D
Some guy in New Mexico says it might be dangerous... with all that fuel and everything. And his photo by his member name is 90 degrees to a Robin in flight. Although I see Hawks assuming that attitude when hungry. Looking forward to all the cool aviation in one spot. And I suppose I would stand WAY back too.... if they stuck a spacecraft vertically into that small space. Cheers.
Hello everybody, Oshkosh first timer is here.
My intention is to hang out and camp with HomeBuild crowd and I just want to reconcile few things that are not really obvious to me yet.
If I am driving in : can I camp and park in the HomeBuild area and where approximately that would be ?
On the map I can see HomeBuild aircraft camping and some green space east of that.

Just few pointer from those who know their ways about it.

My equipment: SUV + Screen gazebo, ETA Late Jul 20/ Early 21
Hello everybody, Oshkosh first timer is here.
My intention is to hang out and camp with HomeBuild crowd and I just want to reconcile few things that are not really obvious to me yet.
If I am driving in : can I camp and park in the HomeBuild area and where approximately that would be ?
On the map I can see HomeBuild aircraft camping and some green space east of that.

Just few pointer from those who know their ways about it.

My equipment: SUV + Screen gazebo, ETA Late Jul 20/ Early 21

Pretty sure you can only camp in homebuilt if you are with a plane. Just camp in Scholler. There's a good chance you'll end up near someone who has or is building an RV. We're everywhere!!:D
Hello everybody, Oshkosh first timer is here.
My intention is to hang out and camp with HomeBuild crowd and I just want to reconcile few things that are not really obvious to me yet.
If I am driving in : can I camp and park in the HomeBuild area and where approximately that would be ?
On the map I can see HomeBuild aircraft camping and some green space east of that.

Just few pointer from those who know their ways about it.

My equipment: SUV + Screen gazebo, ETA Late Jul 20/ Early 21

No cars allowed in HBC. I suspect that the gazebo would be frowned upon as well.

There are plenty of homebuilders that camp at Scholler. Many RV specific campers are clustered in Scholler. You just have to do a little due diligence in advanced to find out where they camp.