
Well Known Member
It took me awhile, but I finally wrote up my week at Oshkosh. I finished flying my Phase One hours on Tuesday and on Saturday was winging my way towards Oshkosh from Baltimore with a couple of RVs from Gaithersburg, Maryland. This was the first time I"ve spent the entire week at the show, first time camping on the North40 with a group, and the first time I've arrived by air in an airplane I built!

Enjoy! Link
Bill, Nice job! I enjoyed the photos and the write up......... I looked at your RV when it was in the show can be proud of it ..........Have fun, Mike
Well done

Bill I liked some words/phrases from your novel so much I have made some notes for future:

...The Disneyland of Aviation

...Saturday morning we got up at some ridiculous hour

...Chicago has a scenic skyline; that's about the only nice thing I'm going to say about this corrupt city

...We were all exhilerated

...gigantic formation flight

...but then found out it was $100 or something so I exited the line

...jetski for the sky

...I have no doubt Burt Rutan can put the inept federal government out of the satellite launching business. plane got thoroughly soaked.

...Mayor Daly just had it bulldozed inthe middle of the night.Out of control government

...picked up a strong tailwind, and zoomed home

Very well written Bill. Spaseebo. Da.
Flaming RV-3

Thanks for giving me the credit for the picture of the flamed RV-3, unfortunately you got the builder/owner's name wrong. He is Dave Sloan or "Sloanie" from Boswell, IN.

Nice write-up and pictures. Thanks for the effort.
Thanks Bill

Last time I was in Oshkosh was 1995. You took me back there again! Great shots and storyline.....I will look out for you next year :)

Best, Ray Williams
Mittagong, New South Wales