
At Oshkosh each year, Lindy Awards (named after aviation hero Charles Lindbergh) are presented to acknowledge excellence in workmanship in all aircraft categories, but we are always especially interested in the Homebuilt category. I?m sure several RVs won awards, and more will be posted soon, but we just learned it was a very successful Oshkosh 2016 for a couple of airplanes on ?Renegade Row?. Chris Ives won a Kit Outstanding Workmanship Plaque for his beautiful WWII Navy painted RV-8. And Bob Markert won Reserve Grand Champion Kit Built - Silver Lindy for his amazing RV-8, Shadowfax! Both are very deserving of their awards.

Great job, Chris and Bob, the Renegades are proud of both of you!!

Jim Gray
Flight Lead - Rocky Mountain Renegades




Congrats Bob and Chris. I saw both airplanes and they are truly deserving. Awesome job.
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