
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
If you have an album full of OSH'21 pics, put that link in this thread if you feel the urge. If you would like to attach an image or two please do, but please don't attach all of them <g>. v/r,dr
How about that.

What a surprise! I opened Doug’s Smug Mug photo album and that’s me in the first photo.

Hey Gary,

I thought that was you when I looked at the link too, but I couldn't see the tail number.
A Message from...

While standing in the Van's Aircraft display Tuesday morning, I saw a barcoded message in the sky saying, "Just write the check."

Nice group of photos, Bruce. I couldn't make it this year and your photos give a nice cross section of airplanes. The picture of my old boss, Stein, at the beer social in his "NASCAR" shirt brings back memories of working the booth. Thanks for the posting.
Wingtip Damage

I am the one responsible for the wingtip damage:mad: It was a very unfortunate accident due to the OSH winds.The stakes provided by the shade canopy are not near strong enough, or long enough for the canopy and have been replaced.

I have been in touch with Bruce and will make sure that his plane is repaired.

For those in the know, is this an aviation accident covered under Aviation insurance? or is it a Homeowners Insurance incident filed there?

I am presently waiting to hear back from my Aviation Insurance carrier. Gut feeling is that it isn't covered. But the more information I have, the quicker I can settle this with Bruce.

I am the one responsible for the wingtip damage:mad: It was a very unfortunate accident due to the OSH winds.The stakes provided by the shade canopy are not near strong enough, or long enough for the canopy and have been replaced.

I have been in touch with Bruce and will make sure that his plane is repaired.

For those in the know, is this an aviation accident covered under Aviation insurance? or is it a Homeowners Insurance incident filed there?

I am presently waiting to hear back from my Aviation Insurance carrier. Gut feeling is that it isn't covered. But the more information I have, the quicker I can settle this with Bruce.


I'm not stressed about it. It could have been much worse! I'll fly up to Corona this week (need some oil from Spruce) and will talk to the paint shop there that did the original job. Should be easy to touch up.

Also, I finished up writing a new blog entry. Link in the signature.
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Yes, it’s me….

I spoke with the pilot, Luke. We talked about our RVs. Didn’t get his last name, but he says he’s on VAF too.

I am one of yours…..
I brought one of the big fellas…….i am just not ready to cross the pond on the other one.

I go by “Luke” due to my last name which is spelled LUKASCZYK.
For firsttimers it is really hard to pronounce it right the first time, so usually they stop after the first three letters.
My first name is Peter.
But even if i have a “callsign”, i still have to work for my money.

The RV social was quite a blast!
I got to meet numerous great people during Oshkosh ‘21.
Was an honor to be there and meet all of you.

See you around…..
new this year

new this year, orange and vanilla dreamsicle .... everyday. you can still get the chocolate vanilla swirl from a new second soft serve vendor added this year.

Aerial Photo?

Would anyone happen to have an aerial photo of the HBP/HBC area from this year? Maybe one taken by someone that took a helicopter ride….

Thanks in advance!