6 Gun

Well Known Member
After reading Sport Aviation the OSH edition I was very disappointed to not find any response to over half of all homebuilts being Vans RV not a word or a picture how can that be?30 years of the best selling kit ever and like it never happened !O well so much for the largest display of any design ever.
It's hard to imagine how much smaller OSH would be, and how much the business of so many vendors would be if there were no VANS airplanes. This series of airplanes is carrying most of the homebuilt movement on its back and has spawned many businesses making after market stuff, many of whom attend the show to sell their wares. Perhaps they are going to do a detailed story covering the anniversary party in a coming issue? They would be crazy not to cover this.
Proably didn't mention it because everybody already knows. It's been printed a thousand times that Vans is king of experimental and has the most attendees at OSH for the last 20 years.
This year was my very first Oshkosh experience. I was amazed at just how many RV's were parked in the Homebuilt area. Definitely wasn't expecting over 50% to be Van's! They should get their own section. That would make it easier to see the non-Van's homebuilts. :p

Sport Aviation usually milks the Oshkosh news/events for multiple months, so expect to see something on the anniversary of the RV-6 at some point.
It's hard to imagine how much smaller OSH would be, and how much the business of so many vendors would be if there were no VANS airplanes. This series of airplanes is carrying most of the homebuilt movement on its back and has spawned many businesses making after market stuff, many of whom attend the show to sell their wares. Perhaps they are going to do a detailed story covering the anniversary party in a coming issue? They would be crazy not to cover this.
Very true, but there was homebuilding before there was Van's. A lot of people build RV's who would build something else if RV's weren't available.

In fact, one could argue that Van's has had a somewhat negative effect on the homebuilt industry by selling a kit almost no one can compete with. As they say, "EAA = Every Airplane Alike." Without Van's, how many more Glasairs would there be? Wittman Tailwinds? Lancair 360's? Zeniths? RANS?

I LOVE RV's, but I miss the variety there once was, and I don't think Van's is carrying the whole industry on their back any more than they're trampling it underfoot.
My 2 cents

The parking in all areas is extremely closely monitored by EAA. I fly the Bell 47's and twice a day a staff photographer is flown and photos take of all the areas. Homebuilt parking is one of those key areas.

Since the area due East of HBP is primarily RV's, a suggestion would be to make HBC the area directly North of the current HBC. Make it exclusive to camping. That is a nice sized area and would eliminate the mixing of HBC and HBP.

Then the current area where RV's are could be strictly RV's. The 10's could move across the taxiway and make the current 10 area all other HB's. This would really give a clear picture of the magnitude of influence the RV's have on the Home Built world.
After reading Sport Aviation the OSH edition I was very disappointed to not find any response to over half of all homebuilts being Vans RV not a word or a picture how can that be?30 years of the best selling kit ever and like it never happened !O well so much for the largest display of any design ever.
Well page 72 has a few words about the RV6 celebration. The Pic on page 73 is a Very cool RV7A built by firend and formation pilot Mercedes "Cougar". It was finished very recently- My 6A is in the fuzzy background- So technically, there it is. And since my 6A was in it, WAY AWESOME!:D:D
There's a picture on page 76 in Sport Aviation with a large group of RV owners in front of a banner that says "RV-6 30th Anniversary."

If you want more detailed information, Kitplanes magazine ran 16 pages on the RV-6 turning 30 in their August 2016 issue.
Since the area due East of HBP is primarily RV's, a suggestion would be to make HBC the area directly North of the current HBC. Make it exclusive to camping. That is a nice sized area and would eliminate the mixing of HBC and HBP.
The area north of the current HBC (the old red lot auto parking) is not nearly big enough to contain all of HBC, and in fact some of HBC overflows into the west end of this area.

There is no mixing of HBC and HPB, at least not intentionally. There is a defined border between the two, usually around row 314 or so. Towards the end, the border at the west end can get a little gerrymander looking as we try to balance the arrivals. It is impossible to know with precision exactly how many of which types will arrive and depart on which days, so there is some guesswork involved in the planning.
Page 76 baby! I can actually spot Lisa in her green 99's t-shirt and I'm next to her with my customary orange sunglasses.
There's that other thread where people are aghast that non-RVers might think RVers somebody to avoid. Can you imagine the image problem we get if EAA came out and said it's creating a dedicated space for one model of airplane?
There's that other thread where people are aghast that non-RVers might think RVers somebody to avoid. Can you imagine the image problem we get if EAA came out and said it's creating a dedicated space for one model of airplane?
I don't see any problem at all. To be clear- there are dedicated areas for each type of homebuilt at Oshkosh. RVs are much more numerous than any other type, but there are dedicated areas for each of the other types. It may only be one row on the flightline, but each type has a designated area.
I don't see any problem at all. To be clear- there are dedicated areas for each type of homebuilt at Oshkosh. RVs are much more numerous than any other type, but there are dedicated areas for each of the other types. It may only be one row on the flightline, but each type has a designated area.

+1. There was a row of Velocities in front of my parking spot this year.

Been meaning to talk to you about that Point. Prevented me from being "in the front row" (que Bob Uecker voice) 😎