
Active Member
Hi folks,

need the advice of the experienced Oshkosh visitors. We - two of my buddies and me - just booked our flight tickets Frankfurt - Chicago and we will go to Oshkosh for a couple of days. Our plan is to stay until Sunday. This will be my first trip to Oshkosh (I'm a veteran Sun'n Fun visitor, though).

My question is regarding hotels: ideally, we would like to keep our schedule flexible. Is it possible to get hotel rooms easily or do you recommend to book ahead? We are willing to stay outside the Oshkosh area (say 50 to 60 miles).


...My question is regarding hotels: ideally, we would like to keep our schedule flexible. Is it possible to get hotel rooms easily or do you recommend to book ahead? We are willing to stay outside the Oshkosh area (say 50 to 60 miles)...


"Book ahead" would have been last year. Hotels in the area tend to get booked up months in advance. You might have a hard time getting a reservation even now. Although I imagine you could probably still find something in Green Bay, about a 45 minute drive from OSH. (Getting a rental car without early reservation might also be difficult.)

There are also camping and dormitory-style accommodations, but I'm not sure how early those tend to fill up. Maybe someone else can comment on that.

Camping on the grounds a Camp Scholler never fills up, but it would be tough to arrange all the necessary camping gear if coming from overseas. At this late date the nearest hotels are over an hour drive from Oshkosh.
Suggest you check out the Airventure web site for lodging at:
You may want to e-mail EAA directly since they often have special arrangements for overseas visitors.
Hi folks,

need the advice of the experienced Oshkosh visitors. We - two of my buddies and me - just booked our flight tickets Frankfurt - Chicago and we will go to Oshkosh for a couple of days. Our plan is to stay until Sunday. This will be my first trip to Oshkosh (I'm a veteran Sun'n Fun visitor, though).

My question is regarding hotels: ideally, we would like to keep our schedule flexible. Is it possible to get hotel rooms easily or do you recommend to book ahead? We are willing to stay outside the Oshkosh area (say 50 to 60 miles).



My guess is that the convenient hotels are booked. However I've heard many tales about space in the dorms coming open at the last minute.

Failing that, you could always visit a Target or Wal-Mart in the vicinity and purchase a tent and other camping gear. At the end of your stay, you could donate the stuff or just throw it away.
You shouldn't have any problem finding a last minute dorm room available thru EAA. With pilots flying in from all points of the compass, there are always cancellations due to bad weather happening in some part of the country. Most of these rooms are not air-conditioned, so you may want to bring a fan. You will be able to park your car at the dorm, as there is excellent shuttle service to Airventure, and you can avoid the parking fees and the long walk onto the field.
Viel Gluck
Terry, CFI
Go camping!

I agree that most hotels in a 80 mile range will be booked. Just buy a small tent, put some sleeping bags in your suitcase and you're done!
We did so, travelling from The Netherlands to Chicago. Car hire is not expensive, and you can buy some cheap plastic chairs at the local Wallmart. In the morning you can go to the store for a coffee and a muffin. In the evening, when the hotelpeople mostly have left, there are also things to do.... seeing Jeff Dunham for example, or watch a movie.

There is a Wall Mart across from the airport and they seem to have extra tents and camping supplies just for this occasion.

I've had decent success in booking hotels in Appleton at the last minute. They have nice hotels and plenty of good restaurants. It's not as convenient as being next to the airport, but many people do stay there, including a lot of the people working the show.

I think getting a rental car is a bigger challenge. They tend to gouge you for the rental rates. Last year I ended up with a 12-man crew van because it was all they had left. I still paid the economy car rate, which made them wince as they handed me the keys.

As you're looking into the hotels, you should ask the people at the front desk what sort of shuttle options are available. If you can't find a rental car, that would be a good backup.
No Problem if 60 miles are OK

I fly in the Air Venture Cup race and stay in the outlying areas with no problem. Last year I tied the plane down at the finish line airport and got a room through the FBO.

Bob Axsom

I have found that the Airventure link on the EAA website that directs you to housing isn't complete in that it doesn't show all of the hotels in the area. We are staying in Appleton at the Country Inn and Suites on Hiway 44 at College Street. I got it off of the Country Inn website. There is also a Hilton Garden Inn on the east side of Appleton that may have rooms. Just go on the Hilton website. The prices are inflated during Airventure so expect to pay more. Hopefully, not everybody knows about these but I guess now the secret is out. I like staying in Appleton. It is a pleasant 20 minute drive to the airshow. There are some great restaurants in Appleton including a great German restaurant downtown.

Of course, the earlier you book, the better your chances.

We're getting in Tuesday, July 28 and leaving July 31 via Delta. I still haven't mustered up the courage to fly up from FL. Maybe next year.

Bill Near

I have stayed at the YMCA for the past four years. It is indoor camping. You set up your tent on the indoor soccer arena. There is a shuttle to OSH three times a day. All the benefits of the Y plus a snack bar. Let me know if you need more details. Randy
I've only been to Oshkosh once (hope to make it twice this year!) and stayed in the dorms (just crashed on the floor of a dorm that was booked ahead of time by some friends). I quite liked the dorms - reasonably comfortable, good, safe parking (I was on a motorcycle, no one messed with it) and quite close to the airfield. I would like to try camping too - might go that route this time around. I don't recal whether there was air conditioning - I don't think there was, but I also was only at the dorms at night - I spent the days at the show!


Just Down the Road

Hi Thilo,

I am based just down the road from you just outside Frankfurt. I would like to touch base with you with respect to any dealings you have had with the LBA and OUV.

Would that be possible?

Vielen danke,

Der Inselaffe